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Posts posted by thesoapbox

  1. At one time I had found a post that had a link to a site that listed suppliers by state. I have done a search and am coming up with nothing. I did find a post with suppliers and their links but I am looking for the state specific one to see if there is anyone near me that I can drive to.

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!


  2. Are you sure it is directly from MK that she is getting these products or is she getting them from say reps or ebay that is selling out-dated items cheap? I can not see how a cosmetic company of the magnitude of MK would allow such a practice that would not only put their company in a horrible light but also put potential customers at-risk with possible rancid product which could result in a huge lawsuit that could hurt their company. I tend to believe she is getting her product from elsewhere and not from MK directly.


  3. It does depend on each individual ds company. Some do say that if it creates a conflict of interest then no you can't rep both..meaning if you choose 2 companies and their lines are similar then it would be an issue. Also I know some companies require that when you hit a certain sales level then they expect their company to be the only one you represent therefore not allowing you to be with any other ds company.

    You would need to get the information directly from the company you are wondering about.


  4. I am going to host an in-formal one here in Louisville, KY. I am hoping to get some people to come so we can brainstorm and turn it into a big conference for everyone around us.

    It will be on Saturday , June 14th and start at noon. We will be barbecuing because I am hosting it at my house and have goody bags as well.

    Also, I will demo my lip scrub and lotion bar recipes :)

    With it being informal there will be no official website until I get more ideas on how to make this a bigger one for 2009. Then all that will be worked out as well.

    So, if you want to come out and have some fun, you are more than welcome! I think I posted $30 but that is waaay too much lol! I would only charge $10 which would help cover the food!

    Just pm me if you want to come out and have some fun and help plan and create a bigger one for 2009! I do know that I would like to call us the Midwestern Bubbles and Flames :), so others won't just think it is only for Kentucky people!


  5. If the customer is purchasing an item that clearly states the scent will be unknown as a surprise then if they don't like the scent that is the chance they took by purchasing an item like this. It's like buying a "mystery grab bag". You never know what you are going to get and you may not like it but you bought it so you knew what your chances were of getting something you did not like.


  6. My soapin' pots are for soapin'. I don't use them for ANYTHING else. I just can't see myself cooking food for my family in a pot I used to make soap in.

    I guess I'm just being anal retentive. :)

    LOL, you sound like my husband. I mix soap up in my large batter bowl from Pampered Chef and clean it well and use it for other things. My husband saw this and his jaw hit the floor..he looked like this..:shocked2: ... and he is like, WHAT ARE YOU DOING??

    I can't figure out what he is talking about so I am like, well, I am mixing up a cake mix. He says, but you made soap in that!! And I am like, um yeah, so. He goes, soap..you made soap in that and now you are mixing a cake in it. So I say...well, when I wash dishes I use soap don't I? :P

    He just looked at me and walked away :laugh2:

    So, if my dish soap won't mar the taste of food in things that are glass or stainless that I cook with, neither will the soap that I mix up in it. At least that is my line of thinking and so far, after about 8 years of doing this, the kids aren't blowing bubbles while they are eating :P . And I am not even going to go into the amount of bubbly bath water the kids have drank over the years because for some reason that is the most tasty water to them when they are young LMAO!


  7. It's pretty much the same concept as those ad pack fillers where you send out as many as 500 sampler fillers to people that are participating at a fair/show. And even those box promotions as mentioned earlier. Except with the bloggers you only need to send one item instead of many.

    Many use it as a form of advertisement especially if the blogger's blog is a popular one. And it really isn't breaking your bank unless you are sending out tons to different review sites. Pick and choose. You pick a popular blogger to get your product reviewed you are out what, $20 bucks, if that, for advertising. And if that one product review nets you a handful of orders that you normally didn't have then you made your $20 back and then some.


  8. There are some that aren't soap safe. At the time for these, they weren't mentioned as being soap safe and no one really knew so some put them in soap just to see what they would do.

    TKB separates its colors out into categories and will give you an idea if they're safe or stable for soap. I was thinking the micas talked about here are from Coastal Scents, which has a large makeup and toiletry business. The colors are good in other things, but not so cool in soap.

    I am getting the PoP ones from TKB and did not see if they are soap safe:shocked2:

    Guess I am off to look and see if they are! I was thinking of using them once I get settled into our new house and give my go at CP once again..hopefully this time I don't turn the lye mixture into a volcano necessitating an entire evacuation from my house and the neighbors :laugh2: Angi

  9. The only ones I can seem to find are the ones where the perforation goes along the length of the tube. I wonder if anyone carries the type where the perforation only removes from the lid of the balm and the remaining shrink wrap stays in place along the body of the tube.


