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Posts posted by number2of7

  1. You might want to try a little bigger wick to test with like the RRD 40, RRD 47 or the CD 14 and 16. The RRD 37 didn't completely clean my 8 oz jelly jars that have a diameter of 2.5 inches.

    I have a Hobby Lobby near me and found a pack that had a 6 inch wick pin and centering tool for $2.99. It's great to put in test jars for wick sizes.

    Just thought I would offer my testing notes.

    Happy Testing!


    Thank you so much for that....I just lit it with the RRD 37, so I'll guess I'll know soon enough if it's big enough or not. I don't have any other size of that particular wick right now....it came with some FO that I ordered. But if it doesn't work, I've got some others to try out of a sample pack I ordered. (CD, zinc, and HTP....hopefully one will work) :)

  2. I never tried that brand, but I have some similiar and never had a problem. I use the ceramic ones now though and they get much hotter, but they don't have no warnings on them. I had a wickless explode on me once when I used parasoy and I never used that wax again LOL. That wasn't, because of the warmer though the wax cooled off too quickly and it made a pocket in the candle and kaboom wax on the ceiling, cupboards, counter you name it LOL.

    I hope this isn't true of all parasoy waxes...:confused: I have some curing that I hope to test on my warmer soon.....Hmmmm.....maybe I should get the enclosed kind....will that type fit the squatty jars???

  3. Yup just poke a hole and stick it in.

    When changing wicks, melt the top to flatten it out and start over.

    Once you know what wick to use for that jar and fragrance, in the future you can secure a wick before pouring the wax.

    That all makes it sound pretty straightforward. Just be aware it can get more complicated than it sounds. If a wick is in the ballpark you'll have to burn the candle down 3 hours at a time to really see how it's working. Also there's no guarantee the amount of fragrance oil you used is right for both scent throw and burn qualilty. You might have to make more testers to get the design worked out. So be prepared to regret ever adding a wick. ;)

    Thanks top!! I have a feeling I'm in big trouble, but I bought a sample pack of wicks and don't want them to go to waste. If I have nothing but problems, then I'll just stick to wickless and tarts!! :)

    Again, I appreciate the help...

  4. Last week, I poured a wickless candle into a votive jar (approx 4" high x 3" wide). While waiting to cure, I went to Wally World and found the little squatty Ball Elite jars that are more suitable for a candle warmer.

    Just out of curiosity, is it now possible for me to somehow add a tester wick to this other candle I've already poured? I realize that I can't "attach" one to the bottom, but is there possibly a way for me to melt the wax a little and insert one for testing? I just happen to read somewhere that people will put wicks in (without the tab) and if they don't like it, they pull it out and put another one in.

    Just wondering if I can do this with this candle, and if so, how?

    Many thanks!


  5. Hey there - these questions have been asked and answered many times on this forum - if you do a search up at the top and type in presto, you will get a TON of info! hth :)

    I did do a search before posting my question. Yes, there are many posts with people talking about using them, but I couldn't find one that answered my specific question. If you just type in presto in the search field, there are heaps of posts....perhaps a suggestion on what exactly to type in the search field to help narrow it down???

  6. Okay, so I finally gave in and bought a presto pot...hubby keeps giving me the eye every time I come in with new stuff....maybe he'll think this purchase is actually for cooking food. :laugh2:

    Is the spout REALLY necessary, or do some of you prefer it without? For those of you who don't have a spout, what is the best method for getting out the wax?

    Also, can I just melt a whole bunch of the same wax, only use what I need at the time, let the other dry, and then heat it back up when I need it?

  7. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! Of all the sites I've visited and suppliers and manufacturers I've talked with - no one - NO ONE - has ever mentioned this oven method!

    Thanks so much for sharing :highfive: !!!

    You're very welcome! I'd love to give credit to the person who gave me that idea, but I can't remember who it was...it may have even been on another message board...either way, it has worked for me and I don't mind sharing such a simple method so that others can give it a go. Good luck to ya!

  8. Because I'm only making tarts as a hobby right now, I don't want to spend alot of money on packaging these up for my family members....they're great people and all....just not great enough for fancy packaging. :)

    I'm making an assortment of flavors and will want to give each of them one or two of each kind. I know not to package them all together or the scents will run together.

    Any suggestions? Looking for an extremely cheap alternative to cello bags....

  9. :highfive: High Five to ya! Would love to know what kind of wax you're using - care to share your method? I've been testing for months and it's hit or miss for me. I'm considering changing the wax I use.

    I used the Ky Perfect Blend (not the new & improved one she has - it wasn't available when I ordered), but I do plan to order that one next time.

    I poured at 150, then placed jars in my preheated oven (170 degrees), and turned off the oven and let them cool overnight inside.....got up the next morning, and POOF, a smooth top! :yay:

  10. Although I'm only starting with wickless candles, I just had to share with you that through some excellent advice on this board....I got a smooth top on my 2nd poured candle! I'm so happy I could pee!! :grin2:

    I would post a photo, but I'm not allowed to for whatever reason...it tells me that I can't. :(

    Thanks again for all the wonderful help and advice that's been given to me so far...you guys are great!!!

    This was supposed to be just a hobby for me to make a few tarts and candles for myself....well, in just a few short weeks, I already have over 50 sample scents to play with, not to mention the other stuff I've bought....the credit card company is going to love me!! I can't help it.....I love this!!!

  11. If you don't want to get another pour pot, just get a glass pyrex measuring cup

    How much does the temperature of the wax drop when you pour it into the glass measuring cup? My wax already seems to drop so fast already that I barely have time to mix FO and dye. I'm actually considering getting a digital thermometer....the other ones fluctuate too much so I'm never sure if I'm actually getting a proper reading.

  12. I think all the scents in my house have fried my brain....I'm having problems doing basic math.

    Okay, I bought some of the the little Elite Mason Jars (8oz) - the little squatty ones. I weighed the jar empty and then with water, put those numbers into the handy dandy calculator provided on this website and received a calculation of 4.99 oz of wax that I would need (naturally, I rounded up to 5.0)

    Is it correct to multiply the amount of wax in ounces by the percentage of FO load that you want? I multiplied 5.0 times .06, which equals .3 - this was the amount of FO that I added to my wax. Is this right?

    Also, will someone again please explain to me why an 8oz jar only holds 5oz of wax? I still just don't get that.

    Thanks as always!


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