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Posts posted by mzpickles

  1. I had problems with the LX wicks in the CB-Adv. Eco wicks behaved the best in this wax with no mushrooming but CD wicks are also a good alternative. For 3.75" diameter I'd recommend an eco-12 or 14 depending on the FO. It's good to carry a mix of sizes because the fragrance can effect if you need to wick up or down even when using the same size container. The classified section is a great place to get a hold of a sampling of wicks types and sizes and I know that www.candlewic will send free samples if you request them.

    Ditto what JacquiO & Candybee said. You might want to try ECO or CD wicks. :)

  2. That Georgia Peach is like a number of Peak FOs--it throws well but is the candy version of what it's supposed to be. Kind of peachy and pleasant, but far from natural smelling. However, I don't know a better one at this point. At least it works.

    To get around this problem I've stuck to peach blends, like Mango Peach Salsa or Ginger Peach. Helps a lot imo!

  3. Can I ask, do you ever make tealights, or very small jars? If so, which wick do you find gives you the best hot throw? I use ECO 4 for a very small 2 oz Libbey Whisper jar, and that seems to work well. Jennifer

    Jennifer, I've been using the whisper jars (aren't they cute?) but I found the ECO 4 to be too large for them. Jars got waaaay too hot and the melt pool was too deep. I ramped back to an ECO 2 with those and it's almost perfect. Just an fyi. I'm using a 464/6006 blend, 85/15% respectively.

  4. Bumping this with the initial results of my search. After my first attempt at mixing NG Cool Cilantro & Iced Pineapple (too sharp & tart), I bought JS Pineapple Cilantro and poured it. It seemed too sharp to my nose as well (compared to the Illuminations), and after the wax cured (I use a 464/6006 85/15% mix) it remained so but has a great hot & cold throw and I'm kind of getting used to the sharp cilantro smell.

    Then I ordered some of the recommendations here from BCN, AH & the CMS.

    I think BCN is the closest to the Illuminations and my favorite so far, reviews stated that it smelled more like pineapple than cilantro, it's definitely the sweetest of them all but it's like pineapple but better, if that makes sense. Good but not great cold throw at 7% load, still curing so I'll update with the hot throw later.

    Next I poured AH's (1 oz pp). It seemed sharp at first but after 48 hrs in wax it has sweetened up considerably. It almsot seems as though there's a faint perfumey note to it, we'll see how that goes. Great cold throw, I cooled these candles in a small half bath off my family room (warmest area in the house), and as I go down the hall toward the bathroom I can smell them in the hall! This one is my second favorite.

    Now for the CMS (A Grade) which I poured last night and cooled overnight in my oven. When I talked about sharp notes before I had no idea exactly how sharp this FO could be! I'm talking singed nose hairs and watering eyes with this one! :laugh2:And this morning when I came downstairs I could smell the cold throw all the way into my living room! I used 1 oz pp with this and could probably do with less, or go to the B Grade. Not sure if I'm going to like this one long term.

    I haven't tried Bramble Berries yet, not sure if I need to. The description on their website said it didn't smell good in paraffin based wax, so that scared me off a bit.

    I can update this thread later after I test burn these, or you can pm me if you're interested! Thanks for "listening"! :)

  5. Hi everyone -

    I also read (and agreee) that it would be beneficial to find a supplier close by. I am in AZ and it doesn't look like there are any suplliers in my state. I did find Ceirra in NV and there are several in CA.

    There's also Peak in Denver, CO, a favorite among a lot of folks on this board.

    This thread is from 2007, but Lonestar is a good supplier.

    [ETA] Oh good grief. I am so oblivious to some things. Wonder if the op is even still on the board? :lipsrseal

  6. :) i went with your recommendation on the cinnimon toffee..

    u are right..it is wonderful..

    i also got..


    home sweet home..yum.yum..

    dried apple wreath

    apple mango tango..

    OOB..they all smell good..

    but my favorites OOB in this order are buttercream..cinnimon toffee...

    home sweet home...dried apple wreath..apple mango tango..

    i am going to try to get them into wax tomorrow...hopefully..

    i will update..when i test them..

