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Pam W

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Posts posted by Pam W

  1. Just want to add that I get a totally different throw from my test candles depending on where I set them.  On the south side of the bedroom.......nothing: on the north side of the room I do get a throw.......in my house, it's all about how the A/C return pulls the air from each individual room.

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  2. On 4/24/2018 at 6:59 AM, Jcandleattic said:

    Neither have I. In fact, I've never been able to get an EO to throw in wax, period. Although, I know others that have. 

    I use some EO's in some of my soaps, but not many, and I have used them in my bath bombs, but I just generally don't use EO's. They are, IMO, just too picky to work with, and I'm not into fighting with my product to get it to do what I want. I did that with my teenagers I'm not doing it with my products! LMAO

    Absolutely love that statement (as a MOM)


  3. On 6/1/2018 at 10:09 AM, Shari said:

    Do you have access to everclear?  It works great.  So does Vodka, just the cheap stuff.  I just recently purchased some perfumers alcohol to give a try.  

    I've used both everclear and vodka and don't find any difference in the final mixture.  The only problem is that using an alcohol product makes it illegal to sale.....but since I don't sale, no problem.  I do use perfumers alcohol on occasion and find that the cost is out of range for personal use but if I'm making a spray for someone other then myself, then I will use the Perfumers Alcohol.

    Darbla, I'm with you on using up FOs before they go bad.  For nothing more than personal use (what I call Fart Spray for my guys to use in the bathroom) I add only the FO, some water and a touch of FO modifier.....but that's just for me.  Some times I use this spray on my pillows and sheets....if I find a FO mixture that I really like then I use it on my linens.  I've found that this is a nice way to test FO blends...kwim?

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  4. On ‎6‎/‎10‎/‎2018 at 2:25 PM, grama said:

    I don't use a thermometer to test how cool mine are.  When they are cold top, bottom, & side then they are ready for topping.  I heat my top off hotter than original pour.

    I do the same.  If I did the original pour at 180 then my top-off will be heated to 185....(this is using paraffin)

  5. On 5/28/2018 at 10:02 PM, Darbla said:

    Yeah, I cook a lot from scratch because superheroeing doesn't come with a paycheck.  :D   If any of you have a suggestion for Black Canary, the blond on the far left in the top pic, I'd love to make something for her as a gift that won't go in the raffle baskets.  She's the hero who organizes a lot of the charity efforts in her city, and I'm next door doing it in my city.



    I'd suggest Rustic Lodge from RE....."the aroma of our Rustic Lodge fragrance oil is going to make you happy, happy, happy! It's strong & bold without being in your face. Notes of fresh, fruity green apple, honey, cinnamon bark, nuts, creamy caramel, maple sugar, cider spice, and warm French vanilla. This honey/caramel/apple cider blend is warm and has just a titch of spice to make it say "home, sweet home!"

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  6. On 5/28/2018 at 2:45 PM, Belinda said:

    Wow Darbia! I don't know why but I always pictured you so different. I think it's the Owl picture LOL! You make a great Wonder Woman!

    Yep, you blew my mind with that pic


    On 5/28/2018 at 6:25 PM, Sarah S said:

    @Darbla, you look freaking amazing as Wonder Woman!!!


    We are big super hero/fantasy fans here in my house. I love this stuff!

    IMO the Stormwatch should be Thor, 100%. Maybe throw in a little herbal note, because you know his hair has got to smell awesome...

    I think some leather and maybe a bay rum type for Batman. I would mix leather and RE's Havannah Nights, but idk if you have that.

    Deadpool I would do a cilantro citrus combo, because Mexican!

    I did a mix of vanilla sandalwood, lavender, and tobacco and called it Strider... My Tolkien loving friend went insane for it.

    I like where you're going with the Ivy!


    If I think of more, I'll add to the list!

    I agree with the Stormwatch suggestion and Black Canyon is a goodie IMHO.  AND a good Oakmoss is to die for...like Absolutely Oakmoss from OT.

    The Sandalwood, lav & Tobacco mixture sounds wonderful.

    Cuban Tobacco would also be a good addition....not sure what to blend it with but it is nice on it's own.

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  7. I get it from the craft store......it's in a little round yellow container.  I don't think it is reusable -- you put a little on the bottom of the wick and press it down...if you have to reattach a wick for what ever reason then you will probably have to apply a new application of tacky-wax...but it takes less than the size of you pinky finger nail.

  8. As I continue to look at this piece of material, I've come up with the idea of cutting it into 4 or 6" squares and turning each square in the opposite direction then tying the center of each square with a matching color of yarn.  The design of material is not really exceptional but it's the story behind it - each thread was hand dyed, then hand woven by a villager in Chocola Guatemala where my friend has a humanitarian organization set up to help the local people improve their quality of life and I'd like to reward her with a lap quilt made from this material. 

    Any input/suggestions are very welcome at this point.  I have the wood for the quilting frame waiting for that moment of inspiration....I'm ready to go when that moment hits me....kwim??


