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Posts posted by Lizzy

  1. 7 minutes ago, Lizzy said:

     well now imma have to go check! LOL

    ok so for UPS 45 lbs now shows 27$ for shipping (which is less than it showed previously for me)  and for 55 lbs it shows me 54$ for shipping. So 10 lbs more doubles the shipping :blink: which would be the added UPS fee is my guess

    Buuuuuut FedEx shows 74$. FedEx used to be cheapest for me from PA to CT. Soooo.....wow

  2. 40 minutes ago, Candybee said:


    Did you check the shipping cost recently? In the last couple days? My palm comes in a 55lb case and costs $80+ to ship. You better check and make sure shipping is still only $40. I would be very surprised if it is.

     well now imma have to go check! LOL

  3. I used to get most of my waxes from C&S until they started charging insane shipping rates! I'm just a couple of states over and they want $40 ( doesn't seem like much but it used to be like 15$ )  for a 45lb case of wax!! Nope. I'm better off getting my wax from  CW....and that's saying something because we know their shipping is crazy too! LOL

    • Like 1
  4. I literally just started testing the 600 and lit my first candle yesterday. I started with the Eco wick series because they worked so well for me in another parasoy wax (CBL 130)
    I used 12 oz Salsa Jars (3.3" diameter) and Eco 12 wicks with a 8% FO load. I cured for 3 days and it performed well with great throw and even burn. At times the flame "poofed up" a little but a quick trim took care of that. I may wick down to a Eco 10 just to see how it does. Fragrances used for testing are Balsam and Christmas Cravings from NG. All in all I can't say I hate it :) Time and more testing will tell. 


    For the 8oz JJ's I'd start with a Eco 8 or 10. HTH. Good Luck :)

  5. OMG YES! I was able to grab a few cases of JJ's (my bestsellers) and a case of 13 oz Salsa Jars for a custom order a couple of weeks ago but haven't found much else. I have plenty of Apo's, WM Ball Masons, 12 oz Canning and Mason Jars and Tumblers though so maybe now is a good time to utilize those? lol



    • Haha 1
  6. I use Jelly Jars and love them! I can tell you that the diameter of the jar is best suited for small to medium rooms, so if you test in a wide open space, it will most likely not throw far.
     In 6006 I'd use Zinc Wicks 44-32-18 or 51-32-18 as a starting point and depending on FO load. I haven't used any of the other waxes you mentioned. Pillar of Bliss and 4625 are both Pillar waxes though so I'd skip those in jars. 
    Put your candle in a small room (bath or bedroom) and close the door, then check on it after a while. I frequently get what's known as "candlenose" where I can't smell my stuff bc I'm around it constantly and usually going outside and getting some decent fresh air, or sticking my schnoz into a can of ground coffee and inhaling, will do the trick. HTH some :) Don't give up! 

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  7. 7 hours ago, KrisS said:

    We need to pay forward the time and guidance that the chandlers who came before us gave us. The most kind thing we can do is refer new people to the ASTM standards, The National Candle Association, and suggest that they get insurance and explain why.



    Absolutely! I agree and I frequently do. I also refer them here to this forum.
    But when you have people not interested in guidelines, and chew you out when offering help, thinking they know everything better just because they made 1 candle that didn't burn the house down, then all of the time and guidance is wasted. I am by no means saying that all newbies are like that but if you see some of the stuff in FB groups....ay ay ay...no bueno...and you can't tell most of them anything....they get offended bc you point out a "flaw" such as a wick that's a half an inch off center or a FO puddle on top of the wax.. Then there's the folks that put crystals and dried flowers on their candles. Yeah. No. Sure it's pretty but the fire hazard is there. The dried flowers can catch fire and crystals can explode sending sharp bits and pieces flying. At least now you see some of them adding a statement to their sales listing for the customer to remove all dried flowers and/or crystals before lighting the candles. But I highly doubt most have insurance in place. 


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  8. On 5/6/2020 at 11:58 AM, karinz40 said:

    Your right.  I want to stay with the soy and learn it's quirks. I just need to learn patience which is something I  have never had much of.  This will be a good challenge.

    I have been testing soy wax for 3 years now. I have been making candles for 17 years and had tried soy when I started and went back to it, to test again over the years but always gave up because paraffin was just easier. I had no patience. 3 years ago I grabbed yet another bag of soy wax when I was ordering regular supplies (bc why not, I'm already buying supplies anyway. LOL) and I've stuck with it and have been testing it since then. I guess I found the patience I had been looking for finally! To me soy is just beautiful. I love a soy candle with no dye. I adore the subtle glow of white candles. I love the creaminess of it and the way it makes bakery scents just so much better. Don't give up!! I'm using 464 btw. :)

  9. On 9/5/2020 at 9:43 AM, bfroberts said:

    I saw that one too.  
    I also just saw MULTIPLE posts in groups this morning where MULTIPLE people stated (w/pics) they power burned a candle overnight while they were sleeping...

    Yuuuuup! That's enough FB for the day for me! LOL

    • Haha 1
  10. 9 hours ago, ErronB said:


    That looks exactly like the Soy wax I have bought from Northwood in the past. I'll be honest it made very nice looking melts, but the HT was just so-so. 

    I've poured some testers and tested after 3 days. I tested 2 scents so far and got mixed results.
    For instance...Moon Lake Musk (CS) which to me and my nose is on the lighter side, threw like a champ for 12+ hrs in a large living/dining room area, into the kitchen and down the hallway. It blew me away.
    Blueberry Cobbler (CS) which seemed super strong OOB, on the other hand, didn't do so well. I barely got 6 hrs out of it. Then again, Blueberry scents don't do well for me as it is so I wasn't surprised.


    So for now I'll say...I don't hate it. LOL
    I have several more scents poured and plan on testing them. I believe it's in the FO's not the wax.

    It would be a great wax for those looking go go the "natural" route. It's easy to work with too. Sets up nice. I love the creaminess of it. :)

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