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Posts posted by momtohaley2004

  1. I have Ohio Casualty and it's 500 a year for me based upon my sales. I had to give an approximate annual income. I gave my sales a little on the high side (just in case) as there probably is no where near what I'll make this year but even so I'd rather be safe than sorry. I pay like 27/month though after the initial 150 down payment.

  2. Yes I can track my information. All my products are listed or shown on my website and my contact information is there. I have a suspicion more than one person got this email because on the address line it had another person's email as well but mine was not shown so I'm ignoring it.

  3. I received this email and I'm afraid to respond to it because for some reason the mastercard statement at the end tells me that this could possibly be fraud. Anyone have any thoughts? I have not responded to this and probably won't. For one....how did he get my email and if he got it off my website then he would know whether or not I carried the product and 2 he didn't mention quantity and then the mc statment too.

    Hello Sir/Madam

    My name is Mr. Mark Williams and i will like to order some of your product. If you do carry them, i would really appreciate it alot if you could send me an email reply back with a price for white Candle in size of 4.1/2” x ½”.,.. As soon as i have the price, i can give you the quantity i want. Also let me know if you take master card for payment as that is the only method of payment i can offer. I will be awaiting for your reply back the soonest.



  4. I still have a ton of inventory left from the rustic store and what I had on inventory prior to that. Was planning on moving some at craft shows in April and May but after a car accident in April I'm out of the craft show ring until at least July. Start PT next week. Anyway, I've done the donations, ebay, etsy, craigslist and even reduced pricing on my website without any luck. I suppose it's just the economy but I seriously dont' have room for all these candles anymore. I was even doing a buy one candle get something free just to move some of my votives. I only make to order right now and have used some of my stock that way but I'm still about ready to scream everytime I look at what is just sitting there. My aroma ornies have moved for me quickly both from my website and word of mouth but the rest it seems will sit here forever. I'm even offering them at shows for a little above my wholesale price just to move them. But now of course shows are out of the question. Anyway, just had to vent as I'm trying to clean out my candle room and get rid of stuff I'm no longer using. (I can't seem to get to what I'm not using because there's so much inventory in the way.......sigh).

  5. I'm still really debating on the delivery fee issue after reading everyone's response. The only thing that keeps me from it beside IRS deductions right now is the fact that one place particularly, which happens to be my biggest wholesale account, does NOT double their wholesale costs. In fact, they sell for less than I do retail. EX: a product that wholesales for $4.00 they sell for $6.50. I know they could go up on their pricing and be equivalent to what I am on the web (before my clearance sale) but by keeping their pricing this way I get very large orders very often so it helps both of us.

    I was thinking about charging a fee of say 10% of the total order before or doing it per mileage (round trip) but I suppose when push comes to shove we will deal with that.

  6. I have been considering charging as well, but then I did the math and figure I'll hold off as long as I can. I claim my mileage and the IRS gives this year 50.5 cents per mile. At a rate of 15-18 miles to the gallon and a price of 4.00 per gallon of gas as long as gas isn't more than 7-9 dollars per gallon I figure I'll get reimbursed at the end of the year and my customers still think they are getting something for free.


    Several companies write policies in Texas but you just have to shop around. I know the one that I have is not the cheapest one but my ho strictly will not pay for damage to my home from my business no matter what kind of business I have so I had to find outside insurance. I have Ohio Casualty for mine and it's 500 per year for my liability insurance. Depending on how long you have been w/your insurance company though, you may be able to check with them as well. Do a search online and see what you can come up with.

  8. If it were me.......I'd get insurance regardless. Who is to say that your sister doesn't give a candle as a gift or somehow one ends up in someone's hands and they leave it burning next to the curtain and their house burns. I'm on the cautious side and say better to be safe than sorry. Not saying your sister will give any candles to anyone, but in a sue happy world, you can never be too safe.

