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Posts posted by ShoogieScents

  1. S

    My complete apologies to all who were offended, bored or whatever, especially to Bobbie.



    No apologies necessary :D Like I said before if I can't handle the criticism then I should not post on here for advice!! If advice is given that I don't like, then i don't have to take that advice, but I truly do respect everyones opinions on here...

  2. :cheesy2:I think your labels are awesome! I love the Shoogie look! What does Shoogie mean?

    Just protect yourself by adding the TM for Pink Sugar or change the name.

    I think you did an awesome job! How long did it take you to come up with this label? Just curious! You are very original and creative!!:cool2:

    Good Luck! Kimmeroo


    Thanks for the reply! "Shoogie" is the nickname for my 6 yr old daughter. Her name is Madison, but I have called her Shoogie since she was born :D

    I do website design and graphic design, so It did not take long for the lablel. Glad you like it:thumbsup: I was really worried that it would be too plain and boring, but you guys have set me straight :wink2:

  3. Very nice label.

    Goodness, she asked for an opinion on her label and got the 3rd degree from behind the pulpit. She said she is going wickless. I hardly think years of testing is required for wickless. Even if she wasn't going wickless, she didn't ask for opinions on how soon she should open her business. Can't you people just stick to the subject?

    Here's a clue: Babbling about details that don't pertain to the thread don't make you look smarter, better, more professional, or more knowledgeable.

    Anyway, I like the label.

    Edited to add: Yes, you need to put Aquolina Type or ™ or both on the label.



    Thanks for your reply. I agree, I ONLY asked for opinions on my label. BUt I have come to realize that some people have to go ABOVE and BEYOND when giving advice :confused:

    I have just learned to either take the advice with a grain of salt or ignore it completely :D

    I will definetly change the name of Pink Sugar or add the TM...

    Thanks again!

  4. Hello all,

    I have been using a shoe box as a soap mold, but I don't think I am doing this correctly :o I am not sure as to what size the bars of soap should be but I think they are coming out too thick. I have been using 4lbs per shoe box. Is this too much? What are the "NORM" for soap measurements??


  5. Does anyone use Mineral Makeup as a natural colorant for your soaps. I have a lot of mineral makeup powders and eyeshadows (Very pretty colors) that I would like to use for a more natural colorant for soaps, but not sure if this has been done and if so how much do I use per pound of soap??

    Thanks :D

  6. labels look good! I love the font you used! can you share the name of the font?:D

    That is why I went with "gourmet"! An Epicurean of fine products and tastes! :D plus I want to be totally different than everyone else!

    AND thinking of changing my hang tags! hate the sticky labels but that gold stretchy cord is expensive!!!!!! :undecided


    I believe you are referring to the font used for the actual Scent name, correct? If so, it is "Will & Grace"...LOL Gatta love it :D I just love that font, but I can see where it would be a little hard on the eyes to some people!

  7. I am taking all of the replies and advice here to heart as I greatly respect all the comments from all you WONDERFUL soapers. I have learned so much from this board and truly appreciate all the HONEST advice, whether they be harsh or not :D Honestly is the ONLY way to go and I have to respect everyone comments on here or else I should not post asking for advice :o

    Thanks again :tongue2:

  8. Well, I'm obviously in the minority ... but I find your product & labels to be very appealing. I love the font & (for whatever it's worth) was in marketing/advertising for 7 yrs. Should you choose to make changes, a general rule of print is to mix no more than 3 fonts, as it distracts the mind. I guess it depends on your market, but I find your label far superior to cutesy cartoons or a country theme. You're product will have to stand on it's own merit, but the packaging exudes a sophisticated, upscale style. I'd be drawn to your packaging.

    Personally, I find no fault in your choice of wording w/ 'premium soy candle'. It's a worn out topic, but since there are no labeling regulations for candle ingredients, this is a matter of conscience. Nowhere have you stated your product is 'natural' or 'pure' & I fail to equate the word premium w/ either of those terms. I, instead, read premium to mean quality & a higher level of craftsmanship. I have no idea what ingredients go into your product, but I certainly don't feel your choice of wording is in any way deceptive ... unless you're adding paraffin.

    You're very brave to offer yourself up to public scrutiny among your peers, so I hope you take it all for what it's worth & don't spend too much time 2nd guessing yourself. Go w/ your gut & be proud of the progress you've made.


    Thanks so much Susan. I really appreciate your reply :D

  9. WOW, thanks you guys so much. I really appreciate all the advice. I agree, I need to change up the clamshell labeling a little. Thanks again for all the ideas :) I do not plan on selling anytime soon. I have not even begun on my website :tongue2: I just want to make sure I have a basic idea of what Labeling I want to use before hand :D

  10. Tereasa,

    I understand where you would wonder why I am labeling so soon but I have decided to go wickless as I have had a lot of people ask me about the wickless ones at work and plus I know some people at retirement communities,etc that would benefit better with wickless.

    PLUS I have already tested out these two FO's, so I decided to play around with labeling a bit so I figured I could go ahead and label the FO's that I have already tested.


  11. ok, answer me this...is your (100% coconut oil soap superfat at 20% ) drying out your skin?

    I would like to try this but am affraid that it will be too drying.:)

    I am a newbie at soapmaking... What exactly does it mean superfat at 20%??


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