    *frantically scribblin' FO names* I'm adding some of these fo's to my shopping list, I can't wait to hear your impressions when you're done! :)

  7. The only Sunflower I've ever tried is Peak's and I adore it. It's dry and earthy and wonderful! HTH

    That's good to know! I have a sample of it but I've been afraid to put it in wax, I'm a skeered of florals! :tongue2:

    PrairieAnnie where in NE are you? I was planning on making the Sunflower for some friends of mine that have sort of a non-standard B&B south of N.Platte, and my SIL lives in Lincoln. I love NE! :cheesy2:

  8. Are you talking about a perfume or candle FO?

    CB, I wondered the same thing. There was another post earlier in this thread that recommended a L'Artisan perfume, Voleur de Roses. Both posters joined recently, both are in the UK, have only one post each, have links to websites in their signatures and they both missed the point of this forum (or at least this thread) and recommend perfumes? Sort of makes you wonder.....:confused:

  9. Thanks for the suggestions everyone! They all sound good and I'll make sure to eventually try them all out. It looks like I may have found a potential solution in my own backyard though! Peak has both a Vineyard fragrance oil AND a Mandarin Plum fo, I'm going to get samples of each and try mixing them. If you guys are curious about my results I'll post how it turns out!


  10. mzpickles, I agree with you, I think islandgirl was joking, but not so sure about promoting CMS. Let the posts speak for themselves ... out of a total of 17 posts, CMS is mentioned in all except for maybe one or two. I also think that most people recommend fo's that they've already tried in their wax ... at least the members I know. I just call it like I see it, and it's my opinion, but hey, everyone has one, right? Oh yeah, definately no worries ... this is suppose to be fun!

    Oh, I see now what you and Island Girl meant. Out of ZD's 17 posts. I hadn't caught that trend. Well it could be construed that way, but as a relative newb myself when I first came here I'd only found and tried a few FO suppliers so if I had anything to contribute about a certain scent then I would have been recommending the same suppliers over and over. And since I haven't been making candles for very long I haven't tried that many fos yet, but if I've seen an obscure fo that someone is iso, then I've mentioned where I've seen it (if I can remember!). :) I do usually try to say whether I've used it or not, so the original poster knows they can take my advice or leave it! :grin2:

    I gotta say though, I had no idea that there were so many suppliers out there, and so many fos! It's led to a serious addiction on my part. Is there a FOHOs Anonymous I can join?:laugh2:

  11. Ok, now I'm trying to find another one of my favorite Illuminations scents that Yankme carries now. It's called Napa Valley Harvest and it's described on their website as "A wine country celebration ... a warm, fruity medley of rich grapes, sunny citrus and juicy plums". I'm also thinking a white wine fo might work, but the hard part is going to be finding a plummy fo I think.

    It seems like I've seen a white grape fo somewhere, but I can't find it now so I thought I'd check here! If anyone can point me in the right direction I'd really appreciate it! :cheesy2:

  12. Can I find it at the Candlemakers store?? LMAO..

    (I couldn't help myself...:laugh2:)

    ZD I'm pretty sure she was joking about being able to buy it at the CMS. Don't ya think? :tiptoe: I don't think anyone will think you're spamming b/c it seems like almost everyone has given recommendations about where to buy FOs, whether they've tried them or not. So don't worry about it, k? :)

  13. Those look like metal cooking skewers, but I'm the country girl who'd never seen mottled wax before, so don't take my word for it. LOL :cheesy2:

    lol! To me they look about the size of the skewers I buy in a kit with string and use to lace up my turkey's butt at Thanksgiving! :) I use those little things for a lot more than what they were intended for, but I never thought of using them for this!

  14. I made some candles recently with a Day-Star FO called Patchouli Dusk. It's predominantly patchouli & amber and reminds me of the Prada perfume. The amber softens the patchouli and it's really nice.

  15. I am looking for a good one too (Pineapple Cilantro), I found some on Brambleberry's site. I haven't bought any yet, if you find a great one let us know.


    Well, so far I can tell you what isn't a great one imo. Just Scents was way too sharp for my taste. I tried blending with Icey Pineapple & Cool Cilantro from NG but it was too sharp too. I have waiting in line a Pineapple Cilantro from BCN that smells nice oob, it may be the closest to the Illuminations (now Yank-me) that I loved. I also have one to try from the CMS, oob it smells similar to the JS one but it may be different in wax. I'll keep you posted! :smiley2:

  16. Thought that I would bump this up to let people know to BEWARE of Taylorbean Scents. I am appalled to say that I have to actually file a claim for $2.95 for the oil that I never received. I was told that the oil was sent 9 days ago. I filed a paypal dispute and cannot believe that I have to escalate it to a claim for such a tiny amount of money. I never received this oil and she no longer answers me. I am still shocked that a person would actually lose a customer over $2.95!

    I'm also having problems with this company. I called and left a message two weeks ago about the fact I had not received the order I placed on March 12, two days later I get an automated email that a shipping label had been created for the package. Unfortunately I don't believe the package was ever dropped off at the Post Office since there's no trace of it in the USPS tracking system. So I filed a PayPal claim as well. We'll see what sort of response I get. :mad:

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