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Posts posted by mysticglow

  1. I will take some pics after I unmold the OMH and get it cut. :wink2:

    I did sort of a cpop. I was a little afraid to put my mold in there with the oven on. So, I preheated it to about 170* or so and then cut it off just before putting the mold in. Everything seems to be fine with it so far. I may try to cpop the next batch and hope not to ruin my new mold.

  2. I have an Epson Stylus CX4600 printer with Durabrite ink. I ordered the clear matte labels from onlinelabels.com and just tried printing them. The parts of my label that are red will NOT print red. It is a yucky mustard yellow color.:shocked2: I don't think it's the ink because it will print just fine on my white glossy or plain white labels. Has anyone had problems with these labels, the ink....?? I'm not sure what to do here short of using a different label. I really wanted to use the clear labels. :cry2: Any advice?? TIA, Judy

  3. I got the small mold, 12 bar/4.5lbs. I have been looking at them for a while and decided that I wanted one. I have only used the log molds so far. My DH made two of them for me. Really nice but wanted to see if my ability to swirl would improve with the slab mold. :rolleyes2

    I better get to work now and get the day over with so I can come back home and make soap. :wink2::cheesy2: I will post pics when I get it done (unless it's ugly);)

  4. Sorry, I forgot one. :rolleyes2

    Texas Brat - Pink Sugar

    One of my very favorite scents. I tried to cp it once but didn't much like the color that it turned out. Your soap smells really nice and lathers very well. Lots of bubbles. Left my skin feeling really good.

  5. Sorry it has taken me so long to post. :embarasse

    Here's what I have so far.

    Krystal Kreations - Chamomile & Lavender

    I really loved this soap. Very nice hard bar with great lather. The scent was faint but very very nice. I will have to try this one out for myself.

    Sawyer's Moon - Cranberry Yuzu

    Loved the scent, very nice. Great lather and feels really nice on my skin.

    Heaven Cynt - Ginger Peach

    Very nice light scent. Not too many bubbles but felt really nice.

    Moochelle - Goat's milk

    Very nice scent. Lathers very well. Your soap inspired me to try GM in

    of my recipes. Haven't used mine yet but yours was very nice.

    That's it for now. I will try a couple more this week and post them later on. :smiley2:

  6. I have been slaving away with my soaps, body butters, lip balms and scrubs.

    I have sent samples to family and friends with positive feedback however I would like to have someone who has been in this business for a while test my products and give me the cold hard truth about how I'm doing. I will send you the samples and a short list of questions about the product. All I ask is that you give me an honest opinion based on your experience in the business.

    I will send samples to the first 5 people that PM me. Thanks so much. Judy

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