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Posts posted by CandleLytes

  1. I used to store all my oils alphabetically in a cubboard in the kitchen, but have since changed to the most popular scents in front and the others have plastic flags stuck to the lids with the name on them so I can see them. I have my wax in ziplock bags in boxes in my dining room corner, and so on. I used to have roll-a-way carts but they burned up in my house fire. Lost a lot of merchandise. Orgnaized is a foreign word with this craft.

  2. BTW, "candle lady", not a good idea blabbing where you work on a forum

    I thought about that after posting it but oh well. If someone is going to come after me at walmart, then so be it. I could get mugged walking out into the parking lot in broad daylight. I have been warned before though, that I could lose my job for selling candles while on the clock, that's why I am buidling some pages on my website for local orders (so no shipping charges are included) that way they can't catch me! As much as I love doing candles and have gotten a major customer base, I still need my job! LOL

  3. The first candle I did I poured at normal temp, stuck my dye dipped skewer in and swirled. The whole candle ended up being green. The second, I waited until the wax started to set up (to about a corn syrup consistency) poured, waited a second, again dipped my skewer in dye then swirled it around slightly. The color seemed to stay at the top again, then it spread out throughout the candle so I have no idea how to make them. It might be that I am working with a para soy too, and not pure soy. But I am limited on time as it is and will have to practice this another time I guess.Good Luck.

  4. Here's a thought.

    Have you tried dipping a skewer or something in to a drop of dye, then dipping it in to the wax in the jar and swirling it around that way, that way maybe you'll have more control of what the dye does and where it goes. I am going to try it tonight with cucumber melon. What you've got in the pics looks really close though.

  5. Burlington WI, I'm the donut maker!! In at 4:00 am but the nice thing is I get off at 1:00pm. & off Sundays & Mondays. It never changes like most of your job hours do there.

    I was originally supposed to do donuts but ended up taking the baker's place. Two quit within a month's time. I am in at 3 every day and out by 12pm, sometimes 11 if they are cutting hours. Gives me lots of time to do candles.

  6. Some people actually came in to my work (Wal~Mart) and asked for me. When I came out of the bakery they were like, "Are you The Candle Lady" (which I could seriously get in trouble for talking about or selling my candles while on Wal~Mart's time) and some other people have called "That Candle Lady" recently. Maybe I should change my business name????? :)

  7. As I was trying to fall asleep last night, pissed one of my marbles didn't come out right, I had a vision of a type of Pillar I have not yet seen on here so I am attempting it today. If you have already done this technique, do you have a pic to show?

    My plan is to let my wax cool way down, a little past marble stage, then stir (but not whip) until it gets close to really thick oatmeal consistency, separate it into halves then add dye drops, 2 different colors, mix each fairly well but not totally. Then I will scoop the wax, alternating the colors in to my mold... heat with a heat gun for smooth sides and see what happens. Maybe I'll have invented something never tried before.

  8. From what I understood in her posts she did use soy wax, poured it into the container, let it set for a few, dropped in a drop or two of color and swirled it a bit. Like I said, I think that's what she did. I'm going to try it on wednesday (my day off) and see how it comes out. Unless you do it first, LOL.

  9. Before you ask..... yes, I have done searches on whipped candles but not coming up with much. More threads are coming up for B&B and I really don't have the patience to keep searching. I am on the old craft server board right now going through the gallery and love the look of the people's whipped pillars and want to do some myself but can't seem to find any instructions. I found one post that said to whipped the wax til it gets a oatmeal'y look to it then pour. Do I mix color in all the way or like a marble? Is there any thing I should or shouldn't add to the wax? Thanks all (back to the old board)

  10. I dont do pillars but was think about doing this in my containers. Have you done this before? Do you think it would work.

    I have not personaly done this but I have seen others who by the grace of god seemed to make it work with soy. When asked they said paraffin did not worl as well. Something about the color spread out in containers but with soy it didn't. I am sure it's still the same process. Drop a few drops of dye in there and swirl it around a little. Let me know how they turn out.

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