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Posts posted by B@BlissStreet

  1. :)Ty to all who took the time to reply! I truly appreciate opinions on things I just can't decide...my personal faves overtook my business skills in this area!

    New list:

    1. French Vanilla (cream colored)

    2. MI Black Cherry (burgundy colored)

    3. Blueberry Muffin (dark blue colored)

    4. LoveSpell (VS type) (magenta colored)

    5. Violet Blossom (light purple colored)

    6. Macintosh Apple (red colored)

    7. Pumpkin Pie (dark orange colored)

    8. Cinnamon Sticks (dark brown colored)

    9. Clothesline-Fresh Laundry (white colored)

    10. Cranberry Orange (orange colored)

    11. Patchouli Vanilla (dark teal colored)

    12. Lavender (lavender colored)

    Ty to Abbie, PleasureRidge, and RebeccaJo...all your ideas contributed, and I think "evened out" my list of bakery loves...

    and to my Lorrie...ha fricken ha...enabler! Your scents are too good! Gotta love the monster you built!

    and now it is time to put the works in action....GO BCP! HOOYAH RAH RAH! Let's sell some candles and get you cheerleaders to Nationals!!!

  2. :confused:Hi, everyone. I'm wracking my tired brain working on an upcoming fundraiser (my first). I have gone over my notes, and have come up with a scent list of twelve. I only plan to offer 10, but wanted to get some opinions before I finalize. I am a full blown bakery scent lover; the only other one I love is Vanilla Patchouli. I've tried really hard to balance out the selection. I'm not doing a bunch of holiday scents since the fundraiser is in early October. I think I've got my poop in a group on all the other aspects (thanks CT members!), but would love some advice on whether I'm headed in the right direction here.



    1. French Vanilla (cream colored)

    2. MI Black Cherry (burgundy colored)

    3. Blueberry Muffin (dark blue colored)

    4. LoveSpell (VS type) (magenta colored)

    5. Violet Blossom (light purple colored)

    6. Hazelnut Coffee (dark brown colored)

    7. Pumpkin Pie (dark orange colored)

    8. Cinnamon Sticks (dark brown colored)

    9. Butterscotch (dark yellow colored)

    10. Cranberry Orange (orange colored)

    11. Vanilla Patchouli (dark teal colored)

    12. Lavender (lavender colored)

  3. Funny, everyone usually thinks "chocolate" when they hear the name Pumpkin Fudge (I did too, and so did my customers). However, not so when they hear Vanilla Fudge, Pistaschio Fudge, or Maple Pecan Fudge. Just sayin'! :cheesy2:

    I think you nailed the problem, Candlebuddy! Perhaps some don't understand that "fudge" comes in many flavors! I am not a chocolate lover, but I adore peanut butter or maple "fudge". Being from Michgan, we are obviously exposed to Mackinac Island and Frankenmuth Fudge. Both are amazing, and come in many varieties other than the typical cocoa style.

  4. I received my first order from NG today, and am super-duper triple impressed with their scents OOB. The scented rose was a nice touch, and got me thinking in a direction I don't tend to (Lavender Sage...it's nice, but I'm a bakery scent girl!) Anywho...here is a list of what I'm trying in EL Millenium and Votive...anyone with any input is welcome!

    Peanut Butter Cookie

    Homemade Cheesecake

    Wildberry Scone

    Lemon Poppyseed

    Cafe Caramel

  5. OK, was just wondering about Sugar Creek Crates. After I saw the post, I checked out their site and couldn't believe how cheap they are. So, I placed an order. That was last week. So I'm waiting for them to get back with me on shipping charges and payment (as that is what their site said they would do). Does anyone know if this company is legit? If they aren't, it seems kinda odd they would still have a website for which they are paying for a domain name and hosting, if they aren't going to actually follow through on orders. Maybe I just need to be a little more patient. Maybe I'm used to excellent service from our candle suppliers and think everybody is that way. Besides, maybe they have to make them special order the way we do some of our orders. :confused: But...any insight anyone?

    :sad2:I got the same type of email when I ordered last week. I even sent a reply, with a change in size. I still have heard nothing. Will you let me know if you hear anything? TIA

  6. Pretty soap! I am almost out (rationing the pieces in the soap dish!) of my cp soap and can't wait for my supplier's new batch to cure. In the mean time, I have a question about how you label Love Spell, if you don't mind me asking:confused:

    I'm strictly a candle maker, and am using this new scent. Today is the dreaded label making day, and I don't know how to word it. I know I shouldn't use their exact wording...how are you all doing it? I am a stickler for grammar, and don't want to infringe anywhere, and could use suggestions. Also, what color do you that pour it in wax use?

    I personally don't care for this scent...but customers have requested, so I gave in.:rolleyes2 I know there is probably a thread for this, but I just don't have time to dig right now (two batches of wax cooling, and about 10 more to mix!:yay:), so if anyone doesn't mind just reiterating some info, I'd appreciate it! TIA

  7. I agree that liquid dyes are messy. That is the thing I hate about them. However, I LOVE how you can manipulate them to get the color you want. I use a toothpick if I want less color than a drop from the dropper.

    For pink, I use red dye and depending on how pink I want it, 2 or less drops per lb. You may be able to get away with more drops per lb before turning red, but I have not tried yet.

    Sorry that I can't help with the dye chips part.

    Agree with RebeccaJo on this; liquid is so much easier to control. I have red dye, but to attain a true pink I use liquid Magenta. It is my favorite dye; mixed with a little blue gives gorgeous purples, also. HTH

  8. :confused:Not sure if this is the proper area, and someone please move if wrong, ty.

