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Posts posted by IndulgentCreations

  1. ???

    How's about comparing sizes using a distributor's sizing guide? Here's a link to nearly every wick under the sun and the recommendations for its use - perhaps you should bookmark it... it's been posted at least 30 times in this forum!



    Being a newbie, I'm glad you posted that link. Just starting out with candles and have yet to come across that link...at least I don't think I have...been doing a aweful lot of reading and searching though, LOL. Anyways, thanks!


  2. I must be the lone man out because I didn't have good luck with Select Shades. However, I love oxides & ultrmarines in my CP. Also I like some of the Neons.

    Neons are next on my list! Been soaping for a few years now and have yet to try them.


  3. I have Select Shades too but got tired of guessing what color my soap might end up being. Many times a beautiful shade of gray....blech! I've never tried micas, I know several that use them (mainly golds, silvers, metallic colors) but the oxides and ultramaines are awesome because you can get so many different shades. I use a lot of green, blue and purple. Still use the SS occasionally.


  4. Actually you will have that problem with FD&C colorants period. If you want your colors to stay true, use oxides and ultramarines. I think they're cheaper anyways and I use a whole lot less to achieve the same color (or at least what I was trying to achieve). HTH


    PS. The green in my avitar is chrom. green oxide and black clay.

  5. Try putting a heating pad down, towel on top, then mold, then a piece of cardboard and a towel over the whole thing. This should help with the gelling issues. For releasing them, pop them in the freezer overnight, they slide right out the next day. Can you tell I started with molds like these, LOL? HTH


  6. I tested the soy whip for a while(& was going to market it as a soy butter) & although I just love the texture & testers loved it too, I am not going to end up using this product because it turns brown with the majority of the fo's. I can understand if it just turned with a few, but it is with most. I'm bummed, because we all really liked this base alot. I usually make myself a tester & then my "testers" get a tester. Well, 2 people(friends) loved this stuff so much, that they just had me make products for themselves to use, before my testing was complete! Now, months later, they are finally fessing up to me, that they all turned brown!!!! They didn't want to tell me because they didn't want me to feel bad! (I'm glad they aren't testers!). So, that's just my story. Very sad because it is quite a nice product.

    I have been using the whip for 2 years now. The only time I have had it turn brown is FO's with vanilla in it. My Love Spell, OMH, Blue Sugar (which is weird because it does turn brown in CP) has always stayed the color I have made it....pink, blue or left white. My vanilla and my Pink Sugar do turn brown after a while but many that have bought it keep coming back for more and I've not had any complaint or even people asking about it. I sell mine in 2 ounce jars so maybe the majority are using it up before it has a chance to turn.


  7. I also use the whip and love it! Just got a sample of the glaze and it seems like it'd be nice for something lighter in the summer.

    All I add to mine is the FO and sometimes a bit of color. You can use oxides & ultramarines...they do mix in well.

    I wish they offered it in 5 gallon pails instead of the gallon jugs. It's a pain to get the whip out of the jugs once you start getting down to the bottom not to mention that I order 3 or 4 of them at a time.


  8. Oxides and ultramarines are mineral colors. You can do it a couple of different ways.

    1. You can mix with a bit of glycerin to make a concentrated liquid and then add to your batch. This is how I started. Or..

    2. You can seperate out the batter you plan to color (in a pyrex or bowl) and add in small amount...hit it with a stick blender. This is what I do now. As long as you use the SB you shouldn't have any problems getting it mixed in. HTH


  9. My slab molds are made by my DH and they have worked great for me, inexpensive too! I never have to trim ends or do anything to the bars once cut. I use Select Shades from Tradewinds and like them when they behave but have some people balk at FD&C colorants. So many people into the natural thing. I use a lot of oxides and ultramarines that I buy from Southern Soapers or Kangaroo Blue (they're at ISOCAN so it's cash & carry) and clays that I got from NDA. HTH


  10. My husband also makes my molds, they are slab molds. He cut slots in it so I can slip my cutter (he also made this) into the slots and cut uniform bars out of each mold. I have 7, 14 and 28 bar molds and the final bar ends up being about 5 ounces (I pour mine pretty thick). I line them with waxed paper and they have worked great for me. Easy to make and low cost. Haven't got him around to trying his hand with a log mold yet, it's next on the list!


  11. I finally made the leap last night and ordered my wax. I've been doing a ton of reading on suggestions for the results I was wanting and decided on Bluegrass Soy soy/cottonseed blend. They only show HTP wicks on their website so I checked out candlescience. Here's my question....should I get the HTP, LX, ECO and RRD trial packs (the one with 5 or so of each size) and test each of the different wicks to see which one I like the best or am I better to pick 2 and start there? I'm only going to be making tins, starting with the 8oz and the adding the 4 and 16oz sizes. I don't want to complicate things too much as I often have the tendency to do. Thanks in advance for any input!


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