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Posts posted by tonyalkay

  1. Donita, I just want to say that your work is AWESOME!!! I look forward to seeing your work and your work inspires me to try new things and inspires me to really dig down deep into my artistic ability and apply that towards candles. I just wish I had more time.

    Beautiful candle.

  2. Thank you very much for the tips and help. I will post a pic of my first one. Probably be in about another two weeks but I am hoping just to play around this weekend. Have a supplier for the wax about 2 hours away from me and always get it the next day after I order. Don't have time to drive and pick it up though. (work all day, school at night) So hopefully I can play this weekend.

  3. I am going to attempt to make a hurricane candle with a photo embedded. I just think those are so neat. I am going to order me some hurricane wax. I already have the stearic at home. I am just going to play around with the mold I have right now and get the photo embedding part down first and then order me some more molds. Anyway, question is Do you spray your photo with anything so the ink does not run? I have an inkjet printer. I would assume that the colors would run when inserting into wax but not sure. Anything else I need to make these? I have been reading up on these. I wanted to make a few with my kids photos in them. Thanks in advance.

    Also do you use UA in the wax to protect the photo from fading? (can you tell I have never done this?)

  4. I had a mold forever and some sample wax so I decided to pour a pillar for myself. I loved the way the mottled effect came out. I may have to venture into pillars now. I used IGI mottled pillar wax can't remember the number though. The can is over at the shop. I scented it Blackberry Tea from Peaks. I has a good scent throw too.


  5. Update on the Maduro and the Coco-Banana Pie. 1st burn took a little under 3 hours for the Coco-Banana and about 3.25 hours for the Maduro to reach a FMP on the 4 oz jj. The scent throw was fabulous. The Maduro is burning right now for its second burn and is doing beautifully. I am using HTP 93 in these jars. I am using 9%, (didn't mean to use that much) and I can definitely go down on that %. The Maduro is in my masterbath and is filling the bathroom and my master bedroom. I think that is awesome for the 4 oz jj. I am definitely wanting to get more of this wax and some more FO. The Maduro is a wonderful unique smell. I really cannot describe it but it is definitely different from my florals and bakerys thank goodness. Smells like something a very rich and powerful person would be burning in their house if that makes sense. ;) Anyway, this wax seems so easy to wick. I am going to try and make a bigger candle in my salsa jar today got about 8 oz left of the wax. Thanks Brenda for the wonderful samples.

  6. I poured two 4 ounce jelly jars using the greenleaf parasoy blend one with Maduro and one with Coconut Banana Cream Pie from Wix-N-Wix. I colored the Maduro brown and the other yellow. Let me tell you that this wax colored beautifully. I put two drops of brown in the Maduro and 3 drops yellow in the other and I should have only used 2 drops yellow because I was trying to get a pale yellow. Cold throw is amazing. I had a tiny, tiny bit of dip by the wick but probably because I was rushing around but not enough to do a repour. I heated to 180 and poured about 170-175. I put 9% fo and maybe should have used less but I was pouring smaller portions so it is hard to get the 7.5 to 8% I usually use. Anyway, I will post again when I burn. I will burn in my master bath since they are only the 4 oz jellys. Hopefully the picture comes out. If it does, ignore the wax imperfection around the wicks accidentally moved them before they were completely set.

  7. I poured two 4 ounce jelly jars using the greenleaf parasoy blend one with Maduro and one with Coconut Banana Cream Pie from Wix-N-Wix. I colored the Maduro brown and the other yellow. Let me tell you that this wax colored beautifully. I put two drops of brown in the Maduro and 3 drops yellow in the other and I should have only used 2 drops yellow because I was trying to get a pale yellow. Cold throw is amazing. I had a tiny, tiny bit of dip by the wick but probably because I was rushing around but not enough to do a repour. I heated to 180 and poured about 170-175. I put 9% fo and maybe should have used less but I was pouring smaller portions so it is hard to get the 7.5 to 8% I usually use. Anyway, I will post again when I burn. I will burn in my master bath since they are only the 4 oz jellys.

  8. Brenda is great. I can't see how she is answering all emails, plus posting updates on the board and getting those samples out. She must be Wonder Woman. Thanks Brenda!!!! I got mine yesterday and the Maduro is one unique FO. I really like it. My whole office sniffed it and can't wait until I get a candle poured with it. I am going to try and make two small candles with it. One in your wax and one in the 6006 that I have been testing. I will keep everybody posted. I am actually going to try and pour it today if I get time but have two tests to be studying for.

  9. I did try to double wick on one of the FOs. I tried CD7 and although they did give a full melt pool and the melt pool was fast on the first burn and then the second burn they did not get a full melt pool and they were trying to drown out and then tried CD8 and got a FMP too fast and felt they made the jar too hot. This testing is driving me nuts but I am determined to get this down, slowly but surely. But I am open for more suggestions on double wicking also. I have HTP's, CD's, LX's and zincs (trying to stay away from zincs but will use if I have to) to test.

  10. Finally got one candle to burn with a full melt pool with 6006 in a 3.5" jar. I used a 60z (really wanting to get away from zinc wicks). It actually left a tiny bit of hangup until about half-way down the jar and then it started burning with a full melt pool. Awesome scent throw even on the first few burn that did not have a full melt pool. The problem is, I have soot, more than I want. That is with me trimming every time. Can anybody suggest a wick that is comparable to 60z. I have a HTP but largest is 105. I have some CD and LX sample packs too. I have tried a CD 18 in two other FO's and the melt pool would never catch up but haven't tried any other wicks except zinc in that one particular FO that the 60z worked on. Thanks. I am just excited that I finally got a full melt pool in at least one of my testers. :yay:

  11. Sounds like you had an air bubble that was trapped in the wax when the wax melted some it let out the air. I know I have read in a lot of places that for an 8 oz regular jelly jar you should but getting a full melt pool within about 2-1/2 hours. Since the standard time is one inch per hour on melt pool. But a lot of times you will not get a full melt pool on the first burn but it eventually catches up on other burns. HTH

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