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Posts posted by number2of7

  1. For those of you who have used this type of wax, which wicks do you prefer?

    I have a sample pack of wicks that include HTP, CD, and Zinc. So far, I've only tried the HTP's, but seem to have to wick up way higher than the recommendation. I currently use 8oz jelly jars and 2.5" round containers.

    Which of the three are better for this wax, or is there another type that I should be looking into? I've seen alot of people recommend certain wicks for soy wax, but since this one is a parasoy type wax...???

    Thank you for your help!

  2. I have a few colors of the dye chips that I use. All of the colors dissolve fine in the wax EXCEPT the cranberry one. Even when I use just a smidgeon of it to make another color, I still get those evil little red dots all over the bottom of my candle. :angry2:

    I put the dye chips in my melting pot while it's on the heat to give it a jump start on dissolving....

    Is red just a stubborn color?? I have some red liquid dye ordered an on the way to see if that works better, but does anyone know the trick to getting red to dissolve? Could it be that my wax doesn't like red (KY perfect blend)?

  3. I had about half a slab of the perfect blend left and made some candles with it on Monday. I had the same problem of it cooling really quick after it came out of the presto.

    I got my trusty pyrex measuring cup out, popped it in the microwave for about 45 seconds and then poured my wax into it to mix with the color and FO. That did the trick for me and it didn't cool off too quick after that.

    Just a low cost alternative to try :D

    Hmmmm....maybe that's just a downside to that type of wax. I will definitely try the pyrex idea....thank you!

  4. I use KY Perfect Blend. I'm heating it to 200 in my Presto, while at the same time warming my pour pot using the double boiler method.

    I pour at 150, but I'm barely having enough time for a good stir...the temperature just drops so dang fast...I am literally only getting about 60 seconds to stir before I have to pour.

    I have two brand new thermometers (both from Taylor - one digital, one regular) - both seem to be reading the same. Do you think I'm getting an inaccurate reading??

    What else can I do? I need more time....

  5. Does it seem SOY is being used to describe BOTH the 100% and the soy blend?

    I'm really glad you asked this question because I agree that it gets confusing. I'll see a post referencing not to do something with soy wax, but then it turns out that it doesn't apply to parasoy (which is what I use)

    I've heard numerous people suggest that there be a "parasoy" board...this would definitely clear up the confusion for alot of people. You should take a vote! :)

    Will be looking forward to reading what the others have to say....

  6. Normally when I make container candles, I allow them to cool in the warm oven overnight (without lids).

    I bought some 8 oz jelly jars and decided to pour just one last night. Instead of doing my oven method, I simply placed the lid on the jar after pouring. By the time it cooled, it had a large crack down the side and a crack & a hole right in the center.

    By putting the lid on right after pouring, did I by chance smother it or something?

    I use KY Perfect Blend and I normally use the oven method; otherwise, I end up with sinkholes. I was thinking the lid would allow it to cool slower as well.


  7. So I really want to go with all soy, but I really don't understand the benefits of a blend. All I have read says that it might stick to the containers better, and not frost as much.

    I'm still brand new to all of this, but my first wax purchase was the KY Perfect Blend & KY Parasoy (for my tarts). To me, both are fantastic waxes and I don't see myself every trying anything else. The only minor problem I had in the beginning were sinkholes....got that one fixed with a simple solution. Basically, my only problems at this point is getting the right colors I want. :)

    I think some people enjoy candlemaking for the science that it involves, so they go with either all paraffin or all soy...that way, they get to play around with additives, etc. I personally don't have the time to play "mad scientist", so I prefer the blended waxes.

    With my KY Perfect Blend, it's been a breeze....and I have to agree with what Maggie said....the customer service (and Vickey) is top notch!!

  8. Not really....

    That theory then contradicts the statement: "FO's are in the wax for the long haul". It shouldn't matter how much AIR comes in or out of the package if the FO is there to stay.

    Some candles, like pillars, sit exposed to air in your home...they don't lose their scent. ??? So, I don't think AIR is a culprit here...

    Sorry, not trying to be difficult...just trying to make sense of it all.

  9. This past Christmas, I received a candle from The White Barn Candle Company called Aspen Winter....I LOVE this scent.

    Is anyone familiar with it, and if so, do you know if anyone makes a dupe?

    Or, just out of curiosity, can you use the oils sold by Bath & Body Works in candles, or are the only suitable for warmers? I wasn't sure....I'm still new here so pardon my ignorance.

  10. Glad the others were able to answer your question....my digital scale is retarded! I will pour what I think is a certain amount, and when I'm a little short, I'll add more...then the amount on the scale DECREASES! I don't think my scale is aware of the fact that when you add more to it, the numbers should go up, not down!!

    I've had a talk with him, so let's hope he behaves next time! :D And, yes, it's a "he" and his name is Walter! :grin2:

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