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Posts posted by van_yulay

  1. For Some reason my edit didnt take , nor did my list of suppliers post. I changed my recipe because I am making the cup cake bath fizzies. I wanted more fizz. This recipe can be altered. As long as you keep the dry ingredients in the same portions. And the wet ingreidents the same.

    You can subsitute the SLS for another 1/2 cup of cornstarch. If you dont want bubbling fizzies. OR want them all natural.

    Here is the Recipe I would like for you to use


    4 ½ Cups Baking Soda

    ½ Cup Powdered Milk of Choice

    2 ½ Cups Citrus Acid

    ½ Cup Epson Salts

    ½ Cup Corn Starch

    ½ Cup Sodium Lauryl Sulfoacetate (Sulfate) - (Powdered)

    2 0Z Oil of Choice (Light Oil- Olive, Grapeseed, Jojoba)

    1.5 0Z Water

    2 0Z Scent

    Suppliers for Items

    Epson Salts & Powdered Milk & Corn Starch – Powdered Sugar -Wal-Mart

    Goat Milk Powder- Health Food Store

    Meringue Powder- Michels-JoAnns

    SLS & Shea Butter




    Bath Colorants:


    If anyones knows of better suppliers please list them..

  2. Here are some suppliers. The chemistry store, useally ships asap

    For some reason the list got deleated

    Suppliers for Items

    Epson Salts & Powdered Milk & Corn Starch – Powdered Sugar -Wal-Mart

    Goat Milk Powder- Health Food Store

    Meringue Powder- Michels-JoAnns

    SLS & Shea Butter




    Bath Colorants:


  3. SLS.. is not a good idea to breathe. Wear a mask, or dont use it. You can use extra corn startch instead of the sls. IF you would like to premeasure you can. I will be giving everyone time to meaure out ingredients. :yay:Just add the SLS first, so it is on the bottom of the bowl. Make sure that you put saran wrap on the whole bowl. We dont want any moisture in the ingredients.

  4. MVC-141S.jpg

    This is the Second class of the Cupcake Bath Bomb Fizzies. This Class will teach you how to make the Whipped Icing topping for the cupcakes. I loved the cupcake bomb Fizzies, but didn’t like the royal icing topping.( Just floated on top) So I have been playing mad scientist to come up with a recipe, that completely dissolves in the water and feels wonderful! Class will start 4 Pm Eastern Time here on line. Gather your ingredients and watch and make your cupcakes

    These are the materials you will need for this project.

    Previously Made Cup Cake Fizzies 24 hours to Dry

    Kitchen Aid

    Measuring Cups

    Measuring Spoons

    Scale (I will be weighing in Ounces)

    Liquid Bath & Body dye (Optional)


    Icing Bag with Tips

    Food Processer/Grinder

    Recipe for Bath Fizzies Icing:


    2 TBS Meringue Powder

    4 TBS Powdered sodium laurel sulfate (SLS)

    1 Cup Corn Starch

    1 Cup Powdered milk

    1 Epson Salts (Powdered in Food Processer)

    2 Cup Powdered sugar

    2 oz Shea Butter

    2 TBS Fragrance

    Liquid Colorant

    6 TBS Water

    Suppliers for Items

    Epson Salts & Powdered Milk & Corn Starch – Powdered Sugar -Wal-Mart

    Goat Milk Powder- Health Food Store

    Meringue Powder- Michels-JoAnns

    SLS & Shea Butter




    Bath Colorants:


    See Ya There!!

  5. You will need to use a food processor for the epson salts.

    These are the materials you will need for this project.

    Kitchen Aid

    Measuring Cups

    Molds for Bath Fizzies

    (Plastic, Muffin Pans, Silicone, or any container of choice)

    Paper Cup

    Scale (I will be weighing in Ounces)

    a pushing tool... Wine cork, Lip balm pot container or any round hard small tool.

    Liquid Bath & Body dye (Optional)


    Food processor for the Epson Salts


    4 Cups Baking Soda

    1 Cup Powdered Milk of Choice

    2 Cups Citrus Acid

    1/2 Cup Epson Salts

    1 Cup Corn Starch

    1/3 Cup Sodium Lauryl Sulfoacetate (Sulfate) - (Powdered)

    2 0Z Oil of Choice (Light Oil- Olive, Grapeseed, Jojoba,)

    1 1/2 0Z Water

    2 0Z Scent

  6. Buy your ingredients as listed. Set up and be ready to go at 4 pm eastern time on the 9th. The class will be held here , online. Log in and watch the class and make your fizzies. I will teach the class step by step as we all do the class together. See ya there!

  7. These are the materials you will need for this project.

    Kitchen Aid

    Measuring Cups

    Molds for Bath Fizzies

    (Plastic, Muffin Pans, Silicone, or any container of choice)

    Paper Cup

    Scale (I will be weighing in Ounces)

    a pushing tool... Wine cork, Lip balm pot container or any round hard small tool.

