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Posts posted by Vicky_CO

  1. I have done and do the poke for some embeds but here is another way. Pour some gel in to you container gently swirl it around the glass then press your embeds in to the sides keep repeating the process untill full. It really doesn't take long once you get some practice in and it looks clean and almost bubble less.

  2. Henry is right the small percent we use of additives a lot of times help the burn. Straight soy on it own really not stable it does just to many weird things on it own like grow, tunnel, frost, have that horrible billowing look after the burn that can come right up over the wick and a few more very unusual things.

    Henry is right there are a few FO out there that help the burn just like a few make it almost impossible to burn. But you can put those same FO in paraffin and not have wicking issues.

  3. Well That idea is good but where you attach the wing would always be weakest point and I don't honestly think they would stay attached long unless I used maybe a wire to attach them. I 'm looking for perfection and I don't think that would ever look perfect or seemless.

    But it not a problem I talked my customer in to one of my gel pegasus candles. But I wanted to at least try to find the mold for her.

    Thank you all for looking for me

  4. Now is the time to make a decision do you want to use this wax and make it work or do you think you need to move on?

    I have seen you post in the other side about paraffin so using 100% soy doesn't seem to matter so if I was you I would look towards a good parasoy that is going to give you more of what you want than straight soy and you will find if you look some supplier fairly close to you.

    Or you can even create your own using EL then just have your paraffin shipped in.

  5. Well just because you don't like my reason doesn't make it invalid. I have personal experience of why it is a very valid agruement. I started with a soy/botanicals I loved that blend that was made me fall in love with soy candles in the first place. But then a few years ago the soy wax industry lost the use of cottonseed they didn't bother about telling anyone. All the sudden things that had worked for us for so long was no longer working. Some of us had years worth of testing in to those blends and where then in trouble as our stuff was not working. I made the decision then to create my own blend. I have been happy with that decision that is why when the blends started showing up again about 6 months later I never went back to them.

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