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Burnt Mill

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Everything posted by Burnt Mill

  1. those are great! what a way to think out of the melts "box":laugh2:
  2. I have never had a problem with it messing up the rustic look of the other layers. I do let those layers set up some before pouring the next one. I have had layers blend before when I didn't let it set up enough and the wax was maybe too hot. It then went through the layer and blended it with the one below. I use the freezer sometimes to speed up the setting of the layers, but not always. Never used a cold cloth myself. I think with everything you can't be afraid to experiment. If it messed up or doesn't look good you can either make it into chunks, remelt or try the spin. the spin has saved a number of so so candles for me including that brown one in the first picture. and feel free to ask any questions I know I learned how to do many things by reading books, seeing other people's pictures and asking them questions myself. Misty
  3. yes that green one is just poured colder for the top 2 layers and then just regular hot temp for the last one all the same wax just added more color as I went down the layers Misty
  4. has anyone soaped this scent? I had planned to make it but I have read 1 report on it not soaping well and another that it did(but it was an all olive oil recipe) I just wanted to see if anyone else had luck with it before I gave it a try. I got my green apple from BCN thanks
  5. it might be kind of hard to find best way is to click the shopping cart and if it doesn't show up on the first page do a search for it in the shopping cart
  6. sorry figured out how to post more pictures see left and right for the same type of effect and a slight different look with these two(this would be with the water not so hot and not so many dips)
  7. I started making these not too long ago and I have found setting them some place warm has helped me out a lot. Every scent I have done has been done in 1 day or less maybe you can try setting them in a window. I am in an apartment and don't have a window that gets sun so I ended up setting them on top of my reptile cages as the cages have a heat panel inside them and it keeps the wood part on the top warm I don't know if it is the constant warm thing that has helped but I haven't ran into a scent yet that wasn't ready next day I did the gingerbread (first one I tried) and it was ready next day
  8. the brown one on the right is a combo of things first I did white chunks with a white main pour I then took brown liquid dye and dripped some in but it had set up a little too much so it didn't go down as far as I would have liked. So then I did what I call a spin candle or in some books is called marble I heat up a pot of boiling water then shave off some block dye into. I use the extra wick(didn't trim yet) to hold it upside down and I spin the candle then dip it in a few times. I may also add more dye or in other colors if needed to get the look I want. You can play with the how hot the water is to get some cool effects. Hotter makes it blended more. I also have tried using liquid dye but didn't like it, as much I ended up having to rub off a lot of extra dye that I never have to do with the block dyes. You can also just dip it in without the spin. I would post a picture of more like that style but I don't have that option here. I have a link to my website in my profile if you want to see some more.
  9. those are cute! I still haven't tried my hand at the painting the ornies thing. Your gingerbread man came out really good.
  10. first one in and done still waiting for the next group of orders to come in they wait till the last minute I find pictured scents are pink sugar, freesia, mountain lake, very vanilla, love spell
  11. I used it in wildberry zinger tea but I ended up making more or less a solid color so you really can't tell if it worked. But if it counts the color didn't change at all since I took it out of the mold. I am attaching a pic I had read in the past that scent tended to shift colors and I had just got the stabilizer in that day so I tried it out I haven't even had time to make another back yet due to candle x-mas orders I can't wait to try it with pink sugar!
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