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Posts posted by classiccandle

  1. The use of the word "organic" can only be used if you have been officially certified as meeting the standards to use the word. You can state organic aloe in your ingredient listing but not as stand alone on the label. This info comes from the book I recommended.

    Ah, I see. Well I don't need to say organic on the front of the label. I can use some of the other ingredients that sound just as good. Big Brother - always sticking his nose where people don't want it.

    Thank you!

  2. Thanks ladies.

    TallTayl - The idea that the packets aren't resealable has crossed my mind. That's why I haven't committed to them yet. I've also read where people have had trouble with them staying sealed and leaking the contents out prior to getting to the customer. I suppose there are some who want to be able to apply the lotion several times before they decide whether they want it or not. I've read several reviews of different lotion sample packets where the persons have stated that they didn't think there was enough product included to help them make a decision as to whether to buy or not. Perhaps those people are few and far between? I've never been a fan of the malibu bottles. There's just something about the way they look. If, however, others, such as yourself, have found that customers dont' mind them and will buy them then I can certainly get used to them...lol. I don't have the capability of putting them in the squeeze type tubes as I don't have a machine to seal them with, yet. :smiley2:

    OldGlory - I have considered charging a small fee for retail samples. My fear is if I put free samples in a retail location that there are those who will take a handful or two rather than just one and just keep coming back for the freebies. I could use the malibu tubes mentioned above until such time that I find something different plus charge a minimal fee. I did see where B&BW had 2 oz travel sizes of body lotion for $5 each or 3 for $10. Maybe I'll try something like that.

    Thanks to everyone again. It's a pleasure getting your input.


  3. Thanks Jeanie. It does help.

    In my research of foil sample packets I've run across others saying the same thing. They couldn't make a buying decision simply because there wasn't enough product included in the packet. I've measured out 1 oz of lotion and it was more than I expected it to be. Perhaps that much would be enough to use for several applications? I'm a guy so needless to say I don't use lotion much and when I do it's as little as possible. From a woman's perspective would 1 oz be enough to get you closer to making a buying decision? I don't think giving away more than that is going to be feasible.

  4. I was thinking of using foil sample packets such as these (http://www.wholesalesuppliesplus.com/ProductDetail.aspx?CatalogID=9&GroupID=443&CategoryID=1541&ProductID=9541&ProductName=Crafters+Choice%E2%84%A2+Heat+Seal+Travel+Packet+-+Silver%2c+3+x+5+inches) to give away lotion samples but one supplier, not WSP, advised me against using a packet that holds an ounce to an ounce and a half and recommended against giving that much lotion away. They said that much isn't considered a sample size and that it won't convert to sales.

    Does anyone have any experience using sample packets for lotion and would you recommend the ones like at WSP or something smaller that holds a 1/2 ounce of so?

    Thank you!

  5. I guess the one issue of contention regarding the labels is the use of the colored square. The biggest reason I use it is to set each bottle apart from the others. When a returning customer wants to purchase one they'll know right away which color to choose. If they want another juniper berry they know to look for the blue square, gardenia, the white square, etc. That way they don't have to read every bottle in order to find the one they're looking for. Does that make sense?

    I'd like to differentiate each bottle but if the square isn't the answer what recommendations would you make? I'm open to anything.

    TexasBrat - is there something that isn't listed/placed correctly on my labels? I try very hard to make sure the FDA guidelines are met but perhaps I've overlooked something.

    Again, thank you everyone for your input. I enjoy constructive criticism. Thinking outside the box comes easier for some than for others (like me)...lol.

  6. The look I’m wanting to capture is the spa look so it looks like I’m heading in the right direction.

    Belinda – thank you!

    Karen – thank you!

    SuzyK – I added the colored square to coincide with what I believe the color of the fragrance might be. White for gardenia, blue for berry, I have a pink grapefruit fragranced lotion with a pinkish square, and unscented with no color in the square. Would you guys do away with the square? Should I put something else in its place?

    Dave – thanks for your candor. I’m not offended in the least. I admire those who will give an unadulterated response when asked for their opinion. I designed the labels myself. I’m not a graphic artist in any sense of the word hence the simplistic look of the label..lol. I would like my market to be several levels above the Walmart/Target crowd. Nothing wrong with them (I shop at Target often), they’re just not my target market. My goal is to get my b&b products in salons and spas. I would say the quality of the products are above average if not well above. They are all handmade/assembled by hand in a converted bedroom of our house. I haven’t gotten to the point of being able to move into my own warehouse and add machinery, much to the chagrin of my wife…lol.

    jeanie353 – thank you!

    moonshine – thank you!

    What changes, if any, would you guys/gals recommend? Do you think salon/spa owners would be receptive to the current design? I do have my products in a boutique type of venue that caters more to the shabby-chic crowd and while sales are okay (I make about double my cost for the booth each month) I can’t help but think they would be better in a more fitting environment. Am I over thinking this?

    Again, thank you from the bottom of my heart for your honest replies!


