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Posts posted by Jeannie

  1. So did you guys not try it then? I still have my case from sept, just had so much going on. I wonder if the batches will be consistent from box to box. I had pretty good throw results with mine. It does kind of have a strong soy smell to it that bugs me though.

    I'm starting to fire up the kettle again. Can't seem to find my old notes if I tested the steric or not for the sink holes, hmmm. The wax I believe is a 127-128 mp so no it's not as soft as some waxes. But I believe that is what makes it burn so good. It's not so soft that it drowns the wick like a lot of soy waxes do. The texture reminds me a lot like the IGI 4786 same melt point only without the zillion wet spots. I've not had any cracking issues though I get the large sink holes pouring at the suggested temp. I did add 1% vybar to mine as stated for a creamier appearance. Still not sure if I want to mess with color or not. Anywayz.....

  2. Sharon, there use to be a company in Texas that carried RA scents if I could think of the name of it. Hmmm, of course they may have closed site long ago I just don't know. If I come across it I will let ya know. RA had the best ocean scent I ever found, it's a tough one to find.

  3. LOL, I hear ya! If you ever find the one let me know girl. I went to a craft fair a couple years ago and there was this pumpkin candle that smelled so good. I think it was a homemade crafter too can't remember. Why can't I find something like that? Of course I didn't burn it though it could have been a dud too. You would think somebody would come up with the bomb pumpkin by now but boy is that one tuff.

  4. More scent does not always equal more scent throw in fact it can hinder your throw/progress if you are over scenting you are liking creating wicking issues amoung other problems that could arise. How is your melt pool, how long does it take to get one. Does it completely liquify on top side to side of the jar, approx 1/4" deep? My guess is you are over scenting and under wicking. Are you using color at all, I can't recall and what kind, how much? I think you said color blocks, how much per lb? To much color can also cause wicking issues which in result can distrupt your scent throw. Try adding a bit of brown/black or blue to deepen colors so you don't need to use a ton of color. Make sure you are weighing your wax and fragrances accordingly. No guessing! Get a thermometer add FO 180, stir, stir and pour at the temp advised 175 or whatever you stated.

    If everything is OK so far then it could be a few other things that very well could be complicating things for you. Some scents just don't throw in certain waxes that is why it costs us so much to test everything. You have to keep hunting to find the one that works. So if bird of paradise is not throwing for you from this company and you had a decent burn then I would try another company. This company may have a great blueberry but their bird of paradise doesn't throw for you. So you try another one!!! I have also found that spicy scents often are harder to get a throw in soy waxes but you have plenty of paraffin in there so that shouldn't be a problem. Although a lot of times we tend to color it a lot darker and the oil is heavier so often is likely the burn is the culprit. Plenty of people uses these waxes so keep note of what scent from what company is working for them. Doesn't mean it will work for you since we all view scent throw differently but it's a good gamble. Also make sure you are not pouring your candles in the same room you live in, get a ventilator when pouring. Give your nose a break from time to time. Also, be consistant in your testing area's. Size, drafts, amount of time. Don't test a candle sitting right next to you, you often won't smell it after a period of time. You may have a good old case of candle nose from trying to hard, HTH.

  5. Let me know how the CD's do for you. I had a big bag of wicks from everything under the sun and I am starting to wonder if I tossed it. hmmm. I emailed Genwax about the massive sink hole and this was the response!

    It could be you are pouring the wax too hot. We suggest to pour around

    145-150 degrees.

    This will occur also with one pour waxes. We suggest to poke holes to

    release any air pockets and re-fill the candle. it will best when the

    candle is burning it will not drown the wick.

    So the temp is getting lower, LOL. I will pour cooler again, may just be best to treat it as a repour wax I don't know. I'm in Cali too in the mountains, looks to rain soon. We are wearing our jackets here :shocked2:

    Chat Soon!

