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Posts posted by Becky

  1. Wow! She is wrong on so many levels...

    Triple scented, toxins in paraffin, lead in paper wicks? She also states on her Facebook since her fragrances are skin friendly, they're less toxic...oh my goodness...

    I also wonder if she is reusing the jars sent back to her; if she is I'm sorry to say that glass can only be reheated so many times before it will crack!

    She seems like a really sweet girl, but you can plain as day see that she has not been making candles long at all...

    • Like 1
  2. Prepare to spend lots of money! If your a perfectionist like I am, you will go through slabs of wax and ingredients trying to get it perfect. When you get it right, it is relieving and rewarding at the same time!

    If you're going to use a straight paraffin, I would recommend using vybar to allow your wax to absorb more fragrance. Just don't overdo it, as you can "lock" the scent up. Maybe 1/2 teaspoon per pound, no more.

    Petro will give better glass adhesion and give you a slightly quicker melt pool. Excessive petro will cause smoking.

    Coconut oil is one of those things that may help increase your scent throw. There are a lot of mixed reviews, and I tend to think a little c.o. does help; it seems to give a better cold throw in my opinion.

    Adding a little soy seems to help "tame the flame" and slower the burn depending on the soy wax.

    Beeswax is nice, as it ionizes the air, but it's just too expensive, and your profit margin could take a hit in this economy.

    Crisco was originally made to create candles! Crisco is hydrogenated oil, so keep that in mind as it will up the oil content in your wax formula.

    Haven't tried microcrystalline wax, but I know it can vary from taffy soft to hard as a tabletop.


    Good Luck!

    Hope this helps!

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  3. I'm pretty sure you could do either or, but I like to have my labeling on my product, just as a security measure. Today people have so many allergies. What if they were allergic to an ingredient in your product and had a reaction? Scary thought, I know, but at least if the labeling was on the product they can't say it fell off or was lost. Just my opinion, maybe someone else can help:)

  4. Hi guys!

     A soon-to-be mom asked if I could make 4 oz. jelly jars of baby blue bath salts for her shower favors.

    I plan on using dead sea salt, Epsom and dendritic salt.


    My questions:


    Is it safe to use food coloring as the dye?

    Can I use solar salt as an alternative to dead sea salt to help her save on costs?

    Is 2% fragrance oil enough?


    I've been researching for a while and keep getting conflicting info.

    I can't believe in all these years I've never made bath salts before! I feel so silly:)


    Can anyone help?



  5. Great, thank you!!!

    It's awesome coming up with your own recipes and blends...makes it more rewarding.

    Oh, I'm already starting to think of all the blush and eye shadow colors I could create!

    This could be dangerous! Muhahahhhhhaaaaa! :)

  6. Thanks, Suzy! I guess I'll try to whip up a formula without the bismuth and see what happens! I'm very fair so it might be nice concocting a makeup that is actually close to my exact skin color.

    I feel a new obsession starting....LOL

    Thank goodness my hubby is supportive! hee hee

    I was going to order from TKB, is that reputable, do you know? Or is there some place that is better?

    Thanks for your help!

  7. Avon, Mary Kay, Bare Escentuals, Jane Iredale....

    I discovered that I think the Bismuth Oxychloride was to blame. It felt like there was itchy fiberglass on my skin, or that the coverage wasn't enough, or didn't last, made my pores on my nose look disgusting, etc.

    I read that the untreated sericite can make the makeup look ashy once mixed with your natural facial oils, do you find that to be true, Suzy?

    I'm just tired of putting my usual foundation on and dealing with breakouts here and there. I figured if I could try and make it myself, I would at least know what I'm putting on my face and gear it towards my skin type.:)

  8. Holy cow!

    Makes me want to switch to just making tarts!!!

    It's obvious this was power burned wayyyy too long, without any wick trimming. If you've been making candles that long I'm sure you didn't over wick it, but what was the wick/size that you used?

    You mentioned it was a heavier oil, is it possible that the fragrance oil was not completely incorporated and it sunk to the bottom?

    Maybe they went away for a couple of days and forgot about it. To let it get that far with all that soot I would assume it was unattended for a period of time.

    Count your lucky stars that the table was the only thing harmed!

  9. Ok, after researching mineral makeup ingredients for the past 2 days my head is kind of spinning...

    Can anyone suggest the best sericite to use? I'm not sure if I should use the treated kind or not.

    Also, can anyone recommend the best brushes to use with mineral makeup?

    I'm going to give this a go to see if my sensitive combination skin will readily accept it or not; I've tried mineral makeup in the past and hated it, but I know it's supposed to be better for your skin...

    Any advice would be greatly appreciated!!!!

  10. Hmm... I never thought of testing the ph, I just thought the beneficial and soothing oils would do just that...

    Maybe you could try some baking soda, that would bring the ph up and also cut down on "the greasies" lol! Maybe add just a tad?

    Does anyone else check the ph of their body butters/lotion? If so, please chime in, I'm interested as well!!

  11. Hi guys!

    I think I discovered the cocoa butter in my lotion bar is breaking me out! I added more cocoa butter than beeswax to see if I could get my lotion bar "less sticky". I understand it's high on the pore clogging chart, but geesh! This is crazy!

    Any good suggestions for substituting cocoa butter? Something not greasy? I must have tried more than a dozen variations already, with ingredients as beeswax, sweet almond oil, coconut oil, shea butter, jojoba, avocado...just can't seem to get it right...

    Any help is very much appreciated!

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