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Posts posted by classiccandle

  1. Since Candlewic has their 16 oz. Ultimate scents on sale <edited to removed specifics on sale> can anyone suggest some good fall fragrances? There are a few that sound good but rather than throw money away on guessing I was hoping some of you who use their fragrances could help a guy out. Please?

    Also has anyone compared their Ultimate scents to their Classic & Standard scents? They don't go into what sets them apart on their website so I thought I'd ask.

    I use a parasoy blend so hopefully most of them will work.

    Thank you!

  2. We've been in shows, mainly inside school gymnasiums, where we had poor cell service and most customers understand that technology isn't infallible. We walk around with the customer until we find a good spot and run the card then. I've witnessed some vendors walk around the entire gym swiping and moving, swiping and moving, trying to get good reception. Again, most customers don't mind as long as you don't try to walk off with their card and without them.

    I don't know of anyone who would allow you to write down their cc information for later use let alone take a picture of their card. If a vendor recommended those things to me I would take my card and go elsewhere.

  3. They're still here. As I live in the area I usually drive to their warehouse so I can't speak to using their website. I was just there last week. I've called a few times and have always gotten through. Usually Carmen will answer the phone but every so often someone else will. Have you tried calling again?

  4. I was wondering how others test for burn times?

    I ask because a while back (probably a year or more) a candle company asked their Facebook fans how long they burned their candles, on average. If memory serves me correctly most responded 1-2 hours with a few saying 3 and 4 hours.

    Also there's a pretty popular candle company from Texas that advertises on their labels that the burn time for their 11 oz candle is 50-65 hours. I burned one at four hour intervals and it burned for about 30-35 hours (I've since thrown my notes away on it so I can't remember exactly how long it lasted but it wasn't anywhere near 50 hours). I wondered why they would state that it lasts 50-65 hours and so I started doing some digging. Come to find out they say it will last that long when burned in 1-2 hour intervals.

    So my question is, when testing for optimal burn times should we test at 4 hour intervals or 1-2 hour intervals? I currently use 4 hours but I may switch to the 1-2 hours since most respondents to the poll on FB was 1-2 hours and the candle company in Texas advertises on the 1-2 hour standard.

    Please share your thoughts.

  5. I have the following oils from AH/RE and would like to put one or two of them in my lotion base but can't decide which to choose. Can you help? Also, if you think of any others, even from other vendors, please feel free to add them.

    Tranquil Waters

    Manuka Lavender

    Tuscan Lace

    Juniper Aloe

    Oatmeal Milk & Honey

    Sparkling Green Tea

    Patchouli Honey (smells a lot like Patchouli Passion from Moonworks to me)

    Kai (type)

    Whispers of Love


    Dragon's Blood


  6. Am I alone in my thinking when I picture a garden of tomatoes, squash, green beans, cantaloupe, strawberries, etc, and think "country garden"? As children growing up on a farm we had to work in "the garden" and that meant hoeing, pulling weeds, picking green beans, tomatoes, corn, etc. but it seems that a lot of people think of flowers when you say country garden.

    I was wanting to name a fragrance country garden but it isn't one that smells like flowers. What do you think of when you see or hear country garden?

    Have I said country garden enough in this post? :grin2:


  7. This is not about whether parabens are safe or not so let's please not get into that debate but rather if the majority of people are concerned enough about them to cause it to be a deciding factor when purchasing personal care products, lotions in particular, that contain them? With the popularity of Bath and Body Works lotions it would seem not. Most all of their lotions (I say most because I haven't checked every one of them) contain methylparaben and propylparaben and they continue to sell tons of it.

    A lot of people seem to like the Goat Milk and Honey lotion base from WSP and it contains the same parabens as B&BW lotions. Every one of the reviews, 96 of them, rate it five stars (those reviews could be skewed depending on if reviews must first be approved or not). At $34/gallon it's also expensive for a paraben containing lotion base! They do, however, have a basic lotion base that currently sells for a little over $13/gallon but its reviews aren't as good as the GMH.

    Bulk Apothecary has a basic hand and body lotion base that contains the same two parabens that are in the B&BW lotions and they sell it for $13.95 a gallon. It too gets five stars from all of the reviews, 13 total (again, those reviews could be skewed).

    Essentials By Catalina has a paraben free, Back to Basics lotion for $16/gallon. It only has one review so I can't really tell anything from that.

    For those of you who sell lotion does it seem to matter to your customers whether it contains parabens or not? The lotion base I currently use is paraben free and costs me $32/gallon, plus shipping, and I was thinking of offering a less expensive alternative. I would have a mental struggle with selling a lotion containing parabens (GMH from WSP) at the same price point as my paraben-free lotion.

    At $34/gallon is the WSP GMH lotion base worth it or is the much less expensive BA basic lotion, at $14/gallon, or the EBC Back to Basics lotion, just as good? The BA Premium lotion base (12 reviews, all five stars) is $22/gallon and is paraben free. Has anyone tried it?

    Thank you!

  8. I know there are lots of you whose light burns a little brighter than mine so don't be shy, step right up to that keyboard and let those fingers fly! (Hey, that rhymes. Maybe I should be a rapper instead of a chandler!)

    I'm going to stare at my screen until I see some answers. Well, not really, but I'll be checking back in anticipation of seeing some. :grin2:

  9. Sorry about the pic. It was the best one I could find at the time. I've attached another one with more of the bottle included to hopefully give it a better perspective.

    Thanks for the link PMM. I looked at every lotion pump at McKernan's site but couldn't find the one I'm looking for. The one you linked to looks like the spout is too short. It's close but not exactly the one.


