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Posts posted by chrisasst

  1. When doing a fundraiser, When do you collect the money? If your group tells people that they don't have to pay until the products are delivered, does the organization pay you and then they get their money back when the customers pay them? Or do most organizationos (schools, churches etc) expect payment from the customers when they order?

    I maybe stumbling upon a fundraiser opportunity and want to make sure I understand this stuff.

  2. well, test burn #1= gb444 wax, htp126 wick, 7% fo....4hours

    the melt pool did not reach sides and the wick started to drown a little. Next size htp wick is htp 1212. That just sounds scary..but I guess I will try it if my other test burns don't work out..

  3. where do you get yours.

    The jar is made in Indonesia, and comes in 3 sizes. 6oz, 12 oz and 24 oz.

    I use them in all 3 sizes, but buy them in quantity. I get the 12 oz jar for $.72ea, and with the freight about $.77.

    I buy 25 cases at a time, and can mix the 3 sizes. Freight for the 25 cases costs $70.00, or $2.80/case.

    So your $1.00/jar isn't bad.


  4. I didn't lay it on wax paper either. I mixed it in my container and covered and after 4 days still not hard. I did make another one per instructions and then added another scent, that one did get a little hard. So more FO may be a factor as well.

  5. that is like me..I don't know where to go or what to do. Founding a place to go is hard for me around my area. I have confidence in my products but the selling of them I don't know how to do.

    I've been putting off doing much in the way of selling aside from web. If I can give thought to it, and write it up - I'm fine. But face to face, person to person - I'm horrible at selling myself, which is what I believe you do when you try to sell your products too.

    As ironic as it is, with people in control of my fate, so to speak, I'm horribly self conscious and shy. My DH hooked me up with a friend who wants to wholesale items for his salon and a webstore. I have all the documents in tact and everything and it was an easy sell because he was a friend of DH's and he knew exactly what he wanted and I was willing to work with HIS oils - he buys, I pick them up and make up candles and sell the candles back.

    But going into businesses or at shows - I'm afraid I'll be petrified to where I'll sound like an idiot. I don't know what to say to the average person who may not know about quality candles.

    Is there anything I can do, or any advice to help me with assertiveness when it comes to people I want to sell to?

  6. ok, I tried this yesterday. I used a lemon scent. I don't really get it. People really buy this stuff? I filled my sink half way with hot water, put in some of the mixture, it bubbled for about 3 or 4 seconds I guess and the scent doesn't last all that long.

    Does this sound right or am I doing something wrong?

    If i follow the recipe it makes approx. 24 oz right, if my math is correct?

  7. One of the reasons I asked this question was because for some reason, I can get a better hot throw with the jar than I can with a votive. (gb 444 vs igi 4794)

    AS far as the cost, well I can get the jar for about .60 a piece and not sure where I can get votive cups (besides walmart or joanne's ) and not sure how much they are. Let me ask this....can I pour my container wax (gb444) straight into my glass votive cups? Well I guess that is a stupid question...Any way, I biggest thing is the hot throw and I get a better one with the jar for some reason.

  8. These are oob reviews for the following scents IMO:

    *= would not recommend

    **= Very weak

    ***=May work depends on your wax %fo hold

    ****=Not over powering

    *****=Highly recommended

    Camp fire-- This is incredible. Smells just like a smokey fire to me. *****

    Frosted cupcake--very sweet, can smell a light vanilla ***

    Cake bake-- Smells very alcoholly to me *

    blackcherry-- Smells very good, ****

    Egg Nog-- Umm, I am not sure about this one, I can't get a smell feel for it. Doesn't really smell like any egg nog I have had. **

    Candy Corn-- Smells very good, smells similar to a cotton candy fo I had from wsp. ***

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