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Erin Lea

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Posts posted by Erin Lea

  1. 'cause I just sent a "not so nice" e-mail expressing my thoughts. Very professional' date=' but the tone is not nice at all. I couldn't help it...there was really no nice way to express my disgust! Will someone actually read it :confused: More importantly, will they even care!? After all, I'm just one person...one person who could pull 10 potential customers away from them!


    I sent them an email on the 28th expressing my digust at their "behavior" in this matter, mentioned to them that they are being talked about on various boards, and basically told them I'd be looking elsewhere for my WSP supplies unless they responded appropriately. Have I heard anything back? Nope. Not a word. I am utterly digusted with that business.

  2. lol..that's what I was afraid of. It is a great fragrance. Oh well....maybe I'll just buy it and only it from them. We'll see. Whether I purchase from them again depends on her response and general attitude to an email I sent regarding the price raising/flat rate shipping issue.

  3. I love WSP - I also order a lot of fo and B&B stuff from them - all very good. I always save order on fo until I have the 50.00 for the free shipping, and as good as I love fo's it not hard to come up with an order! Deb even called me not to long ago on a Sat about an email I had sent them with a question. Sure hope things work out for them. Really don't want to go elsewhere.

    I do the same thing--buy at the sister site with the free shipping. But, if they're raising their already high prices to compensate for the money they're losing on the flat rate shipping then I'll take my business elsewhere.

  4. To anyone who has used the WSP Clean Laundry you know that it really isn't a linen fragrance (at least not IMO)...it is more of an ozone, fresh air scent and it is incredible. Has anyone found a simliar scent at another supplier? I'm searching for replacements for all my WSP oils.

    Another one I'm having hard time finding (and I won't purchase from RA) is Red Currant & Thyme (a B&BW dupe).

  5. Yeah, I noticed the same thing with those jars. Still not a bad deal, but they changed it right before I was going to make an order so my total was bumped to a few dollars over the $25. I'll have to redo the order a bit to bring it down because the shipping jumped from $6.95 to $36.80 for going $2 over the $25 limit for the flat shipping.

    I think your post says it all. This is absolutely absurd. Jumping from $6.95 shipping to $36.80 for a $2.00 increase in product. I'm sorry but there is not a $2.00 product out there that is worth an extra $29.85 in shipping.

    When I read on here that they offer the flat rate shipping for $25 and under I wasn't as excited as some. I don't make purchases for under $25--I try to buy in larger quantities. IMO flat rate shipping is an absurd solution for a supplier. I do think they should offer it for the smaller orders, but it is not a real solution for a supplier's shipping needs. I think a more appropriate solution would've been to simply lower the overall shipping costs to something reasonable. Wow...how about this...ACTUAL SHIPPING COSTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: And, if they insist on a handling fee then how about $1.00 per order...that covers the box, tape and packing materials for a company shipping that much product.

    This is insane. I'm done with them. If we ran our business like that we'd be out of business. LOL..picture this:

    "Hello ma'am thank you for your order of 3 8 oz. candles. Because the value of that exceeds $25.00 by $2.00 we will not be able to offer you flat rate shipping. We're going to have to charge a $10.00 handling fee because that extra $2.00 is much more work for our employees and the actual shipping charge is going to be $32.50. Now, how would you like to pay?"

  6. Geez...this really pisses me off. I really love a lot of their FOs and this crap just burns me. Their prices are already high IMO and ARRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It makes me want to send hate email! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:

    Does anyone know if the owner ever get on here like other suppliers?

    It may be time to start looking for another source for my WSP oils.

  7. In some cases 1 1/2 oz. of FO per pound can be too much and may cause you to have a weak scent throw. I don't know that it is the problem in your case though.

    As Suzanne brought up, what temp. do you add your FO?

    I think I'd let it cure awhile longer, give it a week, and then come back to it. If it still doesn't give you a scent throw I'd tweak some variables.

    Maybe someone who uses the exact FO you've used would be able to tell you what amount they use. Does anyone reading this have experience using Candlescience Apple Cinnamon FO?

  8. Janet, I'm confused on the amount of FO you're using. The first post said 1 3/4 oz. per pound of wax---which I read to mean 1.75 oz. Your second post leads me to believe you're using less, but I can't discern exactly how much you're using per pound of wax. I always start with 1 oz. of FO per pound of wax--unless it is a super strength FO like WYW and then I use 1/2 oz. per pound. If I feel I need more strength, I'll increase the amount, but I do believe 1.75 oz. per pound, if that's what you're using, may be too much.

  9. You're correct on hot/cold throw.

    As for the hot throw, how long has it been lit? Do you have a good melt pool?

    What wick and what container?

    I don't use your wax so I may not be much help. It may need to cure longer. You may not have a correct combination of wick/jar. You may have candlenose.

    You also may be using too much FO per pound. What brand/scent of FO are you using?

  10. Well....I'd say the basic steps are the same: melt wax, pour wax into a jar.

    But, you're right...everyone has their own way of doing it. Some people warm their jars, some don't. Some pour cold & slushy, some don't. Everyone uses a different type of wick, sometimes different sizes of the same wick in the same jar. There's not a definitive answer to your question because we all do things a bit differently! :grin2:

  11. Umm... they're supposed to be lumpy. :whistle:

    Actually they hold their shape, you only heat them long enough to make them stick together...

    Unless I'M missing something here... which is very possible :laugh2:

    Some people bake the Ornies until they're smooth with no lumps. The look a little like stained glass in that state. I prefer mine bumpy, but I've definitely made them smoother when I've left them in the oven too long!

  12. w....t....f....


    (Oh well--Congrats on being the first person that said something crazy enough for me to finally step outta lurker-mode, at least...!)


    lmao...that's funny!

    Ok Top............um...HOW is this used as an additive? I think I must be missing a huge piece of this puzzle. When I "bake" my beads to make Ornies I bake them at 350 degrees and they still don't melt into a liquid state that could combine with another liquid. Do you simply have chunky beads in the candle? Wait...are we even talking candle additives here?.......God I feel stupid....:shocked2:

  13. Makes you wonder why we keep on going with the soy, huh? I suppose it's like a husband, you know you love him but he can drive you nuts without even trying, sometimes just breathing!

    lmao....I think you just found my new slogan...:laugh2:

    "Soy wax is like a husband. It's a PITA but once you're in love you can't leave it behind."

  14. Doris-Yes, wickless melt. Perhaps a wickless would be a better option here, but it would need to be a small wickless I think. When I put my 8 oz. wickless on the warmer that is a LOT of hot wax. Also, not sure how hot the warmer gets the wickless candles so it may be too warm for this purpose.

  15. Ok...this is a confusing post for me. I'm not really sure what the question is, but I'm going to take a stab at this.

    1) Pick up a presto pot at Walmart. No need for the spout--I have spouts on mine and don't use them. Walmart has cheap presto pots. If you can't do that then heat your wax with a double boiler.

    2) I add my FO at around 170-180 and then I pour at the slushy stage. I have no idea what temp this is as I just eyeball it and when it starts to slush up, I pour. It helps a TON with the bumpy wierd tops.

    What do you mean when you say only 1 out of 10 has turned out? What exactly became of the other 9? Just funky tops or ugly? Making soy pretty is an art and it's something you'll learn as you work with it. But, having a pretty candle isn't what's important IMO---it's how good it smells that's important! How do they smell?

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