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Posts posted by wvcandleguy

  1. Thanks for your reply. Same wax, same FOs but LX wicks are from a different source than I usually use. Guys in the family (the scientists - lol), tell me it must be something to do with the combustion, seeing I get a great throw in the melter. Wondering if the FO is burning off too quickly.

    Going to try some other wicks, but time is getting short.

    Teaches me again to try one votive out from each batch I make, even if they are the same as previous batches.

    It could very well be the wick. I would play around with it. Sorry I cant be of more help

  2. Ok ladies and gents, I have a question for you all concerning pillar molds. To make a long story short, I just got several metal pillar molds in a trade. We made some candles for a lady who wanted them for her daughter. The lady's husband used to make candles before he passed away. Afterwards, the just bagged and boxed up all the stuff and put it in her basement. Now here is where the question is. Most of the molds that I received are in relatively good shape. I did receive a hurricane mold, but know absolutely nothing about it. Is there supposed to be an insert that goes with it? or how does that work? I lucked out big time, because most of the molds are pourette, and range from 2in to 6in molds. Anyway, the main question is bout the hurricane mold... any ideas would be greatly appreciated.

  3. I use a roaster for my larger orders... found out that you can melt up to 18lbs fairly easily.... but it takes FOREVER... I agree with the other posts.. cut it up in smaller chunks and will help speed things a little... and wookie, you can melt wax directly in your Presto, then pour into your pour pot...speeds things up a little

  4. I've poured wax down the sink.. put hot glue on my fingers but my all time favorite was when I was testing Dragons Blood from NG, poured the candle and wasn't getting cold throw at all. I let it cure for 2 weeks and still nothing. Then I go to get more 1oz's to pour and find my complete 1oz of Dragons Blood that I had forgot to pour in.

    I have done that.. and I LOVE that FO... makes great incense too... FYI :) What part of WV?

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