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Posts posted by daniedb

  1. I'm glad they handled it well, but I also understand that extreme frustration that it can cause when you have to scramble at the last minute. I've used them for about 2 years, and have had nothing but good experiences with them. I love the new clamshells. I wasn't sure at first, because it created more bulk for storage, but there's no comparison for how clean and neat it keeps the labels, in my dirty, messy workshop.

  2. I actually spray the bleach/water solution all over the stick blender stick, and then try to let it air dry. I follow up with a spray of 91% alcohol to help evaporate any water, and also to boost the sterlization. I wipe down the hand part with the bleach solution on a paper towel, then follow with some alcohol sprays and allow it to air dry. I do pretty much the same on the bowels and other utensils. I never feel like it's clean enough, either. :rolleyes2

  3. It's funny how strong suggestion is. I had an 8 oz bottle of LLC and it's fine. It's a good scent, I can see why people like it, but I don't care for sweet citrus scents, so I sold it. Every time I read one of Malinda's posts, or someone else who adores it, it kinda makes me wonder if I should have gotten rid of it. :P

  4. I like their container candles, I just hate how expensive they are.

    You know what I LOVE? Their samples. They have these little tins, I think they're deep 4 oz tins, each individually labeled, and they sit in that soft smooshy material (what is that stuff?) inside cutouts for the tins, I think it's a very nice presentation. I've been looking for a similar layout, but can't find it outside of actually becoming a rep and buying the sample set.

    A few of my friends are reps, so I've gotten to see the whole sales process, and it seems hard. I lived in Phoenix for three years, so they were everywhere...everyone on every corner sold them.

  5. Ambra di Nepal - very sexy and romantic

    Neroli di Orsini - very true to the orange blossom. I've been on a hunt for a while, and I am very happy with this one.

    Others I've tried -

    Tuscan Tomato & Basil - very basil-y and food smelling. You'd have to have a specific market for it.

    Iced Keenum Black Tea - I can see it in soap, but not really in other B&B, very tea smelling, tannic and strong.

    Malabar Peppercorn - I LOVE it as a sniffie, but don't want to recommend it just because I haven't tried it in anything. DELISH!

  6. You have to wait at least 24 hours to test for wicking - if you're burning after "a few hours" then you may be trying too soon. Even when wax looks solid and set up, it's not always the case. As you can see, there are varying opinions about curing and scent throw testing time. Personally, I like to see a strong scent throw after the first 24 hours, but if I absolutely adore the scent, I put it aside for another few days and try again to see if it's stronger.

  7. In general, the answer is yes. You can use a cheapo container to test throw, etc. but the drawback is that you're still going to have to figure out wicking in order to determine those factors. If your cheap container is wicked incorrectly, you won't get a good determination about the wax. So, just something to think about - if you have to go through the wicking testing with a cheapo anyway, why not spend a little more upfront, and use the more expensive containers and only have to do wicking once with it?

    For testing purposes, you can reuse the containers, so it's not like you have to go out an invest in a pallet of glass, KWIM?

    As for the 2x 4 = 8 oz, yes, again, in general, it will be about the same. There are small variables like, depending on the neck of the jar, you may only be able to full your 8 oz jar to 7.8 oz, or maybe it will hold 8.2 oz, or whatever. However, if you find that your wax performs best with a 6% FO load, then obviously, the percentage won't change, that's the beauty of working with percentages. And your color, if 4 drops works great in 4 oz of wax, then you should be happy with 8 drops in 8 oz. Again, small factors vary, but in general, you are correct.

  8. I wish one of the other 'bigger' supply places would put one together too because their website drives me crazy.... but I won't name names.;)

    OMgosh, ditto. One thing that drives me crazy is that one place I order from a lot calls their FOs "fragrances" and then have them listed as "scents" when you go to buy them, so it always takes me an extra minute, because I ALWAYS forget. Their site makes me nuts, I really wish they'd get a cleaner format.

  9. My rambling thoughts - if it's sexy and sassy, I'd be fine buying "[Whatever] Girl" brand. However, if it's not, like if it's like BBW's "American Girl" line of products, that would scream teenager to me, and I wouldn't even look at it, because I would assume that it wasn't going to appeal to me. I find that the main reason that people look at my stuff places isn't because it's a soy candle, or a natural approach to skin care...it's because of the name and packaging.

  10. You can get it shiny, but I actually prefer the matte look, it's more my style. And I have mine stapled at Kinkos, they have a machine that makes it look perfect. I would have had to have buy one of those extra long staplers that cost as much as having it done would have. I downloaded a great template from www.microsoft.com, they have some great starting points.

  11. LOL, these are so funny!

    My worst blunder was when I was in a huge hurry, and trying to multitask. I had a small glass dish, about an ounce, that had some wax in it and I put it IN a saucepan with a tiny bit of water, to melt it quickly on the stovetop (why didn't I put it in the microwave, you ask? I dunno). I totally forgot about it (multitasking be damned), and when I remembered, I was so frantic to get back in there that I raced in without my shoes, saw that the water had all boiled away, so I grabbed a pair of tongs, fished out the container, and placed it on the cool stovetop. Upon contact with the cool counter, the firey hot container shattered into a million pieces, which caused me to jump back, landing on a billion degree piece of glass, embedding itself in my foot, but also, since it was so hot, burned a hole right in there, which served to cauterize the wound, but also made me feel like I had just been branded. I've never screamed so loud...thankfully, it healed without infection, but it took over SIX months for the wound to close properly and for my foot to look normal again. I was on crutches for about a week, which is delightful with a 2-year-old.

    Yay me.

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