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Posts posted by van_yulay

  1. Ok.. I offer 24 scents in lotions and soaps. I have narrowed it down believe it or not from 42 when I first started in 99. Now that I am having to buy labels for my labeling machines it is not wise to offer all these scents. Here are my scents


    ALmond Zing

    Baby Fresh


    Brisk Waters

    Cucumber Melon

    Four Seasons

    Heaven Sent



    Mango Peach

    Mountain Rain

    Nag Champa

    Orange Cream



    Pure & Simple




    Rise & Shine

    Tropical Isaland


    White Blossom

    My question is what scents does everyone sell , what are the best sellers for their area, How many scents does each company sell in products,? Please input any answers.. I really need help with this.

    I would like to only have about 14 scents. Honesty all these sell well. But when I had 42 .,.... alot of those I discountinued also sold. So my delema is which ones do I delete? Should I combine some? .. Thanks for your help !!

  2. Thanks... I always love to learn. I use Slippery elm & Marshmellowfor the glide. My poor husband ripped his arm hairs trying mine for the first time... LOL.. Was bad.. Now its good. It is one of my biggest sellers.

  3. Ok... I have been making lotion & soap for ten years now and I have been asked several times to bottle lotion for other people. What they are asking is for my lotion with their label. Does anyone do this? How do you handle it? Pricing, putting on their labels.ie. Or is this a good idea at all. I was just wondering. Because this is like the 20th time I have been asked. It seams very strange to me. ON one hand you are making money, but its not your name! .....

  4. Tracy,

    You are in business to make money. So you need to explain to him that if he wants an exclusive area, He need to pay a price, say 100.00 month extra or something you feel comfortable with for a 10 mile radious. Explain to him that you have hundreds of cusotmers and you sell to many stores. Try to do it in professional way, so that he understands that you cant make money if you only sell to him. You have to make a profit. I have product in 7 stores locally here. They all ask me where is your product at. I tell them that they are 5,7 , 10 miles from you. But this nice thing is that you have a different client base and it wont effect you. Infact when they see it somewhere else, people want it because it is popular. Its like ebay.. no one wants that item till someone bids... then everyone wants it. I think dealing with the store owners are something I have mastered after ten years, but there used to be tears long time ago.Even if you did sell at the market next door, he really shouldnt say who or where you sell to. Also, next time you go to a new store.. lay the foundation of the" rules" persay. So you no what you are in for. Hope this helps


  5. Hey guys I am sorry. I have made those and they reciepe didnt come out right. To much pine tar. I am making a new batch here soon. I have been looking at bottle machines the last month and it has consummed me. Please for give me. But I need this reciepe right before testing. I promise I will make it agian this week. Monica

  6. Naming your biz. I think is the hardest part. Dont worry about if someone doesnt know if it is in the bible. People will ask. My anti-aging cream is named Selah.( Huge story behind this one) Tons of christians have asked me what does that mean. It is a great conversation. I know when I first started I was HomemadeSuds. Wow.... thought it was great. I made Goat milk soap , right. I had tons of people calling for hops. LOL Thought I made beer. So what I did is pray... then I thought about my business, what I do. I sell emu oil products. So I looked up the history of the emus. Found a trib in Australia and found their word for skin.Their word for skin is Yulay. Then I looked my my madian name Van Witbeck. Found out that Van means front line or royality. Sooooooooo... Van Yulay.... Means. Front line skin care products. So long story short.. Do a research your biz. Sometimes googling a name , leads to another, to another. Till you find what you are looking for. See if that helps. Ask kids for any suggestions, they come up with interesting ideas. My youngest has named half of my products. He is really good at that. :yay:And most of all dont stress about it. It will come and you'll be great!!

  7. Its funny how the prim thing grows on you. My freind Deb, got me started making prim items. Lately, I have an itch to make more things. I make silicone molds. So I make most of my items out of clay. I just got done making these hanging tag things. It's like you can't stop, once you get started. When I first started, I didnt even get the whole grubby thing. Man it was funny. Now I am grubbying, dirtying, looking for old. My living room is now decorated with beautiful window, bowls and all that. I really need some new ideas. Expecially for Christmas. Any Ideas?

  8. What is the fuel/chemical smell? I have never come accross it until I got some Mango papaya from Chandle Chem. It smells like super glue. Even when it is poured you can still smell it. I have test about a week old and I am freaked out. I am almost afraid of lighting the candle. If any one knows suppliers that carry those, post them. I will never buy them. What a waste of money. You can tell its mango papaya at all because of the chemical scent.

  9. Yes, that is where I started 10 years ago, lol before they had a website. Look how they have grown. Now I purchase 60,000 bottles from Classic containers in CA. At container they have tubs. I have used those also. For storing supplies. The pump are great. I make thick lotion and they do have ones that are large. The pumps fit on the gallons also. Anything around the house would work also, as long as it is bleached. One lady I know has her freind that has a day care give her the animal cracker 1 gallon container from costco. Its good to recyle also.

  10. You need to buy in large supply. If you are going to really do this. I have my pie candles down to 1.09, Tin , fragrance, clam shell and all. And they are quality candles. But I buy huge, huge amounts to keep the cost down. Also if you can find local suppliers and pick up your supplies, it saves on shipping. But that is not always the case. Test in small batches. Try to buy from the same supplier all the time , so your product is the same everytime, after you have them perfect. But I find it is hard to find a one stop shopping on your supplies.

  11. I feel really bad, because I told a new customer that was thinking of doing candles that if you want to try some frangrance and dont want to spend the money go to ebay... Now I have bought things from CandleChem, dye and such and never had a problem. I wont do that agian. The Scent I purchase from CS is good, but it is not good in my lotion. I think I will just buy small samples from these places. I am really not that picky but this scent is driving me crazy. I appreciate all the help , I will go shopping! Ö¿Ö

    PS I wonder how much time we do in Marketing and Research. LOL

  12. Well, it is not mango or papaya. I dont know what it is. It has no smell whats so ever. No throw at all. I am going to order from Peaks. They have good feedback. I know Brambleberry Mango Mango is awesome. But I really need Mango papaya. :mad:

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