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Posts posted by FunFlames

  1. Thank you all for the input. I will continue testing soon, I kinda got side tracked making tarts. It was SOOO much fun!! Now I just need to decide on a name and what style labels I want so I can get them out for friends to test.

    (I don't want people to test for me if they are not complete!)

    Happy candle making


  2. I just came home with my Ecosoya pillar blend wax :yay: and want to make tarts. I have clamshells and metal tart molds. The clamshells I can handle (LOL), but the metal molds... do I need to do anything special before I use them.... or should I just wash them? I have 24 of the 2.25inch diameter scalloped ones.

    Any tips would be great!



  3. Welcome:D

    I also use the CBA, though this in not an "expert" opinion as I am pretty new also. When I am testing and need to remelt I either chunk the wax out of the container (more than 1 or 2) and remelt in one pour pot. This is actually easier than it sounds as the wax is very easy to work with. If it is only 1 or 2, I set the container on my candle warmer and let it remelt for me. As long as you don't take the wax above 190* and leave it there the manufacturer says it is no problem. I have not run across a problem yet.

    As far as cooling, on a rack for even air flow is good. If you want to stay in your cooler room you can cover the candles with a box to help them cool slower.

    HTH, Good luck with your candles


  4. it is the widest part.... the opening is just under 3 inches. I have tested many candles in these jars, just never ran across this problem.

    I don't fill them up to the smaller part, I stop the wax right were it starts to curve in.

    Like I said I have an RRD50 and a CD18 testing in the same batch with great results.

    I really liked the way the ECO 14 started out too... GGRRRRRR

    OH well maybe I will try it in a different FO. Maybe I got a sucky wick, is that possible? Maybe I should try a different ECO 14.

  5. yes, liquid dye. not that much only 6 drops pp.

    Thanks for catching that.

    This is the first FO I am testing with the ECO wicks.

    ECO 14

    When I test, I am watching, making sure the MP is achieved in the right amount of time, then I let it burn. The weird part is it was great the first day. Great everything... then when I blew them out for the night and started again the next afternoon is when the problem showed up. I have not had a wick do that. Normally if it is going to fail bad, I know it on the first burn. I had previously tested a step down in all the wicks and knew they were too small right away.

  6. Hello all,

    I made a blueberry muffin 1.25oz/pp, CBA, 3.5 inch diam apothecary candle. The first test burn it got a great mp, all the way to edges, nice depth, things were looking good. The second test it had a VERY small flame, and only tunnelled and eventually died. I am confused by the results. It actually looked like the wick was clogged. Now I do test as I think people (including me) burn. I light them and let them go till bed time. Usually around 12 hours. I have never seen this happen. I have had it tunnel right away with too small of a wick, but not on a secnd burn.

    Can anyone give some help with this situation. I was actually liking the ECO wicks as they do not shroom. I am also testing RRD and CD in the same batch and same way. NO clogging on them.



  7. I was just going to ask the same question.... I really didn't feel like searching all the suppliers I have bookmarked.

    I do know you can get it at JBN but they are out of stock right now.

    I am not sure if it is a bit different for candles or if it is the same as you can buy in a store. I would think a health food store would carry it.

    I hope to find some soon!

    Well, I know where I am going tomorrow.... SuperWally World!!

  8. OK, after reading :read: all the "similar threads" and all the stuff I did find in a search. I found the best information at JBN... I found a link in an old post.

    So if any other newbies would like to know what all the additives do... here you go.


    I think I am going to try coconut oil.... sound like what I am looking for!:highfive:

    Have a great night everyone!!:wave:

  9. Hello,

    I have found that some liquid dyes have a very strong fuel smell, while others do not. I was wondering what liquid dyes people have found to work well with soy waxes that don't cause much frosting.

    I have heard that liquid dyes can frost in soy more so than color chips. Has anyone found this to be true.

    I know soy waxes are different, I am using Ecosoya waxes, but would like all suggestions.



  10. I use Ecosoya CBA.... I followed the CS directions and was not impressed with the hot throw... after much reading, I tried adding right before I pour (125-130) I have found that it does work better for me at the lower temp. I went to another site that sells it and the directions were different.

    http://www.justbynature.com/How-to-C-3-wax.html this has directions for your wax and the difference between heat temp and pour is 10-20degrees.

    Play around a bit with the temps and see what works better for you.

    Have a great evening


  11. I used an online conversion chart and that ratio seems very weak. I am not sure if their FO is more concentrated but most here are 1oz / pp.

    If I figured it right, that converts to 1/2 oz per 5 lbs of wax. Very Very weak.

    Not sure if this will help at all. Maybe you can e-mail the company.

    I hope you figure it out

    Have a great day

  12. I asked NG about the joy wax, what % was soy. This is what I got....

    "I am sorry, but I do not know how much soy is in the joy wax. All we know is that it is more than 50%."

    I know it's not "the formula", but I hope it helps.

    I think we need to start a "travelling" board. So if you are heading across country you can pick up and deliver waxes for people. LMAO. I know next time my sister comes up from NC I am sending her by Candle Science.... she can bring me all the heavy things! LOL

    I hope you find a comparable wax!

  13. Kimmeroo, not a new batch of wax... still playing with my first 50lb box. The wicks is what I have been changing. Makes all the difference. I got in all my CD wicks today. Just got home and am heading to the kitchen to make some testers.

    OH... if anyone uses the break apart melts..... http://www.scottcrewcandlesupply.com/ they are on major sale at this place. I just ordered a bunch.

    Kimdles, have you had problems getting a good HT with smaller jars? I am gonna try mixing pure soy with CBA.

    Off to the kitchen

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