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Posts posted by CandleFreak

  1. I haven't posted pics in the gallery since the old board so I thought I'd give it a go... here is a basket I did for a friend's wedding her colors were light blue/silver so I themed it "blue"

    contents include:

    6 pack votives - spring rain

    6 pack votives - mountain lake

    1 15 oz victorian jar - bluebarry cobbler

    1 20 oz tureen - snuggles

    1 11 oz tureen - freesia

    1 11 oz tureen - spring rain

    2 small wire bail jars with rose petal soaps - rice flower & shea

    2 votive holders

    1 candle warmer





  2. I received one from an "ebay.com" address in which a complaint was being lodged for not sending a package...in which I never sold!!!!!! some political magazine auction...I figured it for a "spoof" since I've NEVER sold anything like that and forwarded it to ebay...they responded the same day and confirmed it was a spoof and that they were tracking it, etc

    so ebay will get back to you soon!

    I get several stupid things from "ebay" all I can say is BE CAREFUL!!! Check on ebay's site they have a section dedicated to detecting "spoofs"

  3. Some things to consider when figuring out how much to take.....

    ask show director last years previous attendance and number of vendors...also ask how many candle makers/soapmakers

    booth/table size also plays a large role in how much to take...the bigger the booth the more product...you want your display to be full but not crammed.....you can keep extras under the table (a long table skirt helps hide the clutter underneath)

    don't take too many scents to your first show......helps keep problems to a minimum...take only your best sellers - usually seasonal scents but if possible try to have a variety (food, fruit, floral, clean types)

    for my first show - I took 3 of every container (3 sizes) in 15 scents plus a box of votives (18 count)for both 2oz and 3oz in the 15 scents, and a few premade gift baskets and had plenty left to take home

    most people will tell you to take whatever you can fit into your car - and remember you have to carry it all 4 times! (to the car, to the show, to the car, to the workshop)

    Goodluck and keep us posted!

  4. rehearse your setup/display......trust me it's worth the time/effort you put into it...especially if it's your first one or if you've made changes to an existing setup......it will help things go a little smoother...and let you know if you need to add or subtract something before you get there!

  5. I just want to say one thing, I do not believe that the amount of time someone has spent on candlemaking completely determines whether or not they really know what they are doing. There is NO set of rules that states that a candle youve made is not worthy of selling unless youve spent over 6 mths testing it. I do test mine of course, I test it the way a customer would most likely burn it. I marathon burn the candles and I use the tester sheet off of this website, and if they meet the expectations, then they pass the test and if pass the test, then why wouldnt they be worthy of selling. Even if it only took me 5 days to figure it out. So I guess my point is that I think people make WAY too much of a big deal on how long people have been doing this. People can learn and do things at different speeds. And also everyone is assuming that this persons candles have not been tested. How do we know they havent been tested? I just dont understand how it could possibly take so long to burn a candle and make sure it does what it is supposed to, and performs the way it should. This person doesnt have alot of scents or alot of styles of candles, so its not quite as difficult as someone who has 50 or more scents and several different types of candles.

    I think what most are trying to reinforce to everyone is LONG TERM performance...something in which he has NOT tested yet.....he is using EO's which do not hold up in wax for long periods of time....how are these candles going to smell in say 6 months, 1 year, 2 years, or even longer?

    can he HONESTLY answer questions that customers may ask???? He can't seem to answer any on here without getting defensive

    absyrtus - some constructive criticism about your website....explain why you are passionate about soy/natural candles....in your eco-friendly section....you listed a reason as the reason???? (they are eco-friendly because they are eco-friendly???? but you haven't touched the WHY's just HOW are your products eco-friendly????? how is soy eco-friendly, other than it is grown/renewable; how are your EO's eco-friendly...you've not explained the benefits of cold pressed EO's, etc VS synthetic FO's; how are your dyes eco-friendly and why are they better than synthetic ones...you've not explained that to your potential customers......

