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Posts posted by thesoapbox

  1. I agree! I don't pay much attention to all that cause to be honest with you, when you put yourself behind the wheel of a car, you are putting your life at risk even more so, and on a daily basis, than slathering that lotion on you that may contain a very minute amount of something that may cause cancer in say oh, 15-20 years down the road.

    I just fell down the stairs yesterday spraining my foot and ankle really bad. This is the 5th time I have fallen down stairs in my lifetime (I know, just call me Grace) and actually one of those times while I was 7 months pregnant I ended up with a tib/fib fracture and broke my ankle bone completely off my leg bone. I dare say that stairs may kill me waaaaaay before anything that may cause cancer.


  2. I can say that BCN's Kiss Kwenchers Honey Bee Mine is nasty nasty nasty sick007.gif. I had to throw away a whole batch of lip balm when I used it my very first time making lip balm.

    Their other flavors are pretty good:

    Jumpin Java is so so

    Rootbeer is yummy

    Wild Berry is my favorite

    I have used the Honey Bee Mine and even though it was not my favorite it really has been a best seller of mine in the lip balms. Very strange indeed as I personally did not like it.


  3. I have to guiltily admit that I have this weird fascination with dipping all my fingers on both hands into candle wax to watch it harden up, peel it off and then start dipping again...all while the flame is ablazing :o

    And I dare say I am not the only person on earth who does this or has done it in the past rofl!



  4. :shocked2:

    OMG - ROTFLMAO. Sorry girls, not to change the subject again but this subject deserves a thread all of its own!


    LOL, the little old ladies in the nursing home I work at call them "flowers", so when there are issues with improper peri-care, I will write in the communication book that our "flowers" are starting to wilt and need a fresh splash of soap and water LMAO!


  5. :embarasse Whew, I thought this was about me rofl! The Little Black Box has stopped shipping to Canada so I (with agreement of Kim) had decided to take over and create a box for the Canadian women and have been emailing businesses about participating.

    I saw this and thought, uh-oh, I emailed someone's business from here and they think I am scamming them LOL :D

    Glad it's some other crazy woman!


  6. That "but" causes you to toon out everything else lol! My husband has a habit of saying, "I really liked the dinner you cooked, but..." and once that "but" gets thrown in there all bets are off lol! That is when I start rolling my neck saying, if you can do so much better then you cook from now on :D !


  7. I don't think anyone was getting "their panties in a wad" over her giving a bar out so soon. It was just pointed out that it was most likely the reason why the tester didn't have too much good to say about it.

    Like I said earlier, you live and you learn which is a good thing in life :D .

    If you love your soap now Vio, you will be in soap heaven after the cure!


  8. I would have to agree with Sliver! There are a few on the board that I read intently when they talk about soaping and I know it is the truth or as close to the truth as one can get. The main and most important thing about any type of soaping is PATIENCE. I know how it feels to want to grab that bar of soap that you just made and start using it but you have to have patience and let it finish the creation. You know that old wine commercial, we will sell no wine before it's time? That is the same principal you really need to apply to CP and HP soap. It's a work in progress.

    I too was stumped when I saw your date of creation and then saw your post of using it and giving it out to someone to test. It was waaay to early for that and just a recipe for disaster, as you have had the unfortunate experience of living. But, good things come of that, you live and you learn.

    Just be patient. Soap your heart out, listen and ask plenty of questions and have tons of patience. The end result will be an even better bar of soap than you currently have right now!


  9. Yeap, don't click on any link. I have never had my paypal account expire and there has been numerous times I have had nothing in it and not even used it but it stayed there and active. Just forward it to the spoof addy. Never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever click on a link and give info!


  10. What is the name of that spray that some of you use, Klyon? Krylon? Krylilon? I can't for the life of me think of the name but I know it starts with a K and ends in on.

    Where can you find that and is that the spray that helps make the labels waterproof?


  11. I have to agree. Your first soap batch says the 16th and they definitely need alot more time than has lapsed to cure. If you want to use it before then that is fine, but when you start giving them out I certainly would let them sit for their full cure time before doing so.


  12. It's as simple as adding your FO and bottling. You can also add in extra items like butters but you have to be sure to add the extra preservative because the preservative in the bases only covers the base and not anything extra you put in. But you certainly can just add FO and bottle and you certainly can add some extra ingredients.


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