  10. I've looked just about everywhere online for these lotion pumps but obviously I'm not looking in the right place. I've seen these types of pumps on several different brands of lotions so I know someone carries them but don't know who...:angry2:

    Would anyone be able to shed some light on who might carry these?

    Thank you!


  11. I've been making and selling only soy container candles for the past year and a half and would like to venture into making paraffin candles but would like to use a blend. I've decided on a 4633/415 blend and for those who don't mind sharing I have the following questions.

    1) Is an 80/20, 70/30, or 50/50 paraffin/soy blend better?

    2) With 415, in order to get smooth tops, you have to pour around 100° and it seems with 4633 the optimal pour temp is in the range of 145-155°. With the blend, in order to get smooth tops and a one pour candle, if possible, what would the optimal pour temp be?

    3) I know a lot of chandlers like to use zinc wicks with paraffin but they don't work in soy. With any of the blends mentioned in question one would a zinc wick work or will the soy mess it up? I currently use CD wicks in my soy and am happy with them. Do they work well in paraffin or p/s blends?

    4) I would like to try the blends in the 12 and 16 ounce salsa jars. They each have a diameter of approximately 3.25". Would a single CD wick work in these containers or will I need to double wick since I'll be adding soy? Would a CD-18 or CD-20 be good to start with?

    5) With 4633 it's said that adding vybar isn't necessary but for those who do use it does it add any additional benefit that makes it worth the extra cost?

    6) I forgot to ask but with soy it's best to wait a week or so before testing and a lot of people recommend waiting 24-48 hours (some even recommend a week) for paraffin to cure before testing. With a blend does it take a week or so for it to totally cure or can you test after a few days? Does the amount of soy added to the blend affect the amount of time for the wax to cure?

    Thank you for taking the time to read this and answering any of the questions. The value of recommendations made by those on this board is priceless.

  12. Like the others I too tried taking my product photos indoors only to find the lighting lacking. My background turned out to be closer to gray than white. I took a bar stool, my light box, and products outside a little after noon, when the sun would be at it's highest point, to reduce the shadow of the product, and took my pictures and the difference was pretty obvious. It still wasn't as white as I'd like so I used Photoshop to delete the background, created a new white background, and place the image on that and now it's as white as I want. You can also create different colored backgrounds and place your image on those to make custom colored backgrounds. It's pretty easy to do.

    • Like 1
  13. Thanks Kellie. Wholesale Supplies Plus sells a vanilla color stabilizer that's supposedly just for lotions and washes (not sure if it's a marketing ploy or not to say it's just for lotions and washes). That's the one I used with the Dark Kiss fragrance oil and it's been three days and the lotion is still white. The WSP website says the ratio should be 2:1, fragrance oil to stabilizer unless the fragrance oil has more than 10% vanilla then it should be used 1:1. I used the 2:1 ratio.

    During my research into this I've read comments of those who have used an oil in one lotion base with no browning and the same oil in another base with browning. It seems you've experienced the same thing, no? Is it something in the base that interacts with the oil to make it turn brown?

    I don't mind waiting too long to see if it turns but I'm not sure how long to wait. I don't want to have to wait months for every fragrance I want to try but am I going to have to?

  14. I"m at a crossroads and would like your sage advice if you're willing to give it.

    I currently have an LLC and on the candle/melt side we use only soy wax and market them under our brand name. I’m thinking about also offering paraffin wax candles/melts under a different brand name. Does anyone on this board do this and if so is it something you would recommend? Would it be better to sell paraffin under the same brand name or do you think it would confuse customers? Would it be better just to stick with soy and abandon the idea of offering both? The reason I’m thinking of doing it is because some customers like the hot throw of paraffin more than soy and also to increase our product offerings. The downside is the cost of paraffin wax and the testing.

    Like most of you I pour all of our candles by hand from pour pots so how “separate” do the production areas have to be so as to avoid contamination, if they have to be separate at all?

    Thanks in advance for the advice!

  15. Does anyone know how much vanillin a fragrance oil must contain prior to having to use a vanilla stabilizer to keep lotion from turning brown? For example, will an oil with a vanillin content listed as 0.90% require a stabilizer in lotion? Or one that has 0.50%? Is there a general rule of thumb?

    Thank you!

  16. I think you first have to consider who your target market is. This type of logo would be okay for craft fairs, farmers markets, etc., but I think if you're wanting to get into retail you're going to have to have something a little more professional. The name sounds good but the picture of the bird screams amateur to me. Again, if your market is going to be the craft fair, farmer's market, or maybe even fundraiser crowd I think the logo would work with some of the changes recommended from other posters.

    Please don't take my opinion personally. I give my honest opinion and ask that others do the same regarding my questions.

    I wish you all the success you desire!

  17. PayPal is the same as Square. This is included in PayPal's Acceptable Use Policy:


    You may not use the PayPal service for activities that relate to transactions involving:

    2. ...(i) ammunition, firearms, or certain firearm parts or accessories, or (j) ,certain weapons or knives regulated under applicable law.

    My search continues...

  18. I'm not sure which forum this belongs in but since it involves business I thought this would be fitting. If not please accept my apologies and move it to a more appropriate forum.

    I don't know how many of your are like me, an adamant supporter of our Second Amendment right to keep and bear arms, but for those of you who are and in case you weren't aware of Square's revised Seller Agreement you might find it interesting that they've now included businesses that can no longer use Square to accept payments for:

    (23) sales of (i) firearms, firearm parts or hardware, and ammunition; or (ii) weapons and other devices designed to cause physical injury

    Since they've decided to participate in infringing on our Second Amendment rights I for one will be seeking another merchant services provider. It isn't like there isn't any competition.

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