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Posts posted by broadzilla

  1. Ok, just got home from work. As expected, the medical dept. had a field day with me. *lol* They gave me a dozen masks, an astronaut looking suit, and the "testing" began. They had me bring in my FO's, they supplied the baking soda. After a short period of time, they said, " We know what the problem is. When we watched you sniff the FO's, you sniffed it too deeply. That in combination with the baking soda, which you then again sniffed too deeply, you OD'd on the smells and then you "tasted" baking soda for days. Quit being so "nosey" and wear these the next time."

    That's when they handed me a HUGE pair of panties. Yep, I now have to wear my big girl panties when I try to make anything.:laugh2:

    Yes, we are all a little demented at work in that place.

    Texas Dean, I do have that info, wayyy cheap too! I'll go get it, it's saved in my email, and I'll PM it to ya.

  2. They don't smell bad at all, in fact they smelled great, but I think I know what I did now. I OD'd on FO. First I opened up all the bottles and took deep sniffs at them. It was making me queasy after the first few bottles, but I wanted to smell them all. I was inhaling them and shouldn't have been. Then immediately right after, I made some carpet freshner using one of them and immediately sprinkling some on my carpet. THEN I made another bag with a different scent for work. When I made these carpet freshners, I had them in ziplock bags and inhaled them deeply to smell them before I used one of them. This was all my own fault, and they smelled so wonderful, I just over did it not knowing what I was actually doing.

    By the way, my neighbor down the road owns his own carpet cleaning business and has for years. He said it's fine to use this on my carpet and he wished everyone that used carpet freshner would use something like what I made instead of the Carpet Fresh they buy in the store because of all the extra chemicals. He said it would be a problem if people dumped a gallon a day on their carpet, but to sprinkle it every so often and vacuum it up doesn't hurt any traffic carpet he's seen.

    Anyways, I have masks coming and I go to work tonight where there is a medical dept., and I'll be stopping in and getting all my answers.

    Thank you everyone! I'm just going to have to not be so excited to smell everything that I inhale it! *lol*

  3. Thanks candlesprite7!

    I'm ordering some right now!! I was just telling someone else that I deal with disgusting smells all night long at work and can't believe that THIS is bothering me! *lol* I go back to work to work tomorrow night, I'll have to ask the medical dept. we have connected to our work if there is anything else I can do. They think it's funny when I come in, I tend to ask the DUMBEST questions. So I'll make their night again for the week. *lol*

  4. beau's mama,

    I was so upset cause I have sooo many things I want to try. Ideas are swimming around in my head like crazy. I'm starting to see signs go up in other towns for fairs and such, not that I'd do one, but I am going to check them out and see what they have. Mostly I'd like to make stuff for my own skin and to make stuff that my grand daughters Daisy troop can sell to make money for their troop. Like dipped bears, stuff like that for them.

    I picture myself making my house smell good with stuff I made, my skin feeling soft with stuff I made, maybe a soothing bath with stuff I made and my Grand daughter telling me her troop now gets to go to such and such place because they sold all the bears. *lol*

    I am having fun though.

  5. Hi starlessjade,

    All the bottles felt dry, the lids were taped shut as well. It didn't appear any were leaking. I think like mountainmadness said, I probably over did the whole FO thing along with bottle sniffing. I hope this goes away soon so I can make a different carpet freshner and try again.

  6. Mountainmadness, I did inhale the baking soda trying to smell the baby powder I put in it. I STILL taste baking soda and might be blaming that on the FO's taste. But the scent after sniffing bottles, really made my stomach hurt. I just now took 2 Aleves, so the headache will go away. I'll be spending most of the day outside looking after the 8 brand new puppies, and I'm keeping the doors open.

    Last night I bought a 2 lb box of baking soda and swore I smelled it all the way home, 70 miles, and it was in the trunk. I'm not the one that picked it up from the shelf either. *lol* AND I had the lady double bag it.

  7. A mask! Why didn't I think of a mask?! *lol* I know the air circulation is important, but I didn't think it would be this bad since I'm not making candles or soap yet.

    The house...I about died when I saw this. It's differnt, that's why I like it so much. You know those hangars they use for planes, or those things they store hay in on farms? That's what these are made of. *lol* Some people have made them really cool. I'll have a loft in mine and a deck out side.

  8. I just read the the thread, "Why are FO's so addicting." I am new, haven't made any candles or soaps. I did make 2 bags of carpet freshner the other day though. My very first attempt at making anything. I now have a box of 39 scraggle bears to dip, 22 bottles of FO's, a 2 lb bag of wax, I bought 3 new glass jars with lids, a roll of raffia, boxes & boxes of baking soda, different salts, and some other stuff. Why am I hanging my head in shame?

    The FO's are making me sick to my stomach and give me a headache. I bought 22 bottles of FO's. I was so excited when they got here I couldn't stand it! I opened them up and smelled each one. After about the 3 rd bottle, I felt queasy. I took them all and put them on a shelf in the room where this computer is. A 10x10 room. I then took a blanket and covered the whole shelf to keep it dark where the bottles were.

    About an hour later I made 2 different kinds of carpet freshner. I was so excited I just had to try one right away. I thought it smelled really good, Baby Powder.

    About 3 hours later, while staying in this room, on the computer, where all the FO's were, I started "tasting" wierd stuff in my mouth. Like I had drank these FO's, but didn't of course! Then I got a really bad headache and my stomach was sooo queasy! I left the room and went to bed.

    The next day I came back in here and within seconds, the same thing happened. I took all the FO's out of here and had no glass containers to put them in, so I put them in an old pot I have and covered them with a glass lid. Then I brought a fan into this room and turned it on high. I can't open the window, it's sealed shut. In fact, I can't open ANY windows, they are all sealed shut. Long story concerning flies. *lol*

    I am disappointed and don't know what else to do. I want to make stuff that smells good and I can't stomach the smells!

    We are "putting up" a house in 13 months. Wanna see? It's a cross beween this...


    and this one....


    So I'm thinking I need to bust out the windows in this house since they are all sealed and put in new ones, but I REALLY don't want to spend the money on new windows for this POS.

    Does anyone else have the "sick to your stomach" feeling and combat it somehow? Opening the 2 doors doesn't seem to help much. And even today I am "tasting" that wierd taste again and I have a headache. I never get headaches either!:cry2:

  9. And I looked right at those too! And the stainless steel measuring spoons. Did I buy them? No. I was trying to find a meatballer to make bath bombs with. One track mind. Once I realized they didn't have a meatballer, I totally forgot all about the measuring cups & spoons.

  10. I kid you not, I went to Walmart tonight and got a stainless steel bowl. They had ONE that wasn't huge. Only one, and it has rubber on the bottom. Almost 6 bucks. It's a 1.5 quart bowl. I swear every time I go there I am amazed at what they don't have. I wanted a smaller bowl. I also tried to find small glass jars with lids. I found 3, but they weren't as small as I wanted either. It's my own fault, about once a month I say I'm not going there anymore, and then I end up going. *UGH*!!!! I need to start finding these online places for the things I want.

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