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Posts posted by AnjieBurdett

  1. Grab it while you can thats what i say *LOL* go girl :grin2:

    I haven't found any uk sites selling ali moulds cheaper than I got them from the states, but that doesn't mean they don't exist. And I know what you mean about bookmarking suppliers, my head spins when i browse through them. I have decided to try some wax from Kevin at Candlelights, when I finally get round to placing my order DOHH, and will go from there. I think its a case of trial and error until you settle on your favourite.

    Good luck with your search.


  2. Oh wow! We don't have those shapes here in the UK :cry2: maybe we will at some time in the future.

    Candle Man, you put your moulds in a toaster??? Do you mean toaster as in the 2 or 4 slice pop up toasters?? And they DON'T MELT!?!?! :shocked2:

    And lastly, what are Life Savers? :grin2:


  3. I did it, I did it, I did it yayyyy (did that sound like Dora the Explorer? LOL), I made some brilliant melts with the 'jigsaw' ice cube tray :D the tops sunk like they did last time BUT this time I overflowed the mould on the repour and levelled it with the back of a hot knife! Looked such a mess in the mould but when I turned them out all of the flimsy overpour lip just rubbed off, leaving a nice smooth top and neat edges. :whoohoo:

    DAMN! Its nice to get something right for a change ROFL! Its about time :grin2:

  4. So then......How do you get the tops of your melts flat and smooth?? I'm using up some left over wax and getting the dip that you usually get when setting, my problem is that I am absoultely rubbish at repours and they look totally cr*p afterwards - doesn't really matter with candles but does with melts.

    Is there a certain kind of wax recomended for tarts/melts that doesn't shrink when it sets? Or is there a foolproof way of getting the tops nice and even?


  5. YAY FOR IKEA! :) LOL. Did you see the jars with the silver seal-tight lids with the little handle on?? I got those :D thought they were so cool for 99p!! But yeah, you have to be careful or you spend a fortune.

    In the rubber moulds they had the bottles, jigsaw, triangle and ummm something else i can't remember :undecided

    Thanks for the advice on pouring them. I can't post pics at the moment as Vista doesn't seem to want to accept my phone/photo suite at the moment GRRRRRRRrrrrr.


  6. Going to attempt some melts in cinnamon and coffee MMmmmm.

    What colour is cinnamon?? I've heard people use red, but I imagine it as a brown :undecided - isn't it weird decided on what colour a smell should be? :D


    p.s. I have to drive a 4x4 Mudmaster course in a Landrover at Brands Hatch tomorrow ARGHHHHHH sooo scared :embarasse LOL so wish me luck and hopefully i will get back in one piece :grin2:

  7. Has anyone used the Ikea rubber ice cube tray mould thingies to make candles/melts?

    I was there during the week and picked up some lovely lidded jars for 99p each and one of their ice cube moulds which makes jigsaw peice shapes. I was wondering if anyone had had much luck with these? Do they turn out ok? Which temp should i pour into them LOL


  8. http://cgi.ebay.com/20-Cavity-Silicone-Coffee-Bean-Mold-NEW_W0QQitemZ130083542748QQihZ003QQcategoryZ41207QQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem

    Its in the States, but thats the only seller I came up with those particular moulds on ebay.

    In fact there are loads of different ones to choose from, raisins to jellybeans - eat your heart out :D


    Hope that helps.


  9. I use pyrex jugs too. Work fine for me and i get quite a precise pour from them with not many drips. I have the pyrex jug sitting on a small saucer in an old pan of boiling water. I find if I wipe out the pyrex jug with kitchen towel while it is still hot then there is no need for me to wash it - paranoid about wax down the sink!!!! :thumbsup:

  10. Know how you feel there too. I went to my local hobbycraft expecting to see loads of moulds and glass containers and books!! But no, I came away disappointed.

    Its sad that in the UK we have such poor choice when it comes to candle making. BUT, I hit ebay and found a seller called candlechem in the States and bought a set of 4 aluminium pillar moulds for way less than i could in the UK - and that was including postage (didn't get stung for import duty yayyy). The States is definately the way to go with some things. For heavier stuff like the wax I am going to be ordering from candlelights in the UK - Kevin is soo helpful - and I also found Sensory perfection! WOW gorgeous fragrance oils!!

    As for your original question, I made up some brown the other day using red, green with some blue added (not sure of exact measurements, was just messing around), it actually looked burgandy when i dropped a bit on a cold plate but when it came out the mould it was definately brown!

    I'm new to candlemaking too so haven't dabbled in mixing fragrances yet ;)


  11. Thanks for getting me to search - found JUST what i was looking for! :D

    This is the kind of 'secret' i was after LOL now i'm off to find me some angle iron :yay: .


    Levelling while still in the mold is an excellent idea but not always good for me as I used plastic moulds sometimes and they have little bumps on the top edge to hold the wick bar steady, and I wouldn't want to melt them.


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