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Everything posted by mindyw86

  1. Thanks for all the replies, I like the keepsake glass, but will have to check on candlewic to see what the shipping to me may cost. On the status jars, are they only available in one place or are can you get them at different places? Also, descent, where do u find the 10oz salsa jars? I think I have seen some salsa jars, but not a 10oz. Thanks again everyone for the input
  2. Hey everyone, I am finally getting back into my candles after having my second child. Anywho, I have been doing 4 and 8 oz jelly jars and am in the mood for a change. I love the 4 oz jj but don't love the 8oz any more. I have been looking at finding a new jar to test. I would love one that can be single wicked. I would also like one that isn't too tall and a pain to light during the lower half Any suggestions of a good one to start testing that you love would be greatly appreciated! I am using igi 4630 if that makes a difference to anyone, I have also mostly used zinc and lx wicks, if another may be needed for a slightly larger jar please let me know so I can order a sample pack for my testing. TIA!
  3. Thanks everyone! I am compiling a list and then going with what I think would do good for me or I just have to try I plan on ordering from both companies either tomorrow or Wednesday at the latest, so if anyone has any other suggestions please feel free to share Oh, and if it helps anyone I will be using igi4630
  4. thanks for all the suggestions so far! As to whoever said list was too long and let u all know what I like ( sorry bad memory and honestly don't know how to put copy and paste on here yet) lol I mostly prefer baking sents and fruity stuff...also some sweet florals.... but I am willing to try something different. hope that helps I am hoping to order from each place by the middle of the week! I love getting new scents to work with
  5. After asking about fresh cut grass scents the other day, I figure I will try both peaks and NG....that most recommended. Of course though I can't just order one from each place so any other suggestions of "must haves' from either place? Never ordered from NG before thanks!
  6. Thanks everyone, I will check out the places u mentioned and maybe get a few samples....a good reason for me to get other new samples from each place too
  7. I need a really good fresh cut grass scent for my hubby...Never tried this from anywhere so any suggestions would be great Thanks
  8. I know I am in BIG trouble with NG, especially if this first order of FOs are as good as everyone says! I have about 15 samples in my cart and another 15-20 on my wishlist that are just gonna have to wait for another time ( unless I can convince my hubby to give me his credit card!) lol
  9. I don't like the mushrooming on the 4 oz jj, and thought another may do better. IDk, maybe you are right and I just need to stay the way I am, the mushroom just gets on my nerves I guess..lol
  10. I have always used zinc wick in my 4630 candles. I have noticed in my 4 oz jj the mushroom a bit, no smoking or any other problems....so far in my 8 oz jj no problems at all really. I want to try others but I am getting confused on what should work best for this wax. CS site says htp is best and lx is 2nd best but I believe NG says cd....Just would love a few suggestions on which I should try first as I can't by 2-3 sizes of each right away so I would like to get the 2 "best" first, if that made any sence. lol Thanks, Mindy
  11. You're in trouble...lol After browsing their site and all the suggestions from here, I really do think I'm in trouble....lol Oh well, I will have to try to control myself. For now anyways
  12. Thanks for all the suggestions! Any more are welcome. I am going to have to put together a list and see how many I can afford for my first order.
  13. Dreamie, When do you add your FO and pour on your 4630? I have been messing around with mine and trying different pour temps....between 160 and 170, adding fo at about 175 but had someone say that may be too hot to add fo with this wax. My CT isn't great but it is good after about 3 days cure, hot throw seems to be pretty good with some FO's I have tried but others are making me wonder if I need to try adding and pouring at a different temp.
  14. I have been look at NG's site and am thinking of ordering FO's from there....is there any "must haves" for someone ordering from them for the 1st time?? I love killer strong scents....love foods and sweets but will try anything once I use 4630 wax tia!
  15. I love the ideas so far, any more would be great so I have lots to pick and choose from. Thanks everyone
  16. Math Sucks is hilarious, seeing as she is a Math teacher!! lol
  17. I have this idea for an AWESOME teacher I had years ago that goes to my church and is going to retire this May. I love, love, love her, and as a gift I want to make her some of my container candles (I use 4630 wax) and I was wondering if anyone has any ideas for quirky names. She is very fun loving and has a great sense of humor. Names suggestions would be awesome along with any scents that throw great in my wax that you would pair with the name. Thanks in advance
  18. coconut, what temp would you recommend? Add Fo at 170 and pour and at cooler temp or still pour at about 165?
  19. Thank you! The Passion Fruit and Guava from Peaks was super strong mixed exactly the same, so I thought it could be just a weak scent.
  20. I just got mine too! Peach Cranberry Marmalade Blueberry Cheesecake Apples and Maple Bourbon Pumpkin Souffle Brandied Pear Pecan Pie Strawberry Shortcake Chocolate Chip Cookie Jamaica Me Crazy I love most of them OOB....I poured a couple Strawberry Shortcake and they smell great! Don't know what to pour tomorrow. I was trying to figure out what color to do Jamaica Me Crazy....any suggestions?
  21. Hey everyone, I just poured some mango papya from Peaks and it was no where near as strong as some others I have from them. I was wondering if it was me and how I did or it just isn't a very strong scent. I used 4630 wax heated to about 175 added 1oz of FO and liquid dye....stirred for about 2 mins, and then poured into 4oz jj at about 160-165. my wick is 44-24-18 zinc. Any suggestions are much appreciated
  22. I would love to share some pics, but it will have to wait until I can go somewhere that has Wi Fi.... lol dial up really sucks! I will try go in the next week to upload a few pics
  23. Thanks everyone I just got some FO's from CS in the mail today! So excited, I am going to mix a small sample while the baby is taking a nap. YAY!
  24. I don't know if you guys remember me, lol but I dropped off here about a year ago, I was pregnant so I had to quit with my candle making for a bit..Had a baby boy (Nathan) in October then he was kinda a fussy baby so now I am finally getting back in Trying out some new scents in jelly jars.....they are going pretty good so far! Oh yeah, The reason I dropped off here was lightning struck my computer!! We had to get a new one and couldn't remember the website to save my life! (I like to blame that one on the pregnacy) lol It's good to be back and can't wait to jump back into all the forums
  25. Welcome back! I am also just coming back from about a year off, had to quit while I was pregnant and then now the baby is just getting old enough and taking good naps where I have a few mins to myself and candle making is way more fun to do in that time than cleaning house (lol) even though I must do that too Now I am going through and trying to get more supplies ( hubby isn't to thrilled with that though) lol
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