  10. I am pretty sure it was scary to her at the beginning but became comical after she knew he was safe. I am sure yall have reacted like that some time in your life.

    There have been a few times that something pretty scary and dangerous has happened in my life but when everything was said and done and everyone was fine, I laughed my butt off...our last tornado scare was very comical after we knew we were safe and started thinking about how comical we probably looked running like crazy people for no reason.

    I have a box of medical gloves that I use with my fo's, I also have what I call my fo rags lol. When I pour my fo into my soaps and what not, I only place my fo bottle on that rag, wear my gloves so my hands don't smell all day and have another rag that I use to wipe the bottle down. Kind of got used to doing the same thing with liquid medicine bottles when passing meds at work so I just carried it over to my soapmaking.

    I now find myself using those gloves when I have to mix up junk when I am cooking lol. I hate mixing meatloaf with my hands so I use those instead. Quite funny looking but my hands aren't greasy and meatloafy smelling afterwards :laugh2:


  11. Oh man! I miss Ikea LOL!! First time I ever saw them was when we were living in Germany. However, I learned quick to never ever ever go to Ikea on a Saturday unless I wanted to spend at least 4 hours there trying to get through the store. It was a mad house!

    I love those molds you made up Gran! Wish I had an Ikea nearby:(


  12. Our post office does not get the boxes. You can pretty much only get priority envelopes. They say they aren't allowed to order them for the po anymore. I told them I would go online and get a bunch for free and drop em off lol.

    The post lady was actually thankful that I did that.


  13. New Flat Rate Box Info:

    Postal Service Announces Two New Shipping Initiatives

    Governors Approve Bigger Flat-Rate Box with First-Time Military Discount,

    Express Mail Sunday and Holiday Premium

    WASHINGTON, DC - The U.S. Postal Service announced today that its Board of

    Governors approved two new initiatives to grow its shipping business and

    revenue. A new, larger Priority Mail Flat-Rate Box enables customers to ship

    50 percent more than with the current box. It will be offered at a discount

    to overseas military addresses, a postal first for the armed forces. The

    agency also announced a new Sunday and holiday delivery price for Express

    Mail. Customers can begin using the new boxes March 3, the same day the

    premium takes effect.

    The Postal Service filed notification of these decisions today with the

    Postal Regulatory Commission. They are the first actions under the new

    pricing regulations set forth under the Postal Accountability and Enhancement

    Act of 2006. Notice of the changes will appear in the Federal Register.

    New Priority Mail Large Flat-Rate Box

    The current flat-rate box, which gives customers a single, predetermined rate

    regardless of the weight or delivery zone, was introduced in November 2004.

    The new, larger box extends the agency's successful flat-rate offerings,

    providing more choices for small businesses and consumers.

    "We listened to our customers, and we're giving them a new box that lets them

    ship larger items while still enjoying the benefits of a flat rate," said

    Postmaster General John Potter. "Flat-rate boxes are very popular and the

    new, larger version provides even more value."

    The new Priority Mail Large Flat-Rate Box (12" x 12" x 5½") can be used for

    both domestic and international shipments. This extends the flat-rate price

    and ease-of-use benefits to international shippers. There is also a 5 percent

    online discount.

    There will be a special version of the box for the military, with a $2

    discount, if shipped to an Army Post Office or Fleet Post Office (APO/FPO)


    All Postal Service Priority and Express Mail packages and envelopes are

    environmentally friendly, exceeding the highest standards for recyclability.

    Domestic Shipping $12.95

    Military Shipping

    * APO/FPO Addresses $10.95


  14. The bottom line is that ANY postings of this nature are bound to turn ugly. With a community this big you will have 2 sides...those that have a negative experience with a supplier and those that have had a positive experience with the same supplier.

    A person posts a negative thread similar to this and you can rest assured those that have had positive experiences will post their feelings as well. You have to accept the good with the bad in these types of postings. You can not expect to state your opinion and have noone else post an opposing view..it's the nature of the beast.

    Maybe before people start posting negative issues (which is their right though I think it should be allowed for classy transactions gone bad as well, but that's a whole other story) they need to realize that they will not have a post full of sympathy to their plight and just accept the good with the bad. If that is something that the poster can not handle then maybe it is best to keep it to yourself and deal with it in private with the supplier.

    If you are going to post negative issues with suppliers (which is your right) then you need to learn to let it go if someone posts a contradiction to your original post. Remember, it takes at least 2 to argue!

    That being said, I have had a pleasant experience with Becci, will use her again if the need arises and pretty much feel the issue over a font is ridiculous but respect your opinions and your feelings that it is not ridiculous to you.

    I hope you get this resolved in a manner that is pleasing to you so you will be able to move on with a feeling that you got some sort of peace after all is said and done.


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