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Posts posted by pcbrook

  1. Thanks you guys for the great explanations. You all are starting to get me excited about this and I may just have to place an order soon instead of later.

    Now where did I leave my credit card! :laugh2:

    Stella - Thank you for that cheat sheet. I had to look at that link to remember where all the planets are!

  2. Wow Kim, I just read through that thread that you gave and that is so helpful. I bookmarked that one too!

    I think the next time I place an order I will get 10 pounds to play with. I was worried about only being able to use certain FOs. That is one of the reasons why I got sick of the soy. Some of the FOs I wanted to use were not that great. I was kind of limited by that. It is good to hear that just about every FO works with it.

    I have been researching palm for a couple weeks now. While I was at a craft show yesterday a lady asked me if I do any palm candles. Told her what a coincidence it was that I was looking into it this week and she came and asked. She said she had bought one candle and just loved it. Loved it more than the soy. Said she would never buy a soy candle again. The palm lasted so much longer and the scent throw was out of this world. She even gave me her name and phone number to let her know if I ever start making them.

  3. Okay, I have been reading and reading on this board about palm wax and came across a post about "wrecking the tops". I am assuming it is to get rid of air bubbles. How do you do this and what do you use to so it?

    Sorry for seeming a little naive here but my only experience is soy (3yrs) and 6006 (3 months). I know I have read about relief holes (is that the same as wrecking the tops?) but was not really sure what people meant by this or how and why they do it.

  4. I have been thinking about giving Glass Glow a try for containers. I would appreciate some opinions on this stuff. Do you have to do second pours? Do only certain FOs work in it like in soy? I have researched this subject here on the board in search and it seems that CDs seem to be the wick of choice. Which are better? CSN, CDN or plain old CDs?

    I am not yet ready to venture into pillars.

    I would love to hear from whoever would care to comment. TIA!

  5. I was doing a little searching today and came across this company. I notice members on this board have rave reviews for their oils. I checked out there prices and seem a little higher than some other places I order from. Are their FOs really worth the extra cost? I did not compare a ton of them but the few I did check were all higher.

  6. You have two factors for cauliflowering: one is the FO, the other is the dye. Sometimes it's a combination of a certain FO and a certain dye. Might try testing Mistletoe with red and Mac apple with green and see how those combos turn out...

    That would be an interesting test. Wonder if they would still smell the same to me. :laugh2:

    Remember years ago when Heinz had green ketchup in the stores. I just could not bring myself to buy it for some reason. It just did not seem right!

  7. Just thought I would update in case anyone was interested.

    The Mistletoe with the green dye did not cauliflower up as much as the red one with the Mac Apple.

    I ordered some 6006 and I am doing a little experimenting with that right now to see how it works.

    Man, there are so many different waxes out there and so many variations. I have been reading up on the USA too.

    It is funny how people think that's all we do is put a wick in a jar and pour some wax. How can it be so hard?? Right!

  8. Well, I just poured another 8 ozer with Mistletoe and green dye chip. I will let it sit for a few days and test burn it to see what happens.

    I am seriously thinking about switching waxes to a para/soy blend. Kinda getting sick of all this inconsistency with pure soy. I have been making these candles for about 2 years now. I hear so many good things about the 6006 wax that it makes me want to give it a try.

    I will wait to see what happens with the new candle I just poured.

    I would like to thank everyone for your input. I really appreciate it.

  9. I think it has to do with something other than the can...a friend of mine made me candle (in a apothecary jar) and it did the same thing. I was shocked when I looked in the jar the next day. So I don't think it's the can...

    Wow! I have never seen anything quite like that before in glass jars. Like I said a little bumpy but that was really wild. Did you try to burn it again? And if so, did it burn okay?

    I am going to try this with a different FO and color to see what happens. I have done a little more research on these and others have made these with soy and no one ever reported this happening.

  10. After I took the pictures yesterday afternoon I tried lighting them to see if the wick would catch up but it did not.

    16 oz has 2-3/4" opening and I had a CD16 in there.

    8 oz has 2" opening and I had a CD8 in it.

    After the test last night I just yanked the wicks out and melted down the sides with a heat gun and gonna try over again tonight after I get home from work.

    I decided if the wick would not catch up to that I could not sell it that way. The thing that bugs me is they had a really nice melt pool although the hot throw was not that great. But I think that FO is always on the light side anyway.

  11. Hey Ladies!

    Yes, those are paint can containers. I bought a few to test them out and maybe take some to craft shoes this fall and winter. There is an 8 oz and a 16 oz one. I burned the 8 oz for about 2 hours and it had a nice melt pool across the top. The 16 oz went for about 3 hours.

    This is the first time a did anything like this and I was unable to really tell how deep the melt pool was. I usually use glass jars and I have never seen anything this bad. Sometimes a little bumpy but this was horrible. I guess I was shocked the way it went up the sides and then there was a big bump in the middle almost burying the wick when it was cooled.

    They are not in time line. I just took the pictures of both after they had cooled down and they are not in any particular order, sorry about that.

    My thoughts were to try a different FO with a different color to see what happens there. Could be that or maybe the paint cans? :confused:

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