    I'm gathering some info for my bus law class about the cosmetic act, and found this neat site that displays the status, dates, etc. as well as links to related acts. Just thought I'd share, as this is such a relevant issue.


    My article for class asks me to summarize the impact of this regulation. It also asks me to tell how it will affect me as a consumer and in the business I am in. If anyone has anything they would like to share as an opinion, I'd love to give some actual quotes from business owners other than myself in this; particularly soap, B&B, and cosmetics makers. (I only do candles.) :smiley2:

  9. I buy my clamshells for soap on ebay. The seller is ibuypast and I get mine 100/$19.95. They are great and much cheaper than any other place plus she doesn't kill you with shipping charges like the suppliers do. I have never had a problem with her when ordering and order other molds as well. Everything I have received from Sue has been top quality so you should give her a try. She ships super quick also.....buy one day and usually ships out next day or same day depending on the time and have my items usually within 3 days.

    Here is a link: http://cgi.ebay.com/100-new-glycerin-soap-molds-melt-pour-label-Done-/120492437089?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0

    Thanks for the link, Theresa. I ordered these around 10 am, and received shipping confirmation by noon! :)

  10. :yay:I was just checking this link, and the price has dropped a few bucks. There are 10 available. I'm so hoping I can get in on this sale. Oh, loving boyfriend...is your credit card feeling spry:D Thanks for the link! If I have questions about using these (my first soaping EVER), would you be willing to help?

    :mad::(Sorry...it appears this listing has ended.

  11. I buy my clamshells for soap on ebay. The seller is ibuypast and I get mine 100/$19.95. They are great and much cheaper than any other place plus she doesn't kill you with shipping charges like the suppliers do. I have never had a problem with her when ordering and order other molds as well. Everything I have received from Sue has been top quality so you should give her a try. She ships super quick also.....buy one day and usually ships out next day or same day depending on the time and have my items usually within 3 days.

    Here is a link: http://cgi.ebay.com/100-new-glycerin-soap-molds-melt-pour-label-Done-/120492437089?pt=LH_DefaultDomain_0

    :yay:I was just checking this link, and the price has dropped a few bucks. There are 10 available. I'm so hoping I can get in on this sale. Oh, loving boyfriend...is your credit card feeling spry:D Thanks for the link! If I have questions about using these (my first soaping EVER), would you be willing to help?

  12. :confused::confused::confused::confused::confused:

    I am having this same problem but it is with family/friends. They all want tons of samples of everything I make so they will know what they want to buy:rolleyes2..I mean I already throw in a .5oz sample in every order. This sample crap is costing WAY too much :(

    I feel ya, Red. :( My "samplers" have gotten so used to free product, that now they just expect it. I just was rehearsing in my head my talk of how I have passed the "testing" phase, and now only need tests on new scents, not on their faves that they want. It's just hard to say it outright. I'm looking for a "soft touch" approach, because I am so outspoken and loud most of the time. Let me know if you find a way to subtly, yet firmly make my point! :confused::confused::confused::confused:

  13. I had seen this in a magazine - its a digital scale with measuring cup; kinda a unique idea; im assuming its plastic & not glass though


    santa big This is so on my wish list for Santa! Thanks for sharing. I did some reading, and it got great reviews. It only holds hot liquid up to 158 F. so it is definitely plastic, so that lets it out for me for candle use, but I know this will be a gem in the kitchen.

  14. Yeah, this is nothing new. The big red flag(s) is when you're contacted by e mail instead of through your site and the horrendous use of the English language. I believe I've heard they are usually using stolen credit card numbers? To see if they'll work? Hell, maybe I'm getting two different scams mixed up. There are so many now. :angry2:

    This is a big warning sign. I have been an Avon rep for about 14 years, and when I started my online store, had tons of emails from parties interested in buying quantities of 400 of products. One went so far as to send me a bogus "certified check" for over 4K. I laughed when I saw it and "googled" the bank drawn on. Nevertheless, I did turn the check and the Fed Ex envelope and copies of the email correspondence at my local law enforcement; their attitude was that I was lucky I recognized a scam, and let it be. I tried to stress to them how someone who may be developmentally challenged or elderly could be easily vulnerable, and not have a chuckle at the commission they "could have had":rolleyes2. I truly wish the police had taken my complaint seriously. When I went to my bank and asked to talk to someone regarding my account security, they were playing a whole different ball game than the cops. :yay: They immediately copied all material and said they would take security measures to protect my account in the event of an odd transaction. I think this thread has opened an excellent topic, especially for new chandlers/soapers who have not sold commercially, and especially in the world of e-commerce. It would be great to find a sticky that holds all the sage advice the members here have on being a victim. Thanks so much to everyone who shared here:)

  15. Hi, RebeccaJo...

    I noticed you are from MI. Here is a link I found that shows many across lower MI...scroll down the page and each month has a link that will open. Hope this helps...and keep us posted on where you will be! The links to each month are in black, and don't light up when I scroll across, so it is a bit deceiving...but click on the month you are interested in and it will open.


  16. Well, I'm loving this idea, and actually have a jar of homemade detergent from a friend in my basement. I am hesitant to use it, however, because I only have instructions for a standard machine. I have a new top load HE machine, and don't have instructions on how to measure for HE. I know this is a borax mix, as it has to be shaken, and was made with the soap chips. Does this have an expiration date? I'm new to all this and wary to put it in my brand new washer. TIA for any advice.

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