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Posts posted by Angel91805

  1. Well....I have the prettiest scorched looking chunks this morning! I thought I'd snap a pic of it and share it with you. Hehehe.

    So..I got the message...NO SB after FO goes in...EVER. Make salt bars w/ room temp lye and cooler oils. Check!

    So...seeing the lovely brown chunks here....after cure time, should I keep this for myself or will the over fragranced chunks cause issues?




  2. I "third" the vote for flash drives! They are awesome...so convenient too. I also use a laptop and a desk top. (DH has Vista and I'm hissing at him to stay away from *my* computers!) Word of warning though....they are small and easily lost! LOL. Mine are now on neck lanyards...not so much to wear but so they don't get lost! After Xmas I bought 2 - 1GB each jump drives on Buy.com for $35...and had free shipping to boot. Very much loved over the CDR's and CDRW's.

    Hope that helps!


  3. I no longer use the SB after adding FO if I add it at trace, it's all hand stirring from that point on.

    Is this FO a problem FO?

    Was the FO cold when you added it? (I've seen problem FO's added cold to the soap do some funky things)

    Did you add the FO first and then stir in the salt?

    What kind of salt did you use?

    Oh my....so many questions....lemme try to remember....

    I don't know if this FO is a problem FO. I didn't look. :undecided

    The FO was room temperature.

    I added in the FO...whirred it w/ the SB for about 15 seconds...then ladled out some into a smaller dish to color. THEN I grabbed the uniodined table salt and hand stirred it into the soap.

    Now that I think about it......it got the chunks immediately AFTER I put in the FO.

    Any hope for the batch?

    I'm off to do the first cut on them now. If it's any consolation....the batch heated up nicely and smells really good!



  4. Your first ever CP batch is a salt bar? I'd recommend backing away from the salt and starting a bit simpler...

    What oils did you have in your recipe? Did you pre-melt the oils? Could be a chunk of butter.

    Yup.... :D Like I said, probably not my smartest move. Hehehe.

    I used 80% coconut (76 deg), 10% shea and 10% olive. Oil was all melted and at 103-ish when I added the 115-ish degree lye solution. So, it wasn't a chunk of butter....


  5. So, I'm making my first CP batch, and it's a salt bar. (I know...probably not the best move!)

    I get everything all going...pour the lye solution in the oils, stickblend - whir about 20-30 seconds and then stir stir stir - over and over until it was at a light trace. Poured in FO (Backwoods Sea Salt Breeze)....stickblend whir whir whir...Ladled some out to color....and encountered a CHUNK. A chunk of what, I have NO clue. :D While I was coloring....DH tried to whir back in the chunks. Poured it into the mold at a thick applesauce stage...<sigh>... plopped on the color that thickened like THAT....and then swirled it all with a bamboo skewer....encountering several CHUNKS (walnut sized too!).

    What in the heck are the chunks? What'd I do wrong (so I don't do it again)? And are my salt bars salvagable??

    I took pics....As soon as I figure out how, I'll post them.....


  6. God help us all....I'm going to do it. Just as soon as I get up from the computer.

    I put on my Big Girl Panties this morning....and I'm still scared.

    <breathe breathe>

    I can do this. I am NOT afraid of the 2 jars of lye I have. I am armed with the knowledge of hundreds of ladies and gents. I am armed with a dust mask, safty goggles, rubber gloves, long sleeve shirt, long pants and an apron. I am armed with a 9 page print out, with pictures!, of the CP tutorial from this forum. I am armed with a 3 page tutorial on salt bars. My son is happily out of the house. DH is nearby, just in case. I can do this.

    <breathe breathe>



  7. Don't worry...if you go crazy...we're here for you!

    My advise....where you can...GET SAMPLES. You can get samples from KY if you order something else. You can also get samples from Soaper's Workshop (LOVING Lindsay's stuff!) and Essentials by Catalina. Hmmmm....I think that was all the samples I got....I did get some from SFIC, but I wouldn't recommend those. Ew. :D

    If I think of more to fuel your addiction, I'll let you know!

    <ducking and running>


  8. Yeah, when's the first meeting?? From my desk I can see....6, no 7 different bases!

    I'm trying to find a happy medium between using bases and making from scratch. Right now I'm happy using bases for some things and then making (dare I say) simpler things from scratch, like cuticle balm and solid perfume. I'm working on a lipbalm that I can live with year round (gets super hot here in the summer).

    I did make some lotion from scratch....Coffee Butter Latte Cream from MMS's site...and it was ALOT of ingredients and therefore alot of $$. One of my testers, however, has been sharing the lotion (she's a nail tech) and now I, apparently, have a line waiting to buy their own lotion! (Just found this out last night!) Personally....I'm a bit too skittish of the preservative issue right now. LOL.



  9. Woo hoo!! *getdown* I'm doing the Happy Dance here tonight! My brand spankin' new Misty Creek mold came today and I'm doing the boogie!!! Loving it. Need another one so I don't have to mess this one up! BUAHAHAHA.

    Now I have no excuses not to make my first batch of soap. None. Nope. Not a one. <sigh> :tiptoe: Anyone close enough to come hold my hand???



  10. Ohhh...I'm so glad you answered this, AJ! <as she furiously copies notes down> I found lye yesterday! :yay: I know it sounds like I discovered a new comet, but I was having trouble. After I found lye, I ordered a Mr. Do Right mold and a Misty Creek mold (gotta keep my options open!). This morning I found fresh goat's milk AND canned goat's milk at the store. :yay: Hehehe. And now I know what to do with them!

    We now return you to the previously un-hijacked thread....


  11. From their website: (hope I'm allowed to copy/paste!)

    "To use product: At room temperature, add recommended use level directly to city tap or distilled water. Add 1% fragrance. Preservative already in base.

    Suggested Use Level:

    • Bubble Bath: 25-50%

    • Shower Gels, Shampoo, Washes: 50% "

    If you read the reviews for this product, other people have posted how they've used it.



    I've been using IGI4794 for my tarts. Love the throws on it....super hate the repours. DH says I should embrace my inner dimple. I just growled at him and told him to shut up. :P

    I got some 4630 and used it at 25% w/ the 4794 last night. I poured to pretty crown at about 165 degrees and still we have dimplage.

    Is there a single pour votive wax out there??? Is it hiding?? GRRRRRR


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