  6. I dedes, I have been testing various wicks with various jars. Zinc, Cotton, Hemp & LX. The first 3 do shroom and more depening on certain scents but burn great. Haven't noticed any sooting or issues. I need to track down my larger size LX, I've got a 24 in a 3" jar and it's just not cutting it. It was soooo cold here this morning, brrrrr. Please let me know your thoughts when you try it :D

  7. Hi Carrie, I just bought a case and poured some up the other night. It is a 50/50 blend. I did get some frosting and sink holes so I called today, recomm pouring temp is 150-160. I kind of figured I poured to hot so I'll check the temp next time. Gotta find my old thermometer, it's probably got spider webs on it, LOL. She said you can add 1% vybar 260 if you want it to look creamier or get any frosting. I did get a little frost but I didn't warm my jars and like I said I believe I poured to hot. Burn was great today, loved it! Nice and clean and melt pool was easier to achieve then I'm use too. Cold/Hot throw was good considering I didn't give much cure. Now throw everything out the window I just said. I don't normally burn the next day or give judgment of that but I made so many I thought I would sneak a peak. So far it has my interest!

  8. It has always been to my understanding that the IGI 1343 is a straight paraffin wax therefore without additives it is likely to mottle. It is also considered a cut & carve wax and that's what most suppliers use to note on their sites. That's why the buldging, it's softer and more pliable for those very reasons. When it's warm it stretches. It has multiple uses, additives make it harder, opaque etc. It sounds to me like the formula has been tweaked, rippling even sounds like vybar is being added. Who knows but good heads up on the new stuff.

  9. Well I have a suggestion for you that might fancy your girls eye. No mold needed. If you have a pillar wax, not to high of a melt point cause you want it to be somewhat flexible to work with. I like using the 1343 for these because I find it's easy to work with being a cut n carve wax it's more flexible when warm. Now get some card stock or something durable and draw a rose petal, a couple or so, some smaller some larger. They don't need to be real big but you need to have a bit of length to them. Like a real petal :DNow you have your stencil. You need a cookie sheet, some wax paper would fair good on top. You don't even need the cookie sheet if your careful, hmmm. So heat up a lb of wax, vybar, add your color & 1 oz scent. Let it cool until it thickens up a bit. Pour it onto your wax paper. When it sets up to flexible, not solid but not liquid. Get your little stencils you made and cut around them to make your petals. You want them to be a little thick and you want to work the petals into shape with your fingers. You have your wick in one hand your petal in the other. Vertically attach your petal to your wick from near the base but leave room to grow, from one side to the other and in between. Start with your smaller petals and work out to your larger petals. YAY, you have a rose. No throw your left over wax back in the pot from your wax paper. Heat all your wax back up a bit and now dip the bottom of your beautiful treasure to seal. You can dip all the way under for a better seal if you are unsure of your master peice. See how many of those you can make, lol. Now trim your wicks, get the merlot, call your girl, fill the tub and light your floating roses. :yay:

  10. Wow, I wish I could get mine to just take out the trash :P

    Anyhow, I have a question for you, you really had me laughing during your candlemaking rondevue. I've never done floating candles with container wax, so I'm guessing you left your little chickadees in the shell? How did they sail?

  11. I don't drink wine so I have no idea what they would smell like. Can you tell me do they smell similar to the real thing? Are the 2 fragrances a like or completely different. Which is your fav? Thanks :grin2:

  12. Thank You for the suggestions, gonna go check those out.

    Missy, glad you mentioned the Strawberry Musk because I didn't notice that one and it sounds very nice. I bet that is a good combination.

  13. I posted on their site with no response so thought I would try here. I have a sample of the "Violet Musk" and found it to be a nice strong fragrance. I don't normally like florals but I'm trying to cross the borders and capture some variety that I wouldn't normally buy. I would love some suggestions :D

  14. Regarding the "Patent" guy! I wonder how long he has had the patent? Dipping pinecones has been around a long time.

    Cindy, dip them until you get the thickness you desire. I don't like to take away from the look of the pine cone so I believe I only dip mine a couple times. I use the 1343 wax generally (pillar) or any pillar wax I have laying around that I don't know what to do with. I don't like a wax to hard but not to soft either as you don't want them to be sticky to the touch. I've also added glitter or spray glitter for fun and they turned out cute. HTH

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