    Liquid Bath & Body dye (Optional)



    4 Cups Baking Soda

    1 Cup Powdered Milk of Choice

    2 Cups Citrus Acid

    1/2 Cup Epson Salts

    1 Cup Corn Starch

    1/3 Cup Sodium Lauryl Sulfoacetate (Sulfate) - (Powdered)

    2 0Z Oil of Choice (Light Oil- Olive, Grapeseed, Jojoba,)

    1 1/2 0Z Water

    2 0Z Scent

    I have tried to make these several different ways to see how other people would be mixing them. I found that by mixing by hand does not produce the same results. I use a kitchen aid mixer. I also tried a hand mixer. It worked but was difficult to add the ingredients and mix at the same time. So if you could use a kitchen aid type mixer that would be perfect for the class. Or borrow one for the day if you don’t have one. If you don’t want bubbling fizzes, then subtracted the SLS and add 1/3 cup extra Corn Starch. Class will start at 4 Pm on the ninth... I will be on at 3:30 to answer any questions. If you need me before that. Just email me and I will assist you in any way.

    Suppliers for Items

  8. Hello, and welcome to a class for Bath Bomb Fizzies. I am Monica Gillam from Van Yulay. I have been making these little gems for 10 years and been asked to teach a class.I will teach a class on how to make bath fizzies , hopefully there will be something for everyone from the beginner to the advanced. There is no silly question and I will always will try to answer your questions the best of my ability. Class will start on Jan 9th at 4Pm. I will list the items need and the recipe soon! See ya there!!!

  9. Ok... Soapers.. Help me with the difference between the mica and liquid pigments. I have been asked to do glycerin soaps. I never dye my soaps(lye soaps-you guys rock by the way with soaps). WHich do you prefer and why ....Please!

  10. OK.. I have to say something.. I have been watching this soap opera for some time now. I am guilty of tuning in everyday to watch. I am with Sliver of Wax. This really has gone on to far! My mother always taught me, if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all. In the professional world, you need to know when someone isn’t living up to the standards. That just makes good sense in the business world. But what has gone on here is not just business, it is a bashing, a hard a..... Whipping. As a Christian I need to Stand up for Mr. Missy’s . It is truly sad to see the true colors of business people on this board.

    What has happened is that Dan is going through some changes, and anytime that you do that there are kinks to be worked out and crap that is going to happen. The only thing he is guilty of is that he is listening to everyone’s needs. Less shipping, better pricing, and so on. So he keeps changing. He is trying to accommodate everyone. Which is impossible? Through this Gossip forum, I have order from Dan several times now. His warehouse in Punta Gorda ,which is 3 huge buildings of supplies. My husband and I pick up a truck load of wax when we are down there and have seen it firsthand. Dan has bought these supplies at huge massages to bring them to you at an awesome price. He ships hundreds of items a day.

    My husband and I have met Dan. What an awesome guy. He is truly just trying to make a buck in this economy. I have been cold calling business to get my lotion in health food stores. I down loaded a list of 129 stores in just North Carolina. Do you know I have called half of them and there are only 7 of the 50 in business. Dan has tapped into the dying economy and is making it work. So he is passing on the savings.

    The point I am making is that Dan sells what he sells. Everyone can see that by the items for sale. So why is he being bashed for it? If you need to buy a pair of pants in a size 8 and you see a size 14, do you bash the company for it? If they have a sale on the pants and you go to the sale and buy all of them..Do you bash them because there isn’t anymore? No , it is what it is!

    Gossipers speak of the faults and failings of others, or reveal potentially embarrassing or shameful details regarding the lives of others without their knowledge or approval. Even if they mean no harm, it is still gossip. The Bible tells us that “a perverse man stirs up dissension, and a gossip separates close friends ”Proverbs 16:28 “. Many a friendship or Business has been ruined over a misunderstanding that started with gossip. Those who engage in this behavior do nothing but stir up trouble and cause anger, bitterness, and pain among friends. Sadly, some people thrive on this and look for opportunities to destroy others.

    So please , if you have ever fallen short , which we all have because( crap happened and couldn’t ship, supplies didn’t come in, supplier when out of business.) you have had bumps in your business, please just give Mr. Missy’s a break and remember we have all been there!

  11. Shows like that are great... Make sure you have huge supply... even if you dont sell them at the show , have enough for when you get back. Because you will have contacts now that saw you at the show. So hopefully you are online. Exposure is the key to a big business. Talking to the right person can bring in huge amount of money. Make sure you have signs.. that are displayed if you need " wholesale availble" , Have huge amount of cards. Make up special packets to hand out for free.. with a $5.00 coupon for an item.. ( Or something like that )Those really sell for me.. I just handed out 680 of sample packets at the vegas convention center. Cant wait to see the reponse. Those shows are something that I always seen return.. sometimes three months from when I did it. ... Have fun!

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