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Posts posted by Vicky_CO

  1. Hey all, I have an ignorant question to ask. Before I ask it though, I'd like to tell you that I tried making Soy candles last winter, but because of frusteration, I had to take a break from it. I wasn't really successful ( I mean, I made candles but had a terrible time color, then when I reordered the wax, I got a different kind - 25lbs of it - and the FO wouldn't throw cold or warm! and wicking.....uhhhhhh! Not to mention frost lines carbon spitting!

    SO, my question to you is this - Can't a gal just ask what works for you and you tell me so I can try it and call it a day? I understand that everyone uses different stuff, but I'm basically looking to use Soy wax, with wide mouthed Ball mason jars(round). HELP!

    Truthfully you can't really ask that question and expect a good answer. There are to many variable and if it was easy there would not be this board. There are a ton of waxes and additives. I doubt very much if any one is using the same recipe. We can help you when you run in to a problem by giving you suggestions.

    Little piece of advice keep the same wax don't change in the middle of testing and expect things to work the same. Now if your supplier sent you the wrong wax that is differant take it up with them and get your money back.

  2. Thank you I love my monster pillars I usually have one burn all the time. Right now is a honey colored one scented F&M at the shop and a red hot one at the house. I use a custom made mold my DH made for me the candle weights almost 11lbs and it takes two people to get it out of the mold. The layered one like on my site takes 2 days to pour. Testing is pretty easy my DH also made a short one in that diameter that I use to test for wicking and scents but it only 6" tall. Since I have started making those I have burned about 10 of the 23 inchers. They really are fireplace candles.

  3. I agree with Bruce this thread has been interesting. I most likely should have keep my mouth shut. But hey I do have a big mouth.

    Paraffin is also nontoxic you give the impression soy is the only wax that is nontoxic.

    Is there any proof or facts supporting that paraffin is non toxic also? I am NOT stating that it is, just asking if there is proof that it isnt. :D

    I was talking about in inert form both are nontoxic. I honestly was thinking like most people do that hey our kids crayon are made from Paraffin wax.

    Now any time you burn anything it doesn't mater if it soy, paraffin or buffalo chips you are releasing something in to the air. Now does paraffin release things that are not good for you yes but honestly no real studies have been done on what soy releases in to the air case studies don't count that is just some joe blow taking some candles he has bought and burned them side by side.

    If you can produce a study that has taken a half dozen candle maker and teamed them up with a half dozen scientist, samples of all waxes and wax blends and any additives, most FO, dyes, EO and a really good lab that would be study I would listen to anything short of that is not accurate it just opinions based on some very limited testing.

    I wish the government would step in and put some grant money to doing that kind of study but honestly I don't see it happening.

    You need to do more research lead wicks where banned since that report was produced in 2001.

  4. Your site looks nice. I love the bottle for scents. Well that is the first time I have seen a chunck candle called a rustic.

    Now the down side a lot of your soy facts are wrong or only partially right. You should never knock another wax to sell your own stuff. That is bad business.

    Examples:Soy wax should never be promoted as water soluble. it can be cleaned up easier but you need to make sure your customer don't pour the excess wax down the drain. Saying is more water soluble encourages people to do just that.

    Paraffin support our local oil and gas industry paraffin is a by product of oil refining so us using it up actually helps out environment because of the candle industry that wax is not being discarded in to our land fills.

    Paraffin is biodegradable it just take long to degrade than soy.

    Paraffin candle can and do burn as long as soy. Soy only burns longer than straight paraffin.

    You need to step away from the heath issues there is not any scientific facts to support it.

    Soy produces a white soot which is just a damaging to walls and other things in your home.

    Paraffin is also nontoxic you give the impression soy is the only wax that is nontoxic.

    Actually in the production of soy wax we are using up a lot of oil and gas. Which is very bad for our environment.

    Sorry you where just lucky enough to be the first to spout that bunk after my interview yesterday where I had to correct a reporter on some basic fact of soy.

    I am a soy candle maker that is tired of the unsupportable statements being made about soy.

  5. Yes your melt pool temp will effect the scent throw. Depending on where you take the temp your melt pool will have different temps closer to the wick is hotter. That is what you really have to worry about as wicking to hot can and will burn off the scent and wicking to low will decrease the throw. But if you are getting a full melt pool you should be getting some kind of throw.

    You just need to find a happy medium also some FO do well at lower temps some at higher. That is also why we test to find FOs that do well in our waxes.

  6. 1.To best of my knowledge all palm waxes will crystallize.

    2. That is going to depend on the palm wax you need to check with your supplier.

    3. Several supplier are offering 100% palm wax.

    4.No palm waxes will not hurt a plastic mold.

    5.I can not think of a single supplier that will ship to a P.O. box. You can get some to ship FOs to a P.O.

    Now that I have answered those questions here some advice even if you never expect your candle to be burn you need to test and get your wicking right as I promise you some one will burn that candle. So you wicking is very important.

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