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Posts posted by ChandlerWicks

  1. Not the best way to make new friends! I think the jar shape complements the way the colors are laid out. Its the dang plastic white thing in the lid that throws it off IMHO. What about one of the flat clear plastic ones? Anyway its pretty!

    Thank you Noodle. It was obvious that he did not like my candles. I know I was way off on scent, but he did not like anything about them :-) I have read some of his posts on other thread and he has immediately let everyone know that he does not like a lot of advise that is given on this forum and seems to be here to give his great input since he has been making candles for so long. I hope that he does it with a less abrasive approach in the future. At my age, I have learned to have a pretty thick skin, but some of our newer people may be intimidated by his constructive criticism .
  2. I can't believe how good & strong this FO smells. I poured 8 different scents & its blowing the others away! I used 8% in 4627 wax. Does anyone use a higher FO% then the % the owner of the company recommends? She sent me several great info sheets explaining why to only use the low %, but I wasn't happy with the HT of the candles. The CT on the following was great but the HT was kinda weak:

    Vanilla Voodoo

    Tiger Lilly & Cantaloupe

    FairyDust & TwinkleToes


  3. I'm just in the beginning stage so of course trying everything. I have only gotten great HT's from:



    Birthday Cake

    Blueberry Blastoff

    Macintosh Apple

    The following are:

    Jamaica Me Crazy-Weak

    Fruit Slices-Really great unbelieveable CT no HT at all except for carmelized sugar smell

    Strawberry Cheesecake-Weak, Yuch

    Bird of Paradise-Weak

    Coconut Lime Verbana-Weak

    Garden Rain Barrel-weak compared to CS's Rain Water

    Butterscotch Bread Pudding-weak

    Peaches & Cream-yuch nothing but weak baby food smell. Now since I'm inexperienced I really feel its something I'm doing wrong since everyone else says they are great. I'll reorder all of the above fO's again to retry because its really not fair for me to judge since I'm having so much trouble.

    I had started a thread over in the general section, about all the trouble I've been having with the oils dropping out. But on this thread, everyone seems to be having great success with this company's oils. It seems most folks that have posted, use some type of soy wax, so when I noticed that you use paraffin, I had to ask how it was going. I was shocked when you said you were using 9%. I normally use anywhere from 8% to 10% when making tarts. This is the first time I've had oils that wouldn't stay mixed in. Still trying to figure it out.
  4. Good Morning Diana,

    Not in the pot, I mixed for 2 minutes, I'm watching everything like a hawk. While burning, a weird beige color was sitting on the top of wax. That also happened with 9% FO of hyacinth but not 6%. I figured it was something I was doing wrong!


    I was reading your post about making the status jar candle with The Sugar Cookie scent. You said you used a 9% fragrance oil load. I wondered if you had any trouble with the oil not staying mixed into the wax? I use 4786, and a 5% I had a small amount of separation. At 8%, there was oil left in the bottom of my pour pot. I heat to 185, mix for 1 minute, and pour. I've been having problems with some of these oils, and only by going down to 4% in some cases, have they stayed completely mixed in. I'm afraid they won't have much smell to them, with such low amounts of f.o.

  5. Whoops nevermind! Lost a page! I like this one. I always write "&" like this, so maybe others might.

    Hmm.. with the - in there isn't bad at all. Thanks scottopus :D

    Now I'm wondering....LOL

    and or N... it's actually Candles & Beyond..

    I really wish I knew more about this stuff :(

    Do you host it wherever and it gets redirected there, or does who you register the domain with host it?

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