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Posts posted by jluper7297

  1. There is a company called US Container and they have a location here in Phoenix. I got some jelly jars there a few years back for 25 cents each. Their website is awful but you can call them, let them know what you are looking for and they will send you samples. I don't know if they let you come in to look. Just google US Container.

    You aren't kidding their website is awful!!

  2. That is the lamest excuse ever... and probably not true. I've learned as an ebay seller for many years, being in the hospital or having had surgery is one of the favorite excuses for why people can't pay or didn't pay for the item they won. It's pretty much tied with death in the family.

    And why on earth would she think buying your item would give her the right to steal your work?

  3. I tried honeydew melon and sugar cookie at 6% and got very little Hot throw on the melon, okay on the Sugar Cookie. I was pouring vanilla yesterday and really wanted them to be strong, just poured 3 testers, one for me, and one for 2 different friends. They are helping me test because I want different opinions.

    I am using 4630A, 9oz hex jars. In both I tried 51-32-18 and 44-24-18. The HT in the melon was nonexistant and the Sugar Cookie was ok. Now I am experimenting with HTP wicks

  4. I would like to up the percentage of FO for a couple of candles. So far I have only done 6%, because that is easy. 1oz per pound of wax. How do I figure out other formulas?

    I want to pour 3 candles that take 7.5 oz of wax each, I want to up the FO to 10% I know I will have to add some vybar probably to prevent weeping, but I don't want to add too much and lock up the scent.

    How do I figure out how much FO & Vybar I need?

  5. Okay, let me prelude by saying that I have NEVER made soap before. And I know nothing about it so if this is the world's dumbest question, I appologize.

    I am making cheerleader survival kits for my duaghter's cheer team going to Nationals. It's a bag filled with random stuff representing different things to 'help' them get through competition day. One of the items is a mini soap to help them deliver a clean routine. I have a candy/soap mold that is a little bar that says Cheerleading on it that I used to make chocolate bars for State Competition once. Is it possible to make a quick, easy peasy soap? Like is there a kit or something? If not I will just buy regular soaps, but I thought it would be cute to use the mold.

    Oh yea, we are leaving for Vegas for the competition in 5 days.

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