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Posts posted by sisterkaren

  1. Question for Donna. Which premix base do you get that is like the glaze? And also do you get their thick hand cream? I got a sample and was wondering if you can whip it? I'm not sure I can try it with the little sample. I might have to get a gallon to try.

  2. They are very simple to do. It is a bottle that you mix reed diffuser base with fo or you can buy already scented base, add it to the glass bottle, and add about 8 reeds, then the reeds soak up the fo and smell the room. I bought one at pier one about 4 years ago and loved it. We just buy the kits. Makes it really easy. Google search and you will see them everywhere.

  3. Hi cvb1, I have never used their bases with the fragrance added. We buy our base from the chemistry store and fill our empty bottles not quite half full, then as our customers want with fill them with one of our 30 scents that they want. That is what has worked best for us. Some of our scents aren't as strong in the diffusers as others, so we just lead them in the right direction. They have sold well for us. We can hardly keep them in stock. Unfortunately allwhitecandles has them on backorder until mid july. Sorry I couldn't help you more with the base.

  4. We don't label our either. We just put an idiot proof label saying they are not to be lit. (you never know). I would say this would be a definite for your line. We put them in and they are one of our best seller. We get our kits from allwhitecandles.com. They are very easy and not time consuming and the packaging comes with them. They are the least expensive that we have found. Good luck. Karen

  5. We too used ezsoy and switched to c-3 ONLY because we can now get it locally. I loved the ezsoy and I do prefer it over the c-3. I think in has a better scent throw, maybe not but it seems like it to me. Keep in mind when thinking of switching all the testing, testing and more testing. It cost us a lot of time and money testing 30 scents in 3 sizes. Major pain, but we were spending as much for shipping as on the wax so our profit margin will make worth it in the end. If you do switch we had most success with the premier wicks from www.wickit.net. They will send you lot's of samples to work with. They are wonderful. Good luck to you. Karen

  6. We currently use MC soy body bases. Love the lotion and spray. Not so impressed with the body wash. I think it gets runny when i add enough Fo (we are using Oregon trail oils, so I don't think it is FO quality). We use about 60 drops. I was wondering if anyone has suggestions for a soy body wash base they love. We wanted to stay with soy to go with the rest of our line. Should I look into other bases and add soy oil to make it "soy- based". Just looking for some ideas. Thanks. Karen

  7. I have only ordered samples so far so the shipping has been ok. We have to order all our oils in and the best(that we have tried) seem to come from the west coast. We get most of ours from Millcreek, some from Greenleaf and bcn. We are very lucky that we can pick up our jars and wax locally. We just formulate our price with the increased shipping for the oils. I think they are worth it. You will love Peaks. We were very impressed. Karen

  8. They do come in 760. They come in alot of sizes, I believe in increments of 5 so that you can really fine tune things. We could actually use 745 or 750 in our jellies. My sister and I really like them. They were only ones that we found that did not leave a huge amount of black soot on the jar with the c-3. They should burn really clean for you. Wicknclip only sells large amounts, but if you need fewer you can get them at soycandle.com. Good luck. I hope they work for you as well as they did for us. Karen

  9. We just recently switched to c-3 and are in the end stages of testing all of our scents. We did use 415, but then found a supplier an hour away that we can go pick up. They only carry the c-3. It has been hard to switch,but I think we are finally there. Karen

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