  7. Would y'all be so kind as to give me your opinion on my labels? I'm thinking about changing them up and going a different direction but I'd like to get someone else's input as to what my labels say to them. Do these say country, spa, vintage, shabby-chic, etc?

    Rather than sway your opinion by telling you what look I'm wanting I'll wait until I get a few replies and see if I'm already heading in the right direction.

    Thank you!




  8. Lorelei, what is lavender vanilla supposed to smell like? I have three versions of it, 1) Lavender Vanilla - Downy Type (Aztec), 2) Lavender Vanilla (A/H), and 3) Lavender Vanilla (MillCreek). The Aztec and A/H versions smell similar but the A/H smells weaker oob and the MC smells completely different. Is it supposed to smell like Downy fabric softener?

    Thank you!

  9. Well, I survived my first ever craft show. My wife and I had been to this particular show a few times in the past and from a visitors view there seemed to be a lot more traffic than from the view of a vendor. Saturday was s-l-o-w! The weather was a little gloomy and windy so that may have contributed to what I consider slow traffic, even though it was an indoor show. Sorry bta, I told you it was an indoor/outdoor show but I was thinking of a show I'm doing in November. Sunday picked up a little bit (it was sunny) and after all was said and done I didn't do as well as I had hoped but I did make about 4x my booth fee so I can't complain. Melts were my biggest selling item, I sold more bars of soap than I thought I would, sold 3 candles total, a few Candlewarmer melters, one bottle of lotion, and no bath salt.

    I have a few more shows coming up next month so hopefully I'll be able to report positive results on those as well.

  10. I've never sold a business before but SCORE (Service Corps of Retired Executives) is, in most cases, a free service where you can get excellent business advice. I've used them several times and wouldn't hesitate to go to them for advice if I were to ever sell my business.

    Here's a link to an article they provide regarding steps to selling a business. http://www.score.org/resources/columnists/peter-siegel/12-steps-selling-small-business

    Their website is http://www.score.org


  11. Does anyone name their candles/melts/tarts based on the season? By that I mean do you name a fragrance one thing during the fall/winter and then rename it to something else for spring/summer and then back to the fall/winter name again? If so do the customers question it? I've seen several posts where people have stated that they couldn't move a certain fragrance but when they renamed it they couldn't keep it in stock, hence my question.

    Thank you!

  12. I can't speak to whether a hobbyist should sell their candles. I think that's up to the individual. I will however say that if your heart isn't in it then I would counsel against it. As for sales tax, if you sell something you MUST collect sales tax unless the person/business you're selling to is a wholesale account or you're selling over the internet. If someone purchases your goods over the internet and they live in the same state as you you must collect sales tax.

  13. Paul, I pretty much have done what you did. I'm taking 24 fragrances, 12-18 each of my best selling melts, 6 or so of those that don't sell so well, and 6-12 of each candle. I also sell soap, lotion, bath salts, and candle melters so hopefully things will go well. It was only $75 for the two days so if I can't make that back then perhaps I should look into doing something else...lol

    bta - it's an indoor/outdoor show but my booth, a 5x10, is indoors. It's also my first time selling at this show, or any show for that matter...lol. We have an SUV and my wife will be with me so yes one of us could run to the truck for more but I will probably just keep everything under and behind the table. The administrators advertise that an average of 3,500 people visit over the two days (Saturday/Sunday). It's in the same town as we live but I'm taking just about everything I have so I don't think we'll need to run back to the house for anything.

    I will definitely let you guys/gals know how it goes.

  14. I'll be doing my first ever craft show this weekend and would like to ask how many of each fragrance do you typically take? If I take 20-25 different fragrances would I need to take 20, 50, 100 of each fragrance? It's a long established and well visited show, depending on the weather, so I would like to be prepared but also don't want hundreds of candles/melts sitting in inventory should the sales not be up to par.

    I know Paul (jackbenimble) recently participated in a show and sold out of several of his fragrances. On the other hand mzphee is having a terrible time at her show. I guess the question boils down to, is it better to sell out or to have inventory left over after a show?


  15. I'll be using Square to process credit cards at a craft show we have coming up on October 13-14. At other craft shows I've seen vendors who have signs letting people know they use Square and the sign has the Square name and credit card logos on it. Can anyone tell me where I can get my hands on one of those signs?


  16. I offer two collections. Each collection is a different jar, so two different jars, but each hold the same amount of wax, 7 ounces. I haven't had any issues with selling these sizes but yesterday I did get a request for a larger size. It would seem that when people find a candle they like they'd also like the option of purchasing it in a larger size. However, I've only had two requests since I started selling in February '12 so I'm not sure if I will add a larger size to my product line.

    For me staying with one jar (in my case two jars) reduces the amount of testing I have to do as well as the amount of inventory on hand of jars and different wicks. It also reduces the amount of complaints from my wife about all the "stuff" I have in the bedroom turned office/laboratory...lol.

  17. Does anyone use tins for their sugar or salt scrubs? Would the tin rusting from the oils be a concern? I emailed SKS asking about the rust but they gave me the generic, "We don't test any of our items for specific uses, blah, blah, blah" so I thought I'd ask here.



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