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Posts posted by number2of7

  1. Providing you're using the standard JJ and not the wide mouth....

    Here's the calculations I use:

    • Total amount of "material" going into the jar is 6.5oz (got this by using the calculator under the General Information tab to your left)
    • If you want to use 6% of FO... 6.5 x .06 = .4oz of FO (rounded)
    • Subtract that from your total of 6.5 to get how much wax (6.5 - .4 = 6.1)

    So, for your 8oz JJ, you will use 6.1oz of wax and .4oz of FO, for a grand total of 6.5oz! :) Now you can hopefully see why one pound of wax was way too much for one jar....


  2. The problem I can foresee is when you test the wick and it works great, how will you reorder it??? Without knowing which wick it is, your success will only last as long as those wicks you already have.

    I would use them too simply because I had them....just know ahead of time that you'll eventually have to start over with more wicks....

  3. I'm so frustrated right now!! This wicking thing is driving me nuts!!

    Okay, now that I've thrown my tantrum....

    I am trying to successfully wick just a standard 8oz jelly jar (not the wide mouth style)...surely this doesn't take a degree in nuclear physics. :undecided I use KY Perfect Blend and have tried a few of the HTP, CD, and zinc wicks.

    Wick problems:

    • HTP wicks - probably the best of the three, but don't like how they "curl" off center and cause one side to have a deeper MP. I did get a really great HT with my Maple Cinammon FO though with this one.
    • CD wicks - I started with the CD 10 (was recommended). I ended up with a full MP in 30 minutes! I wicked down to a CD 8 and it's still burning too fast. If I wick down any further, I'll be using the size recommended for a votive! That can't be right!
    • Zinc wicks - the only size I've tried is 44-31-18 (recommended for 2.5-3" containers). It started tunneling right away. I haven't tried wicking down yet...the next size down I have is 44-24-18.

    I've read such great things about these three types of wicks, so why is it that I'm having so much trouble?!

    I really want to know why the CD wicks are performing like that....

    And I want to know if I should try another wick (LX perhaps) or should I just accept my curling HTP's since they are the best of what I have? It just bugs me that I have to "settle"....there's got to be a perfect wick out there for me somewhere. Why is it that someone else who uses the same wax and jar can get a CD wick to work, but I can't?

    I'm just mad!! Please help me get happy! :)

  4. I was reading on some other threads about curing tarts. I'm using the plastic Folgers cans. I don't see a #5 anywhere on it. Should I take them out?

    And do I have to have a lid on a container candle to let it cure? I haven't been doing that.

    Not sure about the plastic Folgers cans....hopefully someone else can help ya there....

    As far as not having lids for your containers....I read that you can just store them upside down once they've set....HTH.

  5. I use the standard 8oz Jelly Jar (not wide mouth). I decided to experiment with a CD wick, so I plopped in a CD 10.

    I lit it last night for the first time....after only 30 minutes I had a full MP! At the 1 1/2 hour mark, the depth was 1/4". This made me kinda nervous, so I went ahead and extinguished the flame.

    Before ripping the wick out and going down a size, I decided to relight it this morning. I'm currently at the 2-hour mark and am just now almost to the full MP stage.

    First of all, why did I get such a quick MP the first time and not the second time? (usually it's the opposite....slow burner and tunneling)

    Secondly, now that the 2nd burn seems to be going a little better, should I just continue to let this one burn, or do you think I should still wick down?

  6. I'm still no expert here, but from what I've read here....Yes, you can melt your wax back down and reuse it. Set your oven on the lowest temp until the wax is melted and then pour it back into your melting source.

    As far as adding more wax to your already over FO'd batch....yes, you should be able to do that too. If you have 3oz of FO per 1lb of wax, then you could add 2 more pounds of wax.....that should then make you at the proper 1oz FO/pp of wax. I may be wrong on this part, so hopefully someone will chime in and correct me if I am.

    As far as stirring, I add FO & dye to my wax at 180, then slowly stir continuously until ready to pour at 150. I guess for you it will depend on your pour temp....but a good 2-4 minute stir will only help. :)

  7. The diameter of the 8oz jj is 2 and 1/2 inches across. I burned it for about 3 and 1/2 hours. There is a little less than 1/2 inch of wax around the sides that didn't melt. If I wicked up from HTP 62, what would be the next logical wick to use? HTP 83?

    The next size up is the HTP 72, then HTP 83. If that was your first 3 1/2 hour burn, I would do one more 3 hour burn to see if the wax "catches up". Mine hung up the first burn, but then caught up by the second.

    I'm having similar issues with my 8oz JJ too. I started with the HTP 83, but felt it was too big (due to a fairly deep MP), so I've gone down to a HTP 72. Seems to be working fine right now! :) My confusion comes in where most people recommend an HTP 104 for and 8oz jelly jar. That would seem way too hot, which is why I've posted a thread about it.

    Anyway, good luck!!

  8. I have an 8oz jelly jar (2.5") that I poured wickless so that I can yank tester wicks in and out. My first tester was an HTP 83. I got great scent throw, but the wick seemed to move off-center (perhaps because it isn't anchored in the bottom?) Because of this, my MP was just over 1" on one side and the glass was really hot. (the opposite side was right at 1/2")

    While reading through numerous posts, I keep seeing that most people use/recommend a HTP 104 for an 8oz jelly jar. Based on my experience above, wouldn't that wick be way too hot?? I'd like to test it, but am afraid that it would really be too hot...

    I use KY Perfect Blend. I know most of you here don't use that wax, but surely there's some sort of similarities in this wax and the wax those of you blend yourselves.

    Bottom line, when testing wicks with this method, how can you really determine if it's the right wick when it "moves"? Should I really try the HTP 104 or just assume that the 83 is the right size for this particular one?

    By the way, it was the 3rd 3-hour burn when my MP got to that 1" state....

  9. I posted this in the General Discussion and haven't gotten any responses, so I thought I would try here...

    For those of you who have used KY Perfect Blend wax, which wicks do you prefer?

    I have a sample pack of wicks that include HTP, CD, and Zinc. So far, I've only tried the HTP's, but seem to have to wick up way higher than the recommendation. I currently use 8oz jelly jars and 2.5" round containers.

    Which of the three are better for this wax, or is there another type that I should be looking into? I've seen alot of people recommend certain wicks for soy wax, but since this one is a parasoy type wax...???

    Thank you for your help!

  10. Sometimes after my containers cool, I get these white spots along the sides of the jar. It looks like sugar crystals or something. Are these just air bubbles? If so, what causes them and what can I do to prevent them in the future?

    I use KY Perfect Blend, heat to 190, pour at 150, then place in a warm oven to cool overnight. I don't get them on all of my candles...I am currently using 8oz jelly jars.

    Thanks for any help you can give....

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