    IMO it's these things that show your passion toward your product...show your client your knowledge and educate them about the "natural" process it's not about promoting propaganda

    I guess I just have ISSUES with people saying soy is better because it is SO ECO FRIENDLY...it is still MANUFACTURED/REFINED you don't just pick a few beans, squeeze 'em, wick 'em and magically have a candle

  6. I've not done one yet but have scouted out a few to try next year....

    The ones that I have been to no one was "selling" but taking orders and pushing pamphlets

    depends on what you specifically are making but you could have a few 'ideas' for brides

    floating candles and other centerpiece type candles

    unity candles

    favors - could be some votives, wedding cake candles, sachets, soaps

    gift baskets - make great gifts for wedding party

    the possiblities are endless....

  7. Okay all you J haters...you must fill me in. How is it that the J waxes "may be giving the art of parrafin candle making a bad name"? Please elaborate. I happen to be a lover of J223. I am so very curious! I can totally understand the "soy train" argument. Not a fan, but since I love my ooey gooey J223, I am wondering how anyone could hate it and why! Please be a dear Top, and fill me in? Or anyone else? :D

    I think "top" is a wax geek and just has to have a challenge and the J-waxes are too user friendly for him

    top - am I right on this....btw this was not meant to be disrespectful in any way....just an observation from reading many of your posts throughout the forum

  8. Bittercreek North is where I purchased mine I also picked up a few supplies here off the classifieds as well....it's not doing so well for me...only the college kids buy it here and they don't tend to go to craft shows.....only buy it when I am on campus :sad2: which is hard to do with 2 kids now....if you need any help or supplies...I can help ya out...I also saw some supplies up for sell in the classifieds

  9. to reduce some wasting of wax.....

    when trying to find the correct wick size, it helps to pour a wickless container. Then with a skewer or something around that size, poke it through the wax in the container to make a hole. Place a wick inside the hole & cut to the correct height. After burning, when you know it's not the correct wick to use, just take the wick out (it helps to do it while the candle is still partially liquid). Then just insert a new wick & test again.

    (copied this from another post...7angela7) this stuck in my head 'cause that's how I have started testing a new line of wicks..thanks...wish i had thought of it myself

    edited to add: I usually use my scrap wax for firestarters

  10. hmmm according to that....tradewinds looks like the only thing "doable".....not much on the list anybody know of some others???

    I'll try a google search too.....just hoping someone would know of a place I just HAD to stop at.....

    anyone have stores in the area????

    If I can't find a supplier near....I guess we will just do the usual thing and hit the roadside flea markets to "entertain" us on the way down....not sure what road it's on.....I'm horrible with directions.....hence the reason hubby said it had to be mapped out beforehand!!!!:)

  11. I'm leaving for vacation next week and wondering if anyone knows of some suppliers on my way down.......leaving Morgantown, WV and headed to Myrtle Beach, SC.....I already know about Tri-State & Creative....any others????

    hubby says I can stop as long as it's mapped out in advance....so you've gotta help me!!!!!!:P

    looking for stuff for my new b&B line as well.....

  12. Would think you would want to cover the human scent, not make oneself smell like a doe. Your husband might not appreciate meeting a love struck buck on the way home from the deer stand. They have been know to hurt people. I know my husband is very careful with the doe scents and makes sure they don't get on him.

    Sherl...your right...when using the doe pee and such it's supposed to be used with "wicks" for those of you that do not know what those are, they are small pieces of absorbent cloth that can be strategically placed in the woods...that stuff is sooo strong hubby isn't allowed to bring it in the house...must stay in garage....and he usually leaves his boots out there too....

    I was just wondering how to make the spray....with the cyclomethicone or what...I wasn't sure if the witch hazel would attract deer ...or repel them....they have such a powerful sense of smell...most of the companies currently selling these sprays have scents like green apple, dirt, acorn, humus....i guess i'll have to make a trip to wal-mart or the sporting goods store.....

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