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Posts posted by NaturallyTru

  1. I would move your product button to just after the Home button.

    I would combine the safety and care info into one page. It seemed a little redundant to me.

    I like how you have written the soy benefits. Good education for consumers. I would, however, put info on the palm wax you use. If I was a consumer I would notice right away that you use soy wax and palm wax but only give me the benefits of soy. But maybe that's just me being anal as usual. :rolleyes2


  2. 1) Purchase a professional logo

    2) Start ordering supplies to re-start up from 2004.

    3) Go to Giftmart

    4) Not to go overboard and stick with small number of products

    5) Find someone with compatible kidney willing to donate me one (hmmm...maybe this should be #1?)


  3. There are a few software programs I had read about that allow you to design your own stuff if you don't want to be limited to what is on teh cartridges:


    Make The Cut (supposed to be easier to use than SCAL)


    I'm still new to design studio, so these are a ways off for me right now.

    Remember you cannot design your own stuff on design studio without being limited to the fonts and shapes of the cricut catridges you own.


  4. I make my own base so I can get just the right combo of ingredients to suit me. I started with some of teh ingredients on a commercial balm I liked, blended it with a basic balm recipe I found online and then added extra touches. Was really easy and took me only 3 tries to get consistency how I wanted it.


  5. Took my Cricut to our family Christmas Saturday. All the women crowded around the table after presents and dinner done...LOL! My SIL traded cartridges until she comes back to town Tuesday. Her hubby, my bro, wants the Gypsy. My other SIL made her hubby inspect the Cricut so he'd understand what she's been begging for. My mom doesn't get why anyone would want one. She kept saying "It's just a die cut". No trying to explain it's more to her. Oh well, at least then she won't borrow mine. I made my present tags with the Merry Tags cartridge. Everybody loved them.


  6. Just so you are clear...the SCAL software you cannot cut out any images that are on the cricut cartridges. You use SCAL to use fonts your computer has and designs you make on your computer. Don't want people to get confused.

    People already are getting confused with the Cricut Design Studio, thinking because you can view all cartridges you don't have to buy them; but you have to own the particular cartridge to be able to cut it.

    Die hard Cricut users have cricut machine, SCAL & Design Studio (or the new Gypsy Design that you can take anywhere).


  7. I just got my expression in the end of October; but haven't had time to really get into it. I played around a little and love it! It does not come with many instructions...just basic which some parts confused me. Not sure if it is just me of not. I found a video online from AboveRubiesStudio.com that helped a lot! More informative and you can see each step.

    I do not have any knowledge of the other Cricuts; but in my opinion, I'd go Expression. I have a feeling you would want the other features when you become addicted. I am excited that I will have time in January to play more with mine. Right now I've just played with the features to see what they do.

    Also, I wanted to mention this. I justified buying my Cricut for the only reason to cut out the names to my fragrances to use in hang tags for some of my products. I was under the mis-conception that you could print a word and have it all attached together. But no...you get individual letters and I was not going to sit and line up letters on my products...Whew! Anyway 2 weeks ago I ran across an article on the Cricut Design Studio. You can attach things together with that. You can view every cartridge and it's items; but can only cut out if you have that cartridge. You can combine cartridges with it (again if you have the cartridges). I just did one teh other day using Paper Pups and Plantain Schoolbook. I had a dog sleeping on his back from PP and then put my dog's name below it with Plantain and "welded" it together. Turned out really cute!

    I have bought all my cartridges and Design Studio on ebay. Much less expensive. Right now I think they are going for higher due to holiday gifts; but I have not spent more than $25-$32 on a cartridge and $32 for Design Studio. Every place I've bought from has free shipping.



  8. I was ordering samples from The Jar Store last week and they called to let me know that one style lid the manufacturer quit making. They still had lots of stock; but when that is gone...no more. The rep said she didn't want me starting a new line of candles that I would have to change in the future...so gave me heads up. Big kudos to them!


  9. I started with gel and paraffin. Then a friend asked me to help her with a soy kit she bought. I fell in love with it. Took a few to a show and sold out. Got a wholesale account from that show also. I, personally, love the frosty look to soy; my customers do not care one way or the other. I love that it can help American farmers (my grandpa was a farmer) and I like how cleanup is very easy. I have been able to easily find scents with great scent throw and I have been able to achieve any color I desire with soy.


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