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Jojo T.

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Posts posted by Jojo T.

  1. I also like your balls :laugh2: i think the colours are great and the FOs sound perfect. I love playing with balls and have found that the aluminium seamless mold i have works very well leaving no seams at all - it cost a bit but it's definitely worth it.

  2. Sometimes mottled candles look just like marble as well. Mottled candles are a lot easier to do, less mess and quicker. Marbled candles take more input from you as what you do can change the look of your finished candle quite dramatically, whereas mottled candles are a wax FO process independent of you.

  3. Those are gorgeous! What's the scent?

    I loves marbles, and I wish I could make them, but liquid dye is expensive, and I know I'd just screw it up anyway, so no marbles for me. :(

    These are only mottled. They weren't hard to do and I use dye chips - they are very hard to screw up so do have a go - if they don't turn out you can always remelt and try again. You're going to laugh when you hear that the scent I used is Storm Watch - they don't look very stormy, but I just love that FO.
  4. Jo, impressive marble and candle. What on earth did you use for a mould?
    It does look rather tall in the photo - it's just another one in my 2" x 9" seamless aluminium mold. And once again, I named it incorrectly, it's actually a mottled candle. It did look like marble though, which is probably what got me into the swing of calling them the wrong thing.
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