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simply fragrant

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Posts posted by simply fragrant

  1. A good way to gather email addresses is get a roll of "tickets" and have them put their email addy on it - entering them in a drawing. The non winning entries can still be contacted, perhaps offering a small discount if they order. Has worked well for me anyway.

    ksranch What a great idea!

    Faithful, could you rent a canopy? I always liked them, keeps the sun from glaring on the product, encloses your "space". Our party store rents them for a half day, realize that is another expense though.

  2. Soy and palm are not pliable like paraffin, they are very brittle and you will not be able to 'hug' them. If wicked properly they should melt down gradually as the candle wick gets lower. Some people like leaving a slight shell as they look pretty with the flame shining through the thin shell.

    Thank you for this info ChrisR, soy is new territory for me!

  3. So I'm brand new to the forums and to candle making. We just made our first batch this weekend with limited success. The success was that we didn't burn the house down, the not so successful was the no scent throw and wet spots.


    It appears that your burned your candle right after you made it? I don't use soy, but my understanding is that soy candles must be "cured" for a few days before burning to get the best scent throw, maybe some of the soy experts will chime in. In the meantime there is tons of information available by using the "search" function, it will become your new best friend! Best of luck!

  4. I think the situation you've described above is less likely than an even worse scenario, which I've actually seen happen, and that is: some creep sees you at a craft fair or wherever, then gets your physical address off of one of your products, and either stalks you or comes to your house and then you're the victim of a home invasion, rape, robbery, or murder.

    I have to admit, that scenario has crossed my mind too!

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