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  1. Sometimes there's a small jar in the African Hair and Skincare section in my supermarket...but I'm in California and you're in Wisconsin...so I'm not sure if the demand is in your area. I suggest you buy some from another soaper or in a co-op and freeze it. Freezes fine!
  2. I used a true red from TKB Trading for a red, white, and blue layered soap.
  3. I used toasted sesame oil that I found in an Asian grocery store at 10%. Nice soap, but colored it a warm brown.
  4. 1. Weigh them. I know my recipe and my mold size now, but when I was starting out I'd put my mold on the scale, pour it until it was as high as I wanted, and then move that mold off the scale and put the next one on. 2. Mark the height you want on your freezer paper or the side of your mold (if you use a linerless mold). HTH-
  5. Do you mean "done" as in cured? It shouldn't be crumbly but mine is...not spongy, really, but certainly not has hard as my CP soap. However, I have used other people's whipped soap and it was really hard. Recipe differences, I suppose. It will be used up quicker, as there's not as much soap with all the air whipped into it. P.S. My first post! (although I have 36 pm's:shocked2: )
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