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Posts posted by Jordan

  1. I have a sample of FOH Tahitian Vanilla Spice. OOB it does smell awesome.

    Ones I have put into wax that are awesome cold and hot:

    Extreme Vanilla~Millcreek

    Vanilla Voodoo~CandleCacoon

    I have just poured EnchantedLites Vanilla. Smells great cold. Have not burned yet.

    I have tried JS vanillas and BCN's and none of these were great throwers in CB135.

    I am also going to try CandleScience's Vanilla in the next couple of weeks.

    Reading Jordan's post reminded me about Snowtop's Vanilla Bliss. It does throw well but I agree with Jordan, not really a vanilla to me. I detect a coffee smell in it????

    I agree, it is coffe, or some kind of syrup note, very thick scent. I do like it, the customers really like it....Have you tried CC Voodoo Vanilla? This is our best seller.
  2. oh...sorry about that I got:


    Celtic Moon Sice

    Cherry Mist

    Flannel Sheets

    Grasshoper Pie

    Lavender Apples and Oak

    Little Black Dress

    Pink Sugar

    Twigs and Berries

    White Jasmine

    Tangerine Lavender

    Manderine Twist

    ....going to need to work a 2nd job to afford this new addiction! :drool:

    Out of all your list I use Buttermint, Grasshopper Pie, Tangerine Lav. (and Strawberry Musk) They are all great in soy. I haven't tried any of the others on your list.

  3. Let me get to my shop and I will give you some numbers of what I bought and a list of what sold well when. I will also as soon as I get my new ones in give a report on the 2 new designs I am bringing in.

    Thanks so much, I think they may sell well over here in Pikes Place....

  4. Poured that last night and after it hardened went to sniff for a cold throw.OMG I couldn't breathe.It smells just like smoke.Of course I understand but this would be one Of course you would want to burn outside(somewhere you are not allowed to have fires in your yard etc)Recently someone mentioned Burnt Rubber and some of us could not imagine that scent.Well this one is not for me UNLESS I am outside.I can stand bonfires but just so much and I have had enough.

    Get the smell without all the smoke/smog that comes from a campfire.Will be a good fall scent.

    Has anyone tested or sold any of these.I just wanted something different this year for fall besides all the food scents .Also think I will forewarn people before they take a sniff.


    Who'd ya get it from?
  5. Hey, these are great oils. I just burned them completely and they were house fillers fo' sho'

    50/50 wax 8% CD wicks

    Wild Fig and Cassis---awesome earthy scent, mostly fig to me, but probably the best fig I have ever encountered!!

    Blackberry Vienesse Latte---This was another very strong scent, I think it was a bit too strong, I will use less next time. Very sweet, with lots of coffee notes, too. My wife loves this one, says to add it to the lineup. I thought it was a bit too sweet, but I think the ladies will like it.

    More coming soon, I am taking it easy for a few days due to an injury, so I have lots of time on my hands to just burn all these testers I made over the summer ;)

  6. Well the wattage is a halogen 37 watt bulb. I get 2 breakaway blocks in one easily.

    I will admit some of the designs are cheesy but some are really pretty. I was very careful picking out the one that I thought had an elegance to them or where just cute.

    I sold most of them to young women between the ages of 16 to 25 they really appealed to that age group. They where also more than willing to part with their money. I don't know about other areas but that age group here normally buys at walmart because of price. So if I can get some of my better tarts and candles in to their hands I am happy because they are our future buyers with disposable income in about 5 year they will be buying the better quality candles from me.

    I don't honestly know about their customer service this is the first time I have order from them when I bought from Nana she was really good about getting back with me about any concerns. I had some break and she reimbursed me really quick.

    Hello Vicky,

    Can you tell us which designs were 'non cheesy', lol. The idea of being able to turn the dial up or down is pretty cool. I thought many of them looked very classy.


  7. To me it smells like grape Bubble Yum. Kids like it but was never a big seller for me.
    Sounds gross----thanks for the heads up! Guess I am back to searching again....is there a decent huckleberry out there? I heard Aztec was good, but they discontinued it.
  8. Yeah, I don't have as much luck with them either as others do. The bottle of Huckleberry that I have is from when I first started making candles -- paraffin days -- before soy days. So far, the only one that I use is Sweet Potato Pie. I have three older bottles of Moonlight Path, Huckleberry and Pink Sugar. They do not seemed spoiled yet, so I may still use them in my paraffin. I will test them again to make sure. I have two smaller bottles of Twigs & Berries and Lime Cilantro. I never really added the Twigs to my line and the LC gave me fuel. I may just finish them in clamshells. I will be adding the Pumpkin Crunch Cake most likely. It does smell pretty yummy and is giving me a great throw. :)

    PCC is a great oil. I know lots of folks love NG, sell the others on the classifieds. :wink2:

  9. Yeah, I think I will pass on NG's then. Thanks! For some reason most of their oils seem fakey to me....especially the fruit and bakery scents. Not sure what it is, but they are not 'it' for me....maybe it is my wax, just not sure. Right now I only use three scents from NG--old fashioned banana pudding, butter brickle, and pumpkin crunch cake.

  10. I just ordered the JS blueberry cobbler. I poured the vanilla buttercream crunch from JS and it smelled great cold but I had no hot scent throw. I'm using Naturewax C-3. I hope all JS FO's don't perform like that in soy because they have some awesome sounding FO's.

    Thanks Jordan for your help!

    I think the VBC from JS is like that for many folks---I get a great throw, it was stronger than WYW in my soy. BUT--not all waxes perform the same. Most JS oils have always worked for us in our blend. I am sure the blueberry cobbler will work--this is a very strong oil. I think most blueberries from every company I have tested are strong. Seems to be a no brainer scent, just some are more realistic than others.

  11. Blueberry Muffin - MMS, NG, AH/RE, Snowtop, WSP, Candlemakers, MMS, Florida Soy Solutions, Peaks I use Snowtop--it is perfect. Tested BCN--it was good too--Blow you out the door strong, but discolored quite a bit....

    Blueberry Cobbler - NG, TCS, AH/RE(2 different ones), Candlemakers, Lonestar, TC, Candles & Supplies I use Heartfelt or JS, both are excellent. Have also tested Keystone, it was very good as well.

    Blueberry Cheesecake - Candlemakers, TC, ICS, Haven't tried either of these, but JS's is nice. I think I heard that ICS is pretty close.

    Blueberries N Cream - ICS

    Blueberry Strudel - Candlemakers This sounds great, will have to try it ;)

    Can you tell I went a little crazy with the blueberry samples? I hope one of these is the best one. Appreciate your help!

    Well, you have quite a few, and I have only used a couple of the versions you mentioned! BUT--I know the Snowtop version listed above is great. I personally like the Heartfelt version of cobbler the best, it has a bit more bakery to it, but my testers all preferred JS My Mamma's Blueberry Cobbler.

    Candied Blueberries from JS is also another different blueberry scent that is exellent. I was not adding any more to our lineup until we tested this one, it is very strong.

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