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Posts posted by thesoapbox

  1. Only if you send me some bon-bons back :D !

    I have not received an email like that but I do often get the boutique ones asking to put my stuff on their sites. I had offered free samples at one point if people joined my newsletter and thank goodness someone informed me about message boards that search out stuff like that cause I would have hated to doll out hundreds of samples lol!

    I probably would ignore the email or put samples up on my site that would cost about $1.50 + shipping and then direct them there.


  2. Thanks for letting me know! I didn't want to start emailing too soon and be a pain in the butt :D but wanted to guage when I should start.

    I probably still couldn't do that liner with the mylar lol!

    That 24 mold looks awesome but omg that's a butt load of soap!


  3. I have to give out some huge kudos to this company!! I ordered some flavor oils from them on 4/14 and got my box today :yay: !!

    I ordered some of the sours and the sour pink lemonade is to die for! I can't wait to put these into balms and try them out!


  4. Do you only make the log type molds or do you make the ones where you pour the soap in, stick in the dividers and walaa (sp), you have your bars already there without having to cut?

    Laziness is horrible lol! :D

    I don't want to line, I don't want to cut...next I will just have to find someone else to soap for me so I can watch tv while popping bon bons in my mouth :laugh2:


  5. Do you have to line Jeff's molds? I think I went and bought the TOG one because it looked like you didn't have to line it as I am a retard when it comes to lining :wink2:. I probably should have read a bit more here and there about this purchase but oh well, you live and you learn. I just don't understand the concept of putting items up for sale and not actually having it available at the time. That is the one thing I learned quickly with business. If you are placing an item for sale on your website/ebay/etsy, then you better had make sure that the item was already actually made and ready to ship.

    Anyways, I think I will order one from Jeff in May and see how that one works out.


  6. He's just one man who makes wonderful molds. It's not a "company" with multiple employees making molds. A person can only do so much in one day.

    I can appreciate that as being the only one running my biz as well. However, when you purchase something that states "In Stock" then you have every right to believe that the item is ALREADY made, inspected and just waiting to be packed and shipped. If the item stated it would be made at the time of order, then that is a whole new ball game. When I purchase items that say they are in stock, then I expect to get them within a reasonable amount of time.



  7. I ordered and paid on March 27 and I did read everything written in the paragraph. It specifically states 10-14 business days before the item will be shipped. It was also something that said was "in stock". I was just gauging to see when I should start asking if the item has been shipped yet. Not quite sure why he states shipping is slower this time of year so who knows. I was just wondering if it was customary to have to wait more than the stated 10-14 days and didn't want to come off as a pain in the butt by starting to send emails.


    "Shop Message (sent by the seller to all buyers):

    Thank you for placing your order and trust in TOG Soap Making Tools! Your new TOG Soapmaking Tool(s) will arrive soon. Please allow 10 to 14 business days for us to pull your order, fill your order, pack your order securely, and start shipment to you, VIA USPS. I ship VIA USPS 99% of the time. I have 2 weekly pick ups from the USPS; on Tuesdays and Fridays. Your order will ship on one of those days. This time of year, shipping is slower too. Custom orders may take longer, up to 10 to 12 business days after your placed order to ship. Thank you for choosing TOG Soapmaking Tools! We hope you enjoy your individually handcrafted item/s! I will not rush your order for anyone else, or the other way around! We ship on a first come, first served basis. Each item is hand built for you my hands! I am a perfectionist. I will not ship your item until it has been built, and inspected by me twice! This all takes some time. Your patience is appreciated....you will be rewarded wi!

    th the best mold, cutter, beveler, or misc. tool or accessory on the net!

    If you chose to send me a check as payment for your item(s) purchased, we will not ship your order until the check has cleared your financial institution. This can take up to 10 business days after I receive your check before I even start the shipping process.

    Thanks for your kind understanding!"

  8. Yeah. I didn't read any feedback at all, just mainly purchased on the rave reviews here. I am not too happy having to wait and was trying to gauge when I should start emailing to see when I should be getting it. I hope it is worth the wait.


