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Posts posted by daniedb

  1. :rolleyes: Why is everyone soooooo quick to jump on someone???

    Because everyone is gruuuuuuumpy lately. ;) I actually thought that while I wouldn't draw the conclusion on my own, maybe ebarnes thought that since Peak's used to (and many people still think they do) sponsor the forum, and there have been a bazillion JS posts lately, that Peaks was taking notice of all the posts about it and added some new oils. I don't think that's the case, but I can certainly see that she's not crazy or a troll, just made an assumption. *GASP*

  2. Well, you can sub almost any oil for it, but it's not going to give you the reputed benefits of emu itself. The feel of the lotion may be similar, or the same, but you won't get the goodies of the emu, which is supposed to help with a variety of skin complaints.

    I get mine from MMS or Onederbar (we need an acronym for Onederbar, now! ODB?)

  3. Are you talking the whipped butter, or the emulsified? I do ~2.5 gallons at a time, but I just use my stick blender and use a giant Rubbermaid container. That's the emulsified butter, so it's a different story that having to whip a whole lot o' shea. I would imagine you would need a commercial KA-type stand mixer for that - restaurant supply stores are great for that sort of thing.

  4. Oh, I love where you're going with it, I think it's going to be a beautiful site. I understand the frustration, I think a break is definitely called for. Sometimes, something that I notice is that there's actually just one element or another that I'm unhappy with, if I really think about it. Then, if I change that one thing, suddenly, I love the whole look again. Is there anything you're particularly unhappy about? If so, try taking that out, and experiment. If that's not it, well, then, just keep at it, it's a beautiful site.

  5. Yeah, I'm really disappointed that it's so much. Especially when you add the hotel room on top of it. The conference itself is not a HUGE cost, although it's enough...but I REALLY wanted to take a mental health vacation and get my own room and everything. That would be like $500 after meals and everything, and I doubt DH and I want to spend that much on a few days vacation just for me! :(

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