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Posts posted by Angel91805

  1. Yup...my first CP batch went unscented too. <sigh> :awww:

    Now...tell us how you got lye in your face! OMG! Did you grab vinegar real quick? I got a spot on my forearm during clean up and OUCH. Vinegar is a real saver there! How scary. Hope you are ok!

    I swear, when I'm dealing with lye, not only am I loudly announcing to the family where the lye is every 2 minutes, but I'm covered from head to toe. I'm sure my neighbors think I'm a freak. LOL. Standing on my backporch...visible to 5 backyards and windows...LOL...long pants (it was 84 here then other day)...lace up shoes, tshirt, long sleeve shirt, full length apron, gloves tucked up under the cuffs of the shirt, safety glasses and a paper dust mask type thing. All to stand there and stir in a pyrex dish for 5 minutes. It's a sight, I'm sure. HHAHAHAHA

    But, your soaps look great! Once they cure, pass the out to friends...warn them they are unscented, not because you forgot the FO, but because you are "testing a new recipe and didn't want scent to get in the way"!



  2. :whoohoo: :yay: :whoohoo:

    And it only took 6 batches! ROFL! I CP'd cold. Meaning, I used ice cubes with my lye. Then I used the method Eugenia posted the other day. I added my FO to my oils. I mixed in, by hand, the lye. When it was mixed in, I removed some. Then I colored my base with Select Shades and SB'd it to a light-medium trace. Then I SB'd the uncolored part to medium trace. Swirled in the mold. I must say, I'm pretty damned proud of myself! ROFL. We'll see what it looks like tomorrow when I cut it.




  3. I know most times the only mention of Stephenson's is their M&P, but I was wondering if anyone has tried their Suspension Base Shower Gel? If so, is it drying? Here's the list of ingredients:

    CTFA/INCI Names: Aqua, Sodium Laureth Sulfate, Cocamidopropyl Betaine, Xanthan Gum, Phenoxyethanol, Methylparaben, Ethylparaben, Propylparaben, Butylparaben, Methylchloroisothiazolinone, Methylisothiazolinone, Magnesium chloride & Magnesium nitrate



  4. I saw that too! I put it on my list of things to get when I order from WSP next.

    I did finally get to B&BW and tried it...NG's Misbehavin' is nice, but no where close. I'm not allowed in B&BW anymore..at least not when DH is driving. I came out of there with every square inch of sniffable arm surface covered in a different scent. He said the ride home in the car was "whiffy". I'm thinking of trading him in for a less opinionated model. :D


  5. FINALLY! <pshew> The third time was a charm! I had two batches get tossed since the FO wasn't playing well with other, but once I changed FO's, everything went smoothly. Almost too smoothly, if you KWIM. Maybe it was the Guardian Fairies I surrounded my kitchen in! LOL. They kept the dreaded Soap Fairy at bay. LOL. Anyway...here's my first decent pics to share....in the mold with the three Guardians and cut and drying. I'm even happy with the swirls! LOL. Though the color was supposed to be teal, I can live with this one. LOL.

    (I collect Faerie Glen Faeries and these are from the Guardian Series...hahaha)





  6. The only non-SFIC M&P I have tried is the Silk n' Shea from Jody's (and I think WSP has it!). I LURVE SFIC's bases. I like the Goat's Milk..the Shea...the Low Sweat White. I haven't tried their clear ones yet, but I have them. I used the Cocoa butter one in a kitchen soap scented w/ coffee and it worked great.

    I haven't tried Stephenson's yet, but one of their suppliers, Soaper Supplies, is about 3 miles from....yeah, no shipping!...so I might try them soon.


  7. ROFLMAO @ CareBear! Your evil twin and mine must be drinkin' buddies.

    You know Grumpy.....my hubby may be blond...and he does have his "DUH" moments at times...but I tried that and he didn't buy it. Well, I should say, he started to pick up the soap and then stoped and said "WTF? If that might be a lye pocket, won't that, like, make my tongue fall off?" Wuss. No hair on his chest. :laugh2:

    Gotta love him though.....all I have to do is screech "SPIDER" and he comes and kills it for me and then proves it's dead by showing me the dead body (so I can climb down off the furniture).



  8. Well, I'm going to give my VERY humble opinion.....and I really mean everything with the best intent! I give the disclaimer since, as we all know, sometimes reading words don't convey the true thought.

    First...your daughter is ADORABLE!!

    Now....in my opinion, your table has too much on it, it looks cluttered to me, especially since everthing is basically the same size and shape....and it looks like soldiers marching in a row. Don't put everything on the table...have some things tucked away under the table to replace when sales happen. Have differing heights....and some empty spaces on the table so the eye can scan over...and then lock on to the next thing. Does that make sense? And all your product is the same size and shape...very un-appealing to the eye, even though the colors of the candles are great. I went to your website and you have all these wonderful pottery pieces and the uber-cute baby bottle candles....those would make a definate difference. Since they are differently shaped, the eye would get pulled in to the table.

    Again....just my opinion!

    I'll be back in my corner now.


  9. Which bases do you use from SFIC? I got their sampler pack and can't stand any of their lotions. The Cocoa butter one was tolerable.

    From KY, I've tried the soy whip and the glaze. I bought a gallon of the glaze from Candlemaker's Store. Same stuff, different name. I have a few other bases from Candlemaker's now too.

    I've tried the sampler pack from Jody's and love lots of stuff in there, some things are also the same as WSP. I'm loving the Goat Milk & Honey and the Goat Milk & Shea. I'm having all sorts of loving feelings for goat milk anything lately though!

    From Essentials by Catalina I've tried the basic lotion and it was very nice. A bit thin for me..but nice.

    From Soaper's Workshop I have samples of all her bases and LOVE them.

    All of these are a million times better than SFIC's bases, in my very humble opinion. Your customers will thank you.


    :::prolly upset some folks...so I'll be back in my corner now::::

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