    With that said, I'd get a business license as well. Can't speak for Louisiana but in TX, getting a tax permit doesn't cost anything and then I registered a DBA with my courthouse for 16 dollars. This way you're covered legally in all aspects. Whether you sell one candle or one hundred if you care to classify yourself as a business then a business is a business and if you are making a profit off what you do then technically you are already a "business". Not to mention with a tax ID you can get your products at a wholesale price.

  9. I'm looking to rename these two fragrances in hopes they may sell better. At this time neither one of these is a seller for me and I'd like to move the oils out by using them. Any name change suggestions appreciated. Below are the current names and a description.

    Naturewalk—A clean and fresh summer breeze combines with the delicate green of lacy Maidenhair ferns, crushed pin needles and loamy Earth to create a fresh outdoor woodland fragrance.

    Northwoods—An awesome infusion of raspberries, blackberries, huckleberries and mulberries.

  10. WOW!!! That's why I love this board. See, I've never bought from millcreek or any of the other's listed other than candle & supplies so I didn't even do a search on their site. Thanks so much. I'll check them out in the morning.

    AH/RE.....I'll have to look that abbreviation up not sure what company you are speaking of.

  11. Looking for the following fragrance oils. I have had a request for these and have been unsuccessful on my searches online. Anyone know where I can find any of these? Thanks in advance.

    Angel Wings (found this one at several places like BCN and candles and supplies but are there any opinions?)

    Cactus and white peach

    Sweet Orange and Chili Pepper

    Forbidden Fruit

    Raspberry Sherbet

    I am tending to think some of these may be renames or special blends as the people asking use to purchase lots of Mia Belle before buying my products.

    If anyone knows I'd greatly appreicate it. Thanks.

  12. Well, after a long and rough week without my own personal computer at home (been at my folks using their computer or my cell phone), I've finally got my computer back up. I have a show this weekend. It's a one day show outdoors and rain is predicted today through Friday. I'm keeping my fingers crossed the rain will not make things too bad for me and it won't be too messy. PLUS, if hubby can't get off work to help me I don't know what I'm gonna do. Obviously with one arm in a sling I can't do too much of the lifting on my own not to mention putting up an EZ up. I hate to have to skip out on a show knowing I need to get rid of some inventory and I did sign a contract, so I'm hoping the weather holds up for me and that hubby can help me with this last Spring show that I have. (not scheduing anymore til I know what's up with my arm/shoulder from the wreck and that's at least a month away when I go back to the doc).

  13. I use those wax coated paper cups(Dixie cups) that are used for the bathroom. I dont measure huge quantities and they usually hold around 2 ounces of FO at a time. I know they come in larger sizes and are disposable.

    Same here and I normally don't have the fo sitting in the cup for very long anyway and clean up is a breeze. No more washing out a container.

  14. Not sure about that...but if someone was evil enough to do such a thing...in most cases...they would not even need a CV#....so I do not think that makes too much difference. I know that VERY few ppl ask for that number when I use my own credit cards....even online.

    Discover cards are mainly the ones that have to collect that #. Visa/Mc hardly ever do. Not sure about American Express.

    Just wanted to say that I have an American Express Business card and everytime I make a purchase online somewhere using it, I MUST enter my CV # or it won't process the card. Now whether that is just the server the company happens to be using or American Express itself I can't tell you.

  15. I do a little of both with my wholesale accounts depending upon the product. I make sure though that I get my money out of the product and am compensated for my time. For example, I wholesale my candles for 4.00 for an 8 oz jar which is half off of my retail. Same for my $3.00 aroma ornies that sell for $1.50 wholesale. I try to keep the pricing that the wholesaler would charge near what I charge retail. Although I can control this, by offering certain discounts (not necessarily 50% all the time), I find that they are able to compete or be close to my retail pricing without having to over or under price me. I hope that makes sense.

  16. I may sound ignorant when I ask this, but what does it mean when on an application for a show it says all tables must be piped and draped? I know what draped means but what do they mean by piped and draped? Thanks everyone!

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