  9. Angi : So, in a nutshell you are saying

    1) I need to figure out what works best for me & my schedule & pocketbook

    2) and you are lazy:cheesy2:

    Does that about sum it up??

    Thanks again!

    Yes! Do what is best for YOU! And it has been such a lazy day for me today I had to get the point across rofl...tomorrow won't be so lazy darnit!


  10. If they are offering you the floor space you need, and are high traffic... I'd go for it.

    With wholesale, if you have 5 locations that aren't so hot, you have all that inventory sitting around, when you could be selling more at one location that is great.

    Also with your pricing you have to consider the opposite of the above. You can have that one you are exclusive to but if you don't price accordingly to exclusitivity you may be missing out on having your stuff in 5 places that sell your items like hot cakes.

    You should definitely price higher and expect higher minimums for exclusitivity.


  11. Just so you know I wasn't referring to anyone in particular lol :o So please don't think I was, however, you have to admit that soapers and bnb makers tend to get ugly with each other about the way we word things (ie, triple-scented, all natural...I could go on and on).

    I was just pointing out that, in my opinion, homemade does not necessarily mean that the person selling was the actual one that made it themselves but it was homemade by someone else. In essence it is still homemade.

    Say I purchased a gallon of your lotion that you whipped up by your own hand (unscented of course so I can add my own scent). Isn't it still homemade or does it miraculously become a machine made product because I was the one that didn't actually whip it up. No it doesn't. You made it by your very own hand and muscles whipping it up, I just happened to purchase it from you to scent and color because let's face it, I am lazy :P . It would still be homemade or handcrafted because you actually made it from scratch where as I just happened to purchase it.

    Now, if I come across a lotion that the seller wants to say, oh yes, I did this myself in my kitchen and then I find out it is a base, I can see getting upset but not for the fact that it stated homemade, but for the fact they told me they did it themselves.

    Am I making sense? It is still kind of early lol!


  12. I have never thought the term "homemade" meant it was actually made by the person selling it but that it was a product that was made by "somebody's" hands and not by a big machine. So honestly, if you are getting a base from a small company that you know actually makes it by hand then in essence it is indeed homemade. That is just my thoughts though.

    I don't have lotions as I only have body butters that I mix up myself...meaning the butter and oils that I mix together..not that I actually create the butters and oils :tongue2: so I don't work with lotions. However, if and when I do add lotions I would most likely use a base for a couple of reasons.

    1. I am lazy.

    2. I don't have the time or patience to create my own lotion base.

    3. I am lazy.

    4. As was mentioned, it is already challenge tested so less expense for me.

    5. I am lazy.

    6. Figuring out the math for preservatives really tries my patience. (I figured it out for my scrubs and that is my extent for now lol)

    7. And did I mention, I was lazy??

    I think it is a personal preference and I certainly would never ever look down on someone that chooses to use a base vs making their own. That is just ugly and God don't like ugly :P .

    Anyways, it is up to you what you want to do and what you are comfortable with.


  13. Are you guys selling candles, commodities, or oil??? Those are pretty big terms for handmade candles. :tiptoe: :tiptoe: Carole

    Those aren't big terms if you are wanting to make some money off of what you do. Why sell yourself short? There is nothing wrong with expecting minimums, in fact that is the crux of wholesaling. No sense in wholesaling if it ends up being more work and you aren't getting paid decently for it.


  14. Does this help?

    "The AMS published a final rule on national organic standards on December 27, 2000. Under revised labeling laws, finished organic products can bear the USDA organic certification seal beginning in the fall of 2002. Labeling requirements are based on the percentage of organic ingredients in a product. Products labeled as "100% organic" must contain (excluding water and salt) only organically produced ingredients. Products labeled "organic" must consist of at least 95% organically produced ingredients."

    Found here:



  15. Too much coloring can definitely affect a soap base. I pretty much only use the goat milk base for mp soap (unless I am using the clear) and I have had no issue with lather, it lathers very richly for me. But then again, I only ever use a netted sponge with my soaps and gels and sure enough, that will give you the best lather from anything :)


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