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Posts posted by Angel91805

  1. Yup, same amount of salt as oils here. I used 40 oz of oils and 40 oz of salt. I used 75% coconut and 25% other stuff (can't find my notes at the moment, and I just had them yesterday! The Desk Fairies abound!)....bubbly creamy white lather for me, squat for DH and Momma. :laugh2:


  2. I had that happen once. I didn't have the log mold lined very well...I guess my corners weren't mitred enuf or something...If I remember right....after getting thoroughly frustrated with it, I tossed it to DH. He ran a butter knife down between the mold (wooden!) and the freezer paper and just kept working it until he got it to come out. It wasn't pretty. I've since given up on doing M&P in a log mold that a) is wooden with hinged sides and B) isn't 100% square anyway. :P

    Work it, girl. You'll get it out eventually!


  3. Well! It sure is an oddity. I used 80% coconut oil and it lathers like mad for me....not big bubbles...but lots of creamy bubbles...LOTS. Sue...when you get that box I sent...you and SO try it and see. What a trip, huh?

    I'm with Carol though.....there is obviously something wrong with my mother and my DH. :laugh2:


  4. My first batch of salt bars finally hit it's 3 week cure this week. :yay:

    My mom was over and I handed her *my* bar and she went for the sink. It didn't bubble for her at all. I grabbed the bar and hipped her out of the way and it bubbled on my hands like mad. So, DH hips me out of the way and grabs the bar and no bubbles for him either. What's up w/ that?? I thought maybe DH and mom had oils on their hands from something...so they washed with hand soap first.....and still no salt bar bubbles for them...not even baby ones. For me? It's like the Lawrence Welk show in my sink. (Did I just show my age? :laugh2: Damn!)


  5. You know, I did. I had to guess at what % FO to use. I found posts that said 6% and posts that said 36%. :o....and I was doing a small batch and OOPS! Added too much FO on the scale....:laugh2: ....I'd have to go find my notes after I remember where I left them to see how much FO I used. But about 7-8 hours later, I could still smell the scent. I was happy with that. It was very moisturizing on my wrists too. LOL. I have several perfume scents in a roller ball...and they are so greasy. I like the lotion bar idea. I haven't figured out if I'm going to up it to a bigger tube or use the slim lipbalm tubes or the oval tubes...but the idea is a keeper!



  6. I use freezer paper. Along with the mold comes this lining template. You just fold the freezer paper around it a certain way (comes with picture instructions)...pop it in the mold, pull the sides back up, make a few creases in your mitered corners and tape it down (cutting away extra if necessary).


  7. That's what I thought of...wreaths.

    Now...way on back (:laugh2: ) I think it was 4th or 5th grade...we did wreaths. Get the sandwich bags without the zipper...the fold over kind. Slice them open and cut them width wise into 1 inch strips....so they are about 6"x1". You need a BUNCH. Not more than a regular size box if I remember right. Take the wire hanger and bend it into a circle. The hook part of it, bend down to make a little circle to hang it on. Now tie the strips on tight. Smoosh them together to fit more. When done, spray paint as desired. I did mine w/ a gold glitter just on the edges (way back when). I remember it held up many winters outside.....

    Or you could make a candy wreath....a gal used to make full size ones and sell them at Xmas time for like $40 a piece.... http://www.youthonline.ca/christmas/crafts/hardcandywreath.shtml

    They are impressive with the red and white candies...as well as those jewel toned brach's chewy candies...

    And now my brain hurts. LOL. It's too late to be creative!


  8. GRRRRRRRRRRR :angry2:

    Will someone please tell me if, with Select Shades, they will be an entirely different color after it gels??

    I have a 4 pound batch of Clean Cotton in the oven right now...and it is the prettiest shades of two-tone brown you have ever seen! Unfortunately, the color is *supposed* to be Deep Ocean!! GRRRRR. 1 part Purple Violet, 1/2 part Aquamarine and 1 part Marmalade. Now....can anyone tell me why it's brown and not blue and if it will change? Otherwise I'm gonna call it Clean Flannel! (I had a sleeping bag once with plaid flannel brown lining!) I SO wanted blue!!!



    (Excuse my dark ugly oven!)


  9. Well...I'm just not sure what happened....*faint* Let us not forget that I failed Chemistry...not once...but TWICE! ROFL!

    So, I soaped cold...chilled actually (the lye anyway). I did a no no with the Select Shades and that might have been the problem. I didn't mix the colors separately. Not sure what I was thinking, but I added one color directly to the soap and then added the second. All sorts of swirls happening in the pot with that! Well...after the chilly start...7 hours after I poured, the soap started to gel. So I slapped a cutting board over if. Figured if it was gonna gel, by God, I wanted it to gel to the edges! LOL. The next morning, I got this:


    The color is definately different...more aqua-y than the pastel green it was when I poured it. And the uncolored parts are darker too. But then some of the original green came back. I'm thinking it's the Select Shades boo boo. <sigh> So....inadvertantly, I think I got a three color soap! LOL.

    And here it is cut...but not cleaned up....


    Eh...there it is....


  10. Ahhh...the ice cubes....something I picked up from one of CareBear's casual comments. I tell you....I am like a sponge at times!

    My first two miserably failed batches, both had the FO seize on me. Through lots of Q&A's by the good folks here...some thought maybe either the lye water or the oils were too hot. SO, I switched to room temp soaping...and things got better. But then I'd have to make the lye water and then leave it sit on the counter <gasp> for a few hours to come to room temp. In some thread someone mentioned chilled water. So, I stuck my bottles of distilled water in the fridge in the garage, for next time. Then in a different thread, CareBear mentioned using ice and then she wouldn't have to wait for the lye to cool down. Made sense, everyone talks about freezing goat's milk, so why not freezing the water?? Duh! (I have those moments alot!) SO....I forget what I needed today...something like 15 oz of water or something like that....I used about 12 oz of ice cubes and then poured in the rest of chilled water. Took the whole mess outside and then started pouring in the lye. You kind of have to do a little at a time until the lye starts melting the ice....and it took for-freaking-ever for the water to get clear....I finally gave up on that....and by the time my other stuff was ready to go, the lye water was mostly clear. Kind of thick...but mostly clear. But...when I added the lye to my room temp oils, the lye water was still chilled to the touch. I didn't let my soap gel...never even got warm in the mold, so we'll see what happens tomorrow afternoon!

    Sorry to prattle on there!


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