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Everything posted by Jess05

  1. Can someone point me in the direction where this is?! I am only seeing the international/military one..... Thanks so much, Jessica
  2. Oh wow those are really cute, i think i may hafta get me one! Thanks for sharing! I do get that catalog just havent had a chance to look at it lol
  3. Maybe CS Wildberry Mousse? Also what smells like Wildberry mousse to me is MC's Berry Creme Brulee Hope that helps
  4. Also i just checked the scent forum, there are a lot more there ... http://www.scentforum.com/search-fragrance-oil.php Just type in buttered popcorn...
  5. This is what I found when i looked under the fragrance oil finder: http://www.fragranceoilfinder.com/catalog/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=buttered+popcorn&osCsid=35671c3507bcec6aae4a5c2c45a74c4b&x=0&y=0 Ive never used this scent, but hope this helps some Jessica
  6. A good apple fragrance...lol ...thats the first thing that came to my mind...
  7. No problem, hope you can find this scent Also, just a thought, maybe you could try and mix your own? Jessica
  8. Here is a caramel vanilla...dont know if it is a dupe of the Victoria's though... http://www.fragranceoilfinder.com/catalog/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=caramel+vanilla&x=0&y=0 Hope that helps some, Jessica
  9. Here is what came up on the fragrance oil finder: http://www.fragranceoilfinder.com/catalog/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=french+vanilla+pear+&osCsid=844eb832b4661407493753c0891a3de4&x=0&y=0 Also the one that candybee mentioned is here: http://www.backwoodsfragrancesupply.com/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=277 Hope that helps some, Jessica
  10. Oh whoa those are pretty! Thanks for sharing Grama! Jessica
  11. Oh man those are really cute! Love them! I bet they'll be a huge seller! Did you scent them all differently?! I bet those took a lot of patience lol Jessica
  12. Whoa, those are so cute..love them! Its great to have fun, isnt it?! Jessica
  13. Here is a link for supplier by state: http://www.suppliersbystate.com/state-listings.php Hope that helps some BTW Welcome to the forums! Jessica
  14. What state are you in? Cause shipping will make a big difference...on who you will order from LOL
  15. The Candle makers store has " cranberry bog" http://www.fragranceoilfinder.com/catalog/product_info.php?manufacturers_id=&products_id=669 Ive never used it, so im not help there ... Hope this helps some, Jessica Just checked their site, they have it...in grade A.... http://www.thecandlemakersstore.com/product/FCRANBOGA/Cranberry_Bog_A_Grade_1_oz_sample_bottle.html
  16. No problem! Hope that helped some! Jessica
  17. I typed in "iced cranberry" on the scent forum, and a few came up...from The Chemistry store, and just scent, also a store in Canada called The Soap Goat. Here is the link, its mixed in with the spiced cranberry just type in Iced cranberry.... http://www.scentforum.com/search-fragrance-oil.php Here is one on the Fragrance oil finder: http://www.fragranceoilfinder.com/catalog/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=iced+cranberry&x=0&y=0
  18. Ive had such great luck with MC oils! I do love their Vanilla Hazelnut Mocha...i woulda never thought too mix with with cinnamon stix, ill hafta try that! Thanks Jessica
  19. Oh that sounds good Karen, is your Cinnamon Stix from MC?
  20. Hmm ...Irish Creme would work, chocolate, peppermint....caramel.....a nice creamy vanilla.... there are probably a lot of others those are just the few that come to my mind... Hope that help, Jessica
  21. You can just type "first snow' when you go to search, for some reason it doesnt show the scent... Here are the ones that fragrance oil finder shows.... http://www.fragranceoilfinder.com/catalog/advanced_search_result.php?keywords=first+snow&osCsid=4212416b1cd6ff6d6f89ba83ef28c589&x=0&y=0
  22. I never used this scent, but here are a list of suppliers who have it http://www.scentforum.com/search-fragrance-oil.php I tried to look on fragrance oil finder site, but it seems to be having issues! Hope this helps some, Jessica
  23. Oh whoa that sounds really yummy!! Where is this scent from? Hmm this is a hard rename scent , lol...im gonna have to think about this... Jessica
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