  9. On 5/30/2018 at 10:55 PM, Faerywren said:

    I love their Dragonfire and Absolutely Awesome Oakmoss

    Absolutely Awesome Oakmoss is my all time fav of any FO's....and we know how many FOs are on the market!!!  That said, I have never been disappointed in any FOs order from OT.


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  10. Some years ago, I had a coworker whose husband dabbled in bee keeping and they give me some wax....it had been filtered but I filtered it more.......heated it up and poured it thru coffee filters several times and then used it in lip balms.  With fresh beeswax, it's all about filtering out the impurities. 

  11. On 6/1/2018 at 10:04 PM, scrubzz said:

    Please forgive me - I would like to apologize if I ask stupid questions while on some pretty good prescription medications - and I might as well go ahead and apologise for more stupid questions in the future because I ain't gonna stop taking these meds for awhile - oh l so bad want to be back to doing stuff and not just reading - reading about stuff is not near the same as actually doing - but I have literally spent hours upon hours reading and taking notes and learning - and I have been doing so every day since February - I have learned a lot about a lot and have a lot more to go - and I have found that when reading and not doing sometimes a really stupid thought brings up a really stupid question in your brain and the meds are immediately convinced that this is an absolutely brilliant question - and furthermore this question is so brilliant it must be answered immediately and so the message is sent to the fingers and did I just hit the "submit" button? I wonder what I said? Anyway I am sure we can all look forward to some porentially possibly maybe sort of interesting in a weird sort of way questions from me in the very near future - Thanks! Mark (scrubzz)


    Hey Scrubzz.  I have asked a lot of questions that may have sounded a little weird but I've never been scorned by the members for asking.....and I am on 8 different meds at the current time....some may cloud my mind but they never stop me from wanting to POUR.....In a Dr's appt today, the Doc told me that when people retire(which I did a yr ago) that they go thru some real emotional changes and they should take up a hobby to fill their time....well, I have a hobby and it's candle making so I am now validated that I should focus on POURING....and if that involves asking weird questions, so be it.

    I totally understand ''from the fingers to the submit button".  Heck, you never know, your weird questions might just answer some of thoughts that others have had but hesitate to ask....so post your questions/and or thoughts.

  12. I used the wick stick-ums when I first start making candles and was never happy with them because they'd come loose so I found that using tacky wax worked every time.  I got it from the craft stores (joanne's & michaels and have never had a wick come loose)  Works for me and when something WORKS, ya stay with it!!  

  13. On 5/25/2018 at 3:56 AM, Paintguru said:


    Pam, what is your starting point for how much patch to add to a second scent?  I'm thinking < 25% since it is meant to compliment more than take over the scent.  

    25% is a good starting point......you can pour some melts to test the blend, if it isn't what you want, you can a little more patch......it's all about what the scent throw gives your pleasure........if you like what you have, then go for it but if you think you'd like a little more patch then do another small batch with a high % of patch........it's all about what you like...........kwim?

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  14. Ya know, so many candle makers have experienced a negative throw from their creation when the real culprit is the room circulation.....If I set a tester in my bathroom, turn on the A/C with the return in the living room, I can walk down the hallway toward the bathroom and get a tremendous scent throw.  With my little house, the throw is dependent on what room I'm burning the tester and the air return.

    Back to the subject, I quit using vybar.......period.

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  15. 2 hours ago, Quentin said:

    Thanks. I now know what part of my problem is; PATIENCE.

    That's the most difficult part of this hobby.........I totally refuse to use any wax that requires me to show patience..I don't sell but just pour for friends/family/and myself.

    Question:  depending on how your house is laid out, where are you testing your creations?  I ask this because I have found that it makes a big difference on the throw where I place my testers....like, does the A/C return suck up the scent; does the swamp cooler blow the scent out the open window,  etc, etc.

    If I'm burning a candle in my bedroom with the swamp cooler running, I can't smell a darn thing in the room but if I got outside the window, I get a tremendous throw.......Being in a small 900 sqft cottage home, I have found that I need to pay attention to WHERE I burn my testers depending on the relative air flow....does that make sense?

    • Thanks 2
  16. A friend brought me a piece of material from Guatemala....hand loomed by local people and it is enough to make a couple of lap quilts (one for me and one for her) but I just keep staring at the material trying to decide just how to make the quilt....I'm not wanting to cut up the material into squares but want to use it whole........I look at this material every day and have yet to come up with a design.

    Anyone else experience this type of 'brain-fog' when trying to design a quilt?




  17. Ya know, you should always have a bottle of Patch on hand.......it can be blended with soooo many other FOs to give a nice throw.......once you get into blending (which will come soon because one day you'll get a wild hair to pour something different....patch, musk and amber should always be on hand to compliment many other scents)  Mix that red current with patch and see what comes out.......that said, I'm one for blending various FO just to see what happens.

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