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Posts posted by singleyellowrose

  1. For all the more Squalane that is in it, you can drop it and add it to the olive.

    I may try this but without the Soya Skin Butter. Gonna try making my own Soy butter so that I can choose my own consistency!

    Can't do anything til those jars get here though!

  2. It definately helps too to find out if they will morph and discolor.

    I have had some that have morphed so bad you throw away soap IN cup in a sealed bag in the trash and take OUT the trash immediately so you don't have to smell it any longer:D

  3. To tell ya the truth... Im switching from 8ozers to 4ozers for that exact reason. Figure they are going to be more willing to pay for the smaller one to TRY it.. then once hooked purchase the bigger one...

    or at least i HOPE they do!

  4. When testing fo's to find out if they seize or rice on ya. How much difference does the recipe make? If you are not using the exact same recipe yet, but tweeking it, does that majorly affect the seizing? Wanna test some fo's in some dixie cups like how maybe Bunny suggested. Just wandering if it will actually help. Just don't wanna screw up whole batches majorly with having a seize :tiptoe: Thanx bunches for any help!

    On occasion it can make alot of difference. Most times not though. When I am testing like that, I usually test a bunch at one time. Taking out thin raw soap and adding the FO, then mixing with a mini whisk. It's the only one that will fit in the dixie cup!

    That will tell you whether it will be a fast tracer and many other things.

    Most I have ever done at one time was 12!

    Trust me that is too many!;)

  5. Not sure if this helps or not but I have read where some rubber band their tubes together. Helps them stay upright and spills might just go into another tube.:D


    Yep.. that's what I do. I band together about 10 of them and then pour with a mini pyrex.

  6. I have made 100% lard soap. I unmold 8 -10 hours after pouring and cut asap. Otherwise it will crumble when you cut it.

    100% castille for me a minimum of 30 hours before i can unmold. Then it's still soft enough to cut after a couple of days.

    Now that i use Kelsei molds, i don't have to worry bout cutting!

  7. I have 3-9bar Kelsei's and 1-18 bar. I much prefer the 9bar over the 18. This way I can make 3 smaller batches of regular soaps and 1 larger one of the ones that I sell more of!

    I too suck at cutting a straight bar. I may eventually get one of the log molds. Mainly for layering as it's a bit difficult in the slab molds.

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