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Everything posted by rebeccajo99

  1. I sometimes think that I use too much FO per lb of soy wax. I range from 6 to 10%. Just wondering what you all use. Thanks
  2. its probably in my head, but when pour and test flowal scents, my allergies go haywire. I'm allergic to flower pollen, but not the scent... so I'm sure it is just in my head. Try pouring your candles with a mask and see if that makes a difference.
  3. yes, it is after I am burning. When it hardens the part that was melted is now that blue/grey color. You have not found a "cure" for it?
  4. I am testing Baby Powder from Peak. I keep getting a weak HT. Did anybody else get this to throw good from Ecosoya 135. I'm up to 10% FO load. Thanks (I did let it cure a week before starting to test)
  5. Thanks for the info. I will try BCN. I am going to try a lower FO amount first, but if that still does not work, I am going to order from a different supplier. The HT has been great, just this grey/blue wax
  6. yeah... your theory makes sense. I have noticed that some are filled more than others. I will test that theory as I'm testing the candles as well. if this theory works, may give me a jump start on those that have to be wicked up I'm not to thrilled about the lilac information. I am making my soy candles dye free and I was hoping that if I can't get this grey to stop with a lower fo amount, then trying a different supplier. Doesn't sound like I will get relief here.
  7. I am doing dye free... so your those that are doing the dye free, you just let the blue/grey wax go??? I don't mind it turning a little yellow or tan while burning, but I don't know if I can do the blue/grey.
  8. Seeing your calculations, I would say $4.50 for one or 3 for $12 is a good place to start. I don't make those jars, so it was hard for me to give a good starting point, that is why i said it the way I did. Sorry if it sounded bad.
  9. figure out your cost to make the jars then multiply by 3 or 4. You want to make sure you are getting a profit for your jars.
  10. I might just have to try that as well. I only have a little bit of FO left before I have to buy more of this scent. I was going to try it one more time with a different FO amount as well. If that one fails as well, got any ideas for a different supplier for lilac?
  11. Thanks Scented. I will pour a new one at a lower FO amount and test that. Sounds like it is just a lot of trial and error as well. The joys of testing Thanks for the heads up on the ones that thend to wick up for you. I will keep that in mind when I start pouring/testing those scents.
  12. I have a candle that when I burned it left a brown film that looked like the wick was seeping something. My husband and I was wondering if maybe that this FO is just a heavier oil and that we just need to lower the FO amount. Can you tell if a FO is heavier just by looking or is it trial and error once you get it in the wax. The scent we are working with right now is Lilac from Peak. Thanks
  13. I found this website when I was looking for a solution to a problem that I am having. Maybe this will help. http://www.onestopcandle.com/candle/ctroublepowder.php
  14. So would you guess to wick up or down??? One jar had a CD 14 and one a CD 12. The CD 12 danced like crazy and the jar got really hot. The CD 14 did great, but the HT throw was just ok. (12 was much better) However, on a different note. The 14 did not mushroom at all. (That pic didn't turn out so I didn't post it) Putting the blue wax and the brown seepage aside, it would appear that 14 would be the wick to go.
  15. I like those better than the other ones you posted.
  16. from the title I thought you were looking for a recipie, then i looked at the picture and thought you were tempting me... then I read the discription and saw that it was soap. VERY NICE you are very talented.
  17. http://s569.photobucket.com/albums/ss137/rebeccajo99/ Ok... I'm trying to attach them this way. Hope the pics help. If you can help me figure out why the wax turned blue that would help too. Thanks
  18. Why does it look like my wick is seeping into my wax and making it a blue color. Around the wick there is this brown film as well. This is only happening on my lilac candles and no other scent. I tried to take pictures, but i get kicked off the internet every time I try to attach them. I'll try again in another post.
  19. I don't have an insite for you, but just letting you know that I LOVE your sig line. I have just been reading up on m&p because i thought about starting that just for myself. Thanks for the post though... very informative.
  20. i would think little soaps and tealights would be sufficiant. I would also maybe have some of your bigger sellers socked in your car that way if somebody does want to make a purchase, you have some on hand. Also, make sure you have some business cards handy.
  21. I have had major frosting with colors. I now switched to colorless candles and that is better for me, but still see the frosting occasionally. I also pour cooler and that does seem to help. Its a playing game, try something... write down what you did and see what happens. I now mostly get the frosting after I start burning the candle where it shows up in the recooled wax. I just tend to ignore that, but that is just me. Like the other poster said, keep giving advanced a try. You may be able to get it to workout and get the throw you want. Don't give up after the first candle. I poured and tested many before deciding that I didn't like the advance.
  22. I use Ecosoya 135 which is one more for HT, but the frosting can be very frusterating.
  23. Let me get this streight... did you start burning your candle 15 hours after you poured it or did you burn it for 15 hours streight the first time? The minimum cure time after pouring a candle for this wax is 48 hours before you light it for the first time. I wait a week before lighting my candles the first time. If it was buring for 15 hours, you burned it too long... you should be burning the candle 1 hour for every inch in diamater. Sounds like to me you jumped the gun a little and don't give up on it just yet. Pour a new one, let it cure and try again. It could just be your scent too. Some scents just are not good in soy all together, others are good in one kind but not another. I don't use Ecosoya advanced, but I did test it. Ecosoya Advanced is more used for appearance than HT. I was never impressed with the HT, but that doesn't mean that you will be. Go to Ecosoya's website and you will find a lot of information about suggestions and what to do with thier wax. http://www.ngiwax.com/cb-instructions Keep on trucking... candle making at times is very frustering and stressful. HOwever, once you get a good candle, the frusterations